Nous enquêtons sur les abus des droits humains partout dans le monde et nous les dénonçons. An April 2019 protest law risks undermining the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. L'ONG dénonce des actes "abusifs" et "racistes".

The French Ombudsman, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and NGOs criticized the law for undermining access to asylum, including by weakening appeal rights and safeguards for those subject to accelerated asylum procedures. World Report 2019 - France. Human Rights Watch dénonce « des contrôles de police abusifs et racistes sur des enfants » en France — via @lemondefr Le Monde ( ) « La police fait usage de ses pouvoirs de contrôle et de fouille à l’encontre de jeunes Noirs et Arabes même en l’absence de signe d’infraction à la loi.

The government failed to pursue necessary reforms to tackle discriminatory police identity checks. Living conditions for migrants and asylum seekers in the Calais area remain squalid and harassment of aid workers there by police continued.Child protection authorities in Paris continued to use flawed age assessment procedures for unaccompanied migrant children, excluding many from care they need and are entitled to, leaving hundreds homeless.In July, the Constitutional Council ruled that solidarity was among the highest values of the French republic and that assisting undocumented migrants should not therefore be criminalized “when these acts are carried out for humanitarian purposes.” This ruling was enshrined in the August immigration and asylum law. NGOs remain concerned that judges could narrowly interpret the humanitarian exception in a way that permits prosecutions.Since late 2017, France’s asylum office selected 458 refugees currently in camps in Niger and Chad for resettlement. Flawed age assessments of unaccompanied migrant children exclude many from care. The French Ombudsman, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and NGOs criticized the law for undermining access to asylum, including by weakening appeal rights and safeguards for those subject to accelerated asylum procedures.
125K likes. is funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, the Austrian Ministry of the Interior and Caritas Austria. ENG; FRA (Paris, June 18, 2020) – French police use overly broad stop-and-frisk powers to conduct discriminatory and abusive checks on Black and Arab boys and men, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Join our movement today. French police used excessive force during sometimes violent demonstrations since late 2018, causing injuries to protestors who were not engaged in violence.

Human Rights Watch en français, Paris. The National Commission on Human Rights reported in March that violent anti-Muslim acts had increased in 2017 by 8 percent compared to 2016.The welcome decision to include access to inclusive education in the national strategy for autism launched in April stood in contrast to a housing law adopted in October that would reduce the obligation to ensure that new housing is wheelchair accessible.In August, France adopted a new sexual violence law aimed at tackling sexual harassment and sexual violence against children.

In August, France adopted a flawed asylum and immigration law. Dans un rapport de 44 pages publié jeudi, Human Rights Watch pointe du doigt la pratique des contrôles au faciès de la police français. Counterterrorism powers remain open to abuse. is supported by ECRE & UNHCR.

The law failed to ban detention of migrant children, despite six European Court of Human Rights rulings that such detention by France violated their rights. In September, a man was convicted of street harassment (“France’s Universal Periodic Review took place in January and the report was adopted in June. Aidez-nous à les faire cesser, rejoignez-nous.

Human Rights Watch released details of a mass grave in Al-Hota gorge in northern Syria, in a report published on May 4.
Thursday 18 June 2020. In August, France adopted a flawed asylum and immigration law. A Human Rights Watch report has found child athletes in Japan often suffer physical and verbal abuse and sometimes sexual abuse when training for …

Human Rights Watch a constaté les mêmes pratiques défectueuses dans les procédures d’évaluation de l’âge à Paris, et a recueilli des témoignages de décisions arbitraires prises dans d’autres départements français, ce qui laisse penser qu’il s’agit d’un problème répandu en France. In November, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced a 69 percent increase in antisemitic attacks in the first nine months of 2018 compared to 2017. That is why France is putting forward a candidacy for a seat on the Human Rights …

The first-hand information that Human Rights Watch collects through its investigations around the world allow us to The French office of Human Rights Watch, established in 2007, works daily on the French policy on human rights so that it is as active as possible on the international stage, enabling France to play the role of a true leader in Europe and the world in this field. Human Rights Watch a … Human rights in France are contained in the preamble of the Constitution of the French Fifth Republic, founded in 1958, and the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.France has also ratified the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the European Convention on Human Rights 1960 and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2000). The Office of the High Commissioner and the mechanisms of the Human Rights Council, which France has supported since their creation, are also essential in promoting and implementing these achievements. Human Rights Watch on Monday called on Mali to bring to justice jihadist and ethnic militants who killed more than 450 people in the centre of the war-torn country last year.

The law makes street harassment an offense, raises the statute of limitation on sex crimes against children from 20 to 30 years, and gives judges the power to rule on a case by case basis that sex by an adult with a child under 15 is rape but falls short of criminalizing all such sex with a child under 15 as rape. The NGO said that the Islamic state (IS) … Authorities cleared the camps in late May and early September respectively. France: Children Face Abusive, Racist Police Stops Ethnic Profiling Fuels Distrust, Exclusion.