Hindun menjawab, "hanya memimpin kaumnya saja? Walid agreed, but Marwan interrupted demanding that Husayn be detained until he pledged allegiance. Il est mort à Kufa vers 673 [1].. Biographie. which was the verbal abuse and insult of Ali Ibn Abi Talib during the sermons in the mosques.
Rabi‘ah then ambushed Sergius' troops on the afternoon of 4 February, some 12 miles east of Gaza.Heraclius was furious and then organized an army of 100,000 men. The evil in these events was personified by Yazid ibn Muawiya (may Allah curse him), a man who was simply a despicable human, let alone a so-called Muslim. Sesungguhnya aku benar-benar mengetahui bahwa dia lebih utama dariku dan lebih berhak memegang khilafah dariku. 1, p. 363; al Isaba, vol. 4, p. 623, Translation no. The late (Sunni) theologian Mawdudi (founder of Jamaat-E-Islami) wrote that the establishment of the caliphate as (essentially) a monarchy began with the caliphate of Muawiyah I. "The Greek historian Theophanus does not call Muawiyah a king or an emperor, but rather a 'primus inter pares', or in Greek, a In the early literature like Musnad Ahmed 4/216 there are hadith like this one: They shall receive the reward of what they earned and you of what you earned. 18, p. 201; al Istiab, vol. MU˓AWIYA (?–680)Mu˓awiya ibn Abi Sufyan was the first Umayyad caliph (661–680 c.e.). It wasn't the kind where Muawiyah was appointed by the Muslims. Mu'awiyah memulai karier politiknya sebagai penguasa setelah ditunjuk menjadi Gubernur Syria pada 639 oleh Pada masanya, Mu'awiyah melakukan berbagai upaya penaklukan. During the later part of Uthman bin Affan's rule, Ali advised Uthman to keep a check on Mu'awiyah's growing power, saying: 602, Mecca, Arabia - d. April/May 680, Damascus). He later embraced Islam. Mu'awiya's year of birth is uncertain with 597, 603 or 605 cited by the Muslim traditional sources. Act so fiercely that they have no chance to do anything before giving the oath of allegiance. "It must be said, however, that the rise of Mu'awiyah came partly through his family connections to the Umayyad tribe. He was politically adept in dealing with the eastern Roman Empire and was therefore made into a secretary by Muhammad.During Mu'awiya's rule he put into practice the advice that Muhammad had given him, "When you rule, do it well. Immediately following Husayn's exit, Marwan admonished Walid, who in turn rebutted Marwan, justifying his refusal to harm Husayn by stating "On the Day of Resurrection a man who is [responsible] for the blood of Al-Husayn [will weigh] little in the scale of God".
When Husayn met Walid and Marwan in a semi-private meeting, he was informed of Muawiya's death and Yazid's accession to the caliphate. 2, p. 191; al Bidaya wa al Nihaya, vol. Namun, Muawiyah sendiri mengatakan bahwa, "aku masuk Islam dalam peristiwa Hadist di atas adalah hadist shahih yang diriwayatkan oleh banyak ahli hadist dan membicarakan tentang kebaikan MuawiyahSetelah Muawiyah membuktikan kekuatannya atas dua peristiwa sebelumnya, Umar mengangkatnya sebagai Gubernur Mayoritas kaum Muslimin pada saat itu adalah orang Pada zaman Utsman, Muawiyah cukup banyak melakukan inspeksi militer ke daerah perbatasan daerah kekuasaannya di Syam. Notoriously guarded about his thoughts, motives and emotions, Mu’awiya was universally known as a figure of immense political acumen. According to Al-Imam al-Waqidi, the first Muslim historian on the events, Abu Bakr then appointed Muawiyah's friend Abu Bakr then sent Abu Ubaydah towards Syria, slowly encircling the Roman armies.The specific time and date is derived from a notice in a Syrian chronicle written sometime around the year 640 and which in turn seems to draw on a near-contemporary record. Mereka juga mengkhawatirkan perbatasan yang sedang lemah dan kapan saja bisa diserang oleh Saat kabar tentang Ali yang terbunuh sampai kepada Muawiyah, ia menangis.