Daario realizes that Tyrion convinced her to leave him, but admits that it is a good move politically. Walking through the charred remains of the throne room, seeing what she saw in her vision in the House of the Undying years ago, with the Iron Throne the only piece completely intact, Daenerys ascends in awe and reaches her hand out to touch one of the snow-covered blades. In Season 3, by the time that Daenerys's ship arrives in Slaver's Bay she has shifted into a new outfit which she retains for most of the rest of the season (alternating with others such as her white gown). She then turns her attention to Jon and asks for his advice. Daenerys was initially a timid, obedient youth. This act, that her own children would threaten her, and that they are outgrowing her influence and ability to control them, leaves Daenerys visibly shaken.Daenerys returns to her Unsullied army to resume the march to Daenerys remains nonchalant when confronted by Daario.On the road to Meereen, Daenerys speaks with Missandei, who tells her queen that Meereen would be wise to fear her approach. However, as time passed, she gathered confidence and followers, becoming a formidable conquerer and ruler. Cersei has agreed to work with Daenerys, but not by keeping her troops back: the Lannister army will march north to fight alongside the Starks and Targaryens. Tyrion then informs her of his plan for the Unsullied to take Casterly Rock through a secret passageway he used during his whoring days. Daenerys extends her relief to Jon at his discovery that his half-siblings As Jon, Jorah, and their group prepare to depart on boats for Daenerys tells Tyrion about the heroes in her life.Sometime later, Daenerys discusses Drogo, Jorah, Daario and Jon Snow with Tyrion. He insists that if Jon is to be their ally, some good-willed intent must be shown from their side and as they have no use for the dragonglass, they have nothing to lose by letting Jon have it. Daenerys is distracted by a playing As she does, the hooded stranger knocks it out of her hand. When the fighting is over, the surviving fighter reveals himself as Jorah, but Daenerys, who still hasn't forgiven him, orders him taken away.
Meanwhile, Grey Worm executes Razdal and Belicho but spares Yezzan to spread tidings of her power. I think a lot of people misunderstand Daenerys.

The child is dead, her hand pointing the way to Meereen, and Jorah tells Daenerys there is one for each mile to the last of the great slave cities, 163 in total. She constructs a funeral pyre for his body. In the books, Daenerys is the great-granddaughter of Aegon V, not his granddaughter. Jon visits an imprisoned Tyrion, who tries to convince a conflicted Jon on what Daenerys has become. She warns him that the next time he fails her, it will be his very last. Distraught, he tells Daenerys that the "winged shadow" came, placing the bundle on the ground and opening it to reveal charred bones - of a Dany chains Rhaegal and Viserion following the disappearance of Drogon.Horrified, Daenerys meets with Missandei and Grey Worm in private to discuss the details of Zalla's death and how to deal with the growing threat the dragons are posing to the people of Meereen.
Both come to a standstill until Daenerys offers to help him mine the dragonglass he needs and provide what he needs to do so. Daenerys unsuccessfully appeals to more of the merchant nobles of Qarth to lend her ships. But that still doesn't explain what the function of the Night's Watch would be now that there is no one Beyond the Wall.A writer and film fan. The fact that they found one lone soldier to capture was just dumb luck. She mounts Drogon, planning to take him for a ride, and suggests that Jon mount Rhaegal. The mercenary tries to give her flowers, but the queen demands to know what he wants. Daenerys is, however, adamant on freeing the slaves of Yunkai, who number in the hundreds of thousands.She orders Grey Worm to send a messenger to the city, and inform Yunkai's slaver rulers that they must either surrender or suffer In response, Daenerys makes a counter-offer: she will spare the lives of Razdal and the slave-masters of Yunkai if every slave (men, women, and children) in the city were set free, and given as much food, clothing, and property as they could carry in payment for their services. Daenerys and Jon's visibility is cut off when the White Walkers summon a blizzard, however. Kraznys initially dismisses her offer and instead offers to sell her one hundred soldiers. The subject turns to her succession and he notes she told him she can't have children.

Daenerys stands on the Wall with Jorah, who ushers her to leave, but stays, obviously concerned for Jon. Sansa looked at him, disconcerted. Even before departing from Essos her advisors, directly or not, warned her that coming to Westeros wouldn't have made her a liberator.