Contemporary Art. Through Children's Eyes. A Closer Look. She enjoyed a privileged relationship with a number of artists. The Elements of Art. (wobei üblicherweise angenommen wird, das François Clouet daran mitwirkte), ein Porträt von Franz II.

The Elements of Art .

Individual Donors. A Closer Look. Department off Paintings, Musée du Louvre © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre)_Stéphane Maréchalle20_Maître de Dinteville (Bartholomeus Pons), La Légende de Sainte-Eugénie, Varzy, Mairie © Conseil départemental de la Nièvre - Emmanuel Darnault.jpg22_Maître de Dinteville (Bartholomeus Pons), Trois hommes descendant des tonneaux dans une cave © Städel Museum - U. Edelmann - ARTOTHEK.jpgBy purchasing a great deal of Dutch tapestries, gold- and silverware, and paintings, François I played a central role in promoting emerging artists from the Netherlands. Search; Search ok.

Tales of the Museum. La tête, à peine idéalisée, représentée avec une grande précision, est peinte d'après un dessin du musée de Chantilly, attribué à Jean Clouet. Through Children's Eyes. Search; Search ok. Reprenant la mise en page du Portrait de Charles VIIpeint par Fouquet, Jean Clouet représente François Ier de face, regardant noblement le spectateur. Culturali e del Turismo.jpg3_Noël Bellemare, La Sagesse de Salomon, Paris, Eglise Saint Gervais-Saint Protais © Cécile Scailliérez.jpg4_Maître d’Amiens, La Mort de la Vierge © Museum Mayer van den Bergh, Anvers.jpg6_François Demoulins, Le Livre du Fort Chandio © BnF.jpg7_Jean Clouet, François Ier, roi de France, département des peintures, musée du Louvre © RMN - Grand Palais (Musée du Louvre)_Michel Urtado.jpg8_Jean Clouet, François, Dauphin de France © Royal Collection Trust_ Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2017.jpg9_Jean Clouet, Portrait de Claude de Guise © Gallerie degli Uffizi - Gabinetto fotografico.jpg11_Jean Clouet_Portrait de François Ier en saint Jean Baptiste © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre)_René-Gabriel Ojéda.jpg12_Jean Clouet, Portrait de Louis de Clèves, comte de Nevers © Courtesy of Fondazione Accademia Carrara, Bergamo.jpg13_Joos Van Cleve, Portrait d’Eléonore d’Autriche © Royal Collection Trust_Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2017.jpg14_Joos Van Cleve, Lucrèce © Erich Lessing, Vienne.jpg15_Wilhelm de Pannemaker sur les dessins de Pieter Coecke van Aelst, l’Arrestation de saint Paul, KBC Bank, Louvain © KBC Collection Rockox House, Antwerp.jpg17_Corneille de Lyon, Béatrice Pacheco, comtesse d’Entremont © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles)_Philippe Bernard.jpg18_Corneille de Lyon, Portrait of Pierre Aymeric.

Although the appetite of François I for Italian art is well known and his patronage is essentially identified with the creation of the Italian-influenced second School of Fontainebleau, his reign was equally notable for the well-established tradition of Dutch artists settling in France.Romeo and Juliet by Benjamin Millepied at the Seine Musicale in ParisExhibition "Christo et Jeanne-Claude, Paris!" Search the Collection; Search; Online Tours; Selected Works; Visitor Trails ; … The best-known Northern artists active in France during his reign—Jean Clouet and Corneille de La Haye known as Corneille de Lyon—were portrait specialists. 448 pages, 335 illustrations, €45Co-published by Musée du Louvre Editions and Somogy Editions d'Art, €8Cécile Scailliérez, Senior Curator, Department of Paintings, Musée du Louvre.Program details will be published on the Musée du Louvre website.Philippe Malgouyres, Senior Curator, Department of Decorative Arts, Musée du Louvre.Enjoy listening to informative commentary by the curator on selected artworks.