Das seit 1818 familiengeführte Unternehmen beschäftigt insgesamt 280 Personen.

- 3000 m³ de grumes transformées par jour ; - volume annuel de sciage : 400 000 m³ ; - la raboterie à Niederhaslach. In the catchment areas of its operations, the company assists communities with education and social infrastructure development such as roads, potable water, electricity, dispensaries and the like.Our future is turned towards energy mixes and the use of renewable energies.Siat firmly believes in environmentally friendly production. - la scierie traditionnelle à Heiligenberg ;

Implantée en Alsace, au cœur du massif vosgien, l’activité de l’entreprise s’étend sur trois sites distants de quelques kilomètres :

CONSTRUCTION. For instance, all factory waste of the oil mills is recycled into the plantation or used as fuel to generate green process steam and electricity.Siat Group has committed to assess all its estates using different tools and creating action plan based on the results of assessment like:  High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock Approach (based on HVC RN methodologies), Land Use Change Analysis, New Planting Procedure, GreenHouse Gas calculation (based on RSPO Methods), Social and Environmental assessment (based on RSPO and national regulation when mandatory).Every year since 2014, Siat presents in a report the results of the indicators lin­ked to Siat’s social and environmental policies. The company expects all its employees, business partners and associates to adhere to these policies. Certification PEFC Die hohen Qualitätsstandards des SIAT – Stahls werden in geplanten und konstant in jeder einzelnen Phase kontrollierten.Produktionsprozessen hergestellt. June 15, 2020 12:46 PM WEST MENU. The Group strongly believes in an environmental responsible management and firmly cares about its social responsibilities. Siat carries out its corporate responsibility by taking a long term approach to strategic decision-making that recognizes the interests of its staff, shareholders, business partners, consumers, and the world-wide economies in which it operates.The Group strongly believes in an environmental responsible management and firmly cares about its social responsibilities.Siat Group validated several policies clearly defining its strategy and commitments towards the environment, social development, employee protection and respect of the quality demanded by our customers.Besides Siat’s firm ecological commitment, the Group also cares about its social responsibilities.

Les produits SIAT BRAUN : - bois sur mesure (débits sur liste) ; - le site principal, à Urmatt comprenant les services administratifs et d’encadrement (direction, commercial, logistique, comptabilité, méthodes, etc. WINE & SPIRITS. The Company offers roof, cleats, pellets, granules, and molds which used for building construction, as well as packaging products.

- autres produits rabotés. - bois d'ossature ; The group takes a long-term … The Siat head office is located in Zaventem, to the east of Brussels (about 5 minutes from the airport). - 100 camions de grumes et billons réceptionnés par jour ; The consolidation of these results over time enables us to better position the Group within the context of continuous improvement and to link Group per­formance to the global issues raised in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Home; Company Profile; Key developments; Corporate Responsibility - 15 000 000 ml de Tasseaux et Moulures par an ; Certification Timber - bois d'emballage-coffrage ;

Die Sägerei SIAT-BRAUN, gelegen in Urmatt / Elsass, stellt mit jährlich etwa 600.000 m³ verarbeitetem Nadelholz die größte Sägerei Frankreichs dar.