On July 21, 1971, TAKI's fate was sealed: "TAKI 183 Spawns Pen Pals," read the headline of the Times article.

Discover interesting facts about TAKI 183 on artnet. Read the biography of TAKI 183. A kid from 183rd Street in Washington Heights in northern Manhattan, TAKI's simple signature captured the attention of a reporter and, in the summer of 1971, an article appeared in The New York Times. The Savage Nomads gang was headquartered a block away, but they didn't bother the locals. He went to college and learned car repair and bodywork. Livraison dans le monde entier et retours gratuits !Vous êtes une galerie et souhaitez vendre des oeuvres de cet artiste ? TAKI 183 TAKI 183 (* 1953 oder 1954) gilt als ein Pionier des urbanen Graffiti-Writing. TAKI 183 is one of the most influential graffiti writers in its history.

Taki 183, de son vrai nom Demetrius, est un artiste de rue américain, né en Grèce. 1 000 $ - 2 500 $ Creating biographies or improving upon them is a work in progress, and we welcome information from our knowledgeable viewers. Dimitraki, más conocido como TAKI 183, es un artista de grafiti estadounidense que nació en Nueva York, pero conserva raíces griegas, por ello su nombre. 10 000 $ - 25 000 $ TAKI 183 (* 1953 oder 1954) gilt als ein Pionier des urbanen Graffiti-Writing.. Der in New York lebende Grieche begann in den späten 1960er Jahren seinen Spitznamen Taki (Verniedlichung von Dimitrios oder Dimitraki; Taki) an Wände zu schreiben, während er als Bote tätig war. Monument du graffiti, Taki 183 est officieusement considéré par ses pairs comme le précurseur du tag new-yorkais. His "tag" was short for Demetraki, a Greek alternative for his birth-name Demetrius, and the number 183 came from his address on 183rd Street in Washington Heights. It was probably one of these tags on the Upper East Side that caught the eye of the New York Times reporter, who tracked TAKI down near his home. Ces oeuvres sont les dernières disponibles de Taki 183. 5 000 $ - 10 000 $