Select the topics that interest you: Get POPSUGAR Australia delivered to your inbox. He had served for 24 years, and at the end of his reign, he had been King for nearly half the time the genre had existed.

Rhaegar is so taken with Ned Stark's sister (who was also Robert Baratheon's betrothed) that when he wins the tournament, he gives the victor's wreath to Lyanna instead of his wife.

Favorite It Now. The realm was battered and bruised by the time spring's thaw came.

Though initially the heir to the throne, he would inherit the throne only a short few months later, when his father was found dead. Please select the topics you're interested in:

For a while, they were even doing quite well, until the Fourth Dornish war in 83 AC. Lord Massey and other surviving rebellious lords were tried and hanged in a single day, Justiciar presence was increased, and House Rambton, for their loyalty, were named the overlords of House Sunglass. The Lannisters even eventually join the rebellion after the Battle of the Trident, which is where This defeat is the beginning of the end of the Targaryens, which is why the Lannisters finally join Robert's side — like true Lannisters, they wait to see which side emerges victorious before they make a choice.After Rhaegar's death, the Lannisters sack King's Landing. The fourth Crown Administration of Westeros and of the genre was House Targaryen under King Rhaegar I Targaryen, IRhaegarITargaryenI.

Rei Aerys Targaryen, [cal citació] el segon d'aquest nom, mort per Jaime Lannister durant el Saqueig de Port Reial; La seva germana i esposa, la Reina Rhaella de la Casa Targaryen, morta en un part a Rocadrac. How Rhaegar Targaryen's Death Basically Caused Everything on Game of Thrones With the Justiciars having collapsed during the Hook Uprising, Rhaegar named Harry Darry as Lord Justiciar, and together they began to rebuild.

The conflict was bloody on both sides, but in time, the rebels were beat back and defeated, with the last battle having been the Battle of Falling Stones at Stonedance. The loss of his mentor surprisingly affected Rhaegar deeply, but like the rest of the kingdom, he endured.

No, Uncle George's Story About the White House Isn't Quite True on Lovecraft Country Despite his best efforts, his ill-prepared and unkingly son, Even from a young age, Rhaegar gained a reputation as a firm, unrelenting, stubborn man. Sign up for our newsletter. Rhaegar's rule would only grow more stressful with the Dragonblight outbreak of 69 AC, during which the Riot in Fishmonger's Square occurred, and Prince Jaehaerys, who had been serving as Hand since the end of the regency, died of the disease.

Want more now? Several months later, Rhaegar allegedly abducts Lyanna, but we now know from season six that she goes with him of her own free will — and they secretly get married, as we found out in This controversy is what spurs Robert Baratheon's rebellion, backed by the great Houses Arryn, Greyjoy, Stark, and Tully.

The joust would be won by a mystery knight, simply known as the Knight of Seven Oaks, who would disappear from King's Landing not long after. The Boys: Here's Why The Deep Is No Longer a Part of The Seven The 10 Best New Shows Amazon Prime Has to Offer This Year

In 71 AC, Queen Saerys gave birth to a healthy boy named Aenar. Viserys felt as though his father was too harsh on him, and did not see things from his perspective, while Rhaegar secretly felt as though Viserys was a disappointment. Rhaegar insisted on fighting in the melee, and put up a valiant effort, only to be bested by his mentor in the end.