Their singing was so good all the notes were on point, the dancing skills were out of this world. It was still worth it.
It was a great show with phenomenal songs and a great group performing. *_*♡ (also,CONGRATS^-^on the 2017 BBMA nomination!I'll be sure to vote for my loves BTS♡^_^)-I still want to be brought back to that day...>~<♡.IF ANYONE HAS THE CHANCE TO GO..DO IT! This was finally it. I wanted to cry and I screamed so loud I lost my vocals haha. At one point, I swear to god she was so far away that she was in the isle (fire hazard, or what? Maybe not worth the price we had to pay for the tickets.

I know that they will make even bigger accomplishments in the future. Oh and if your lucky you might get to see some of Jimin and Jungkook’ abs along with some of JHope’s pelvic thrusts, you know, if you’re in to that sort of thing! Thankfully that didn't happen to us but we were still screamed at and we didn't get to hold their hands we just walked down the line and slightly high five them. Thanks to my bestie I got the best pic of Suga and thanks to these boys I went all 3 nights because who knows when they will be back in Canada? I happen to be black so standing in the rain for 5 hours made my hair get really big and I happened to look like i had a bad hair day. It was hard to decide and I think this is also why it feels like I missed out on so much.Next year I'll go for VIP or seating. No I want to look at them in flesh, but the boys are spreaded all over the stage nor I couldn't see because of the phones blocking my view. If anyone is hesitating on going to see them perform, Don’t, you won’t regret it and you’ll never truly get to experience something like this unless you go for yourself.OMG...I can't say enough good things about BTS! But i were really close to the fences, i had GA STANDING, there was like just one person infront of me and then i saw the fences. They put on a darn good show with fantastic vocals and dancing numbers. Jimin had like a praying or something pose and smiled to me while he also lifted his eyebrows, and he when he also saw me more he smiled, he actually also saw me and then he smiled and then he moved his body to theleft to see me clearly and he smiled more heheh. She was so kind to me and while we were waiting in the arena for BTS to come out, she actually gave me Shooky sign that she had purchased from the LINE store, unfortunately, I left it behind on accident after the concert.. She was also so kind to me and was extremely nervous to finally see BTS. I myself am still confused as to why I was crying. For those tagging along as friends or parents, I do believe you will even enjoy it and respect them as well. I've just wished that that same morning the O2 had communicated about the queue news because I found out thanks to anonymous Twitter users.BTS said that they would definitely comeback to the UK which makes me very happy. The boys are all so talented and amazing. They performed 3 songs: I Need U, DNA, and Anpanman. I meant someone on the train on the way to the concert who was going as well and became a fan from attending their concert with her daughter last year. They’re features are really sharp and they really glisten. Even though it went unfair and my view was mostly blocked because of others.

They were smiling the entire time it made them look like angels that they truly are since that song literally saved my life.

All army's had so much fun together with bts!! These ladies behind me asked me if this was the GA line and I told them I was unsure. Although many good changes are happening with them gaining more and more influence. Finally it was 5 minutes till the beginning of the concert and my heart was racing!!! LE CINÉ-CONCERT DE « GREASE » À NOUVEAU REPORTÉ AU 24 MARS 2021 AU GRAND REX À PARIS Suite aux mesures sanitaires prises par le gouvernement français en vue de limiter la propagation du COVID-19 dans les salles de spectacle, nous vous informons que le ciné-concert de GREASE, initialement prévu le 22 avril 2020 puis reporté au 8 octobre 2020, est à nouveau reporté au mercredi … It was so amazing to see them in person when you’ve seen them on a tiny screen on your phone.

So all in all I would like to say to anyone who has a chance to go to their concert, trust me go and see them, it will be the most memorable event that I guarantee you will love. The crowd sang along to the fan chants and were loud for the members. Les prochains concerts de Matt Pokora ou Romeo Elvis sont eux aussi menacés. Time seemed to fly by the fastest when they were on stage, but I enjoyed every moment of it! The only way that it didn't look too bad was when I put my hair in braids BAM goth dorthy. They are for everyone and you see people of all demographics enjoying the show.
We had to stand real close in the sun for another two hours. And then it happened! After that I waited until 4:30 outside the hall to get into the venue. You could even hear the sound check outside so all waiting army's were already cheering for bts! After 2 hours of waiting while watching bts mv's, the concert started.