In “Polo,” Polo and Lu share the exact same look of shock after the latter stabs the former. Il arrive encore à se déplacer, il sort des toilettes, et s'approche de Guzman voulant avant sa mort imminente se faire pardonner. The judge orders that Polo and Carla will sit together in court and rehash their statements.

Et pour cause, il est retrouvé mort après une soirée et on a plusieurs suspects en tête. Il meurt quelques instants plus tard après que Guzman l'ait pardonné. Guzmán and Polo talk, and Polo reveals to Guzmán that he's had an anxiety disorder since he was twelve, and that the pills he's been taking for it are no longer effective; he struggles to differentiate between fantasy and reality. Carla smuggles the murder weapon into a group meeting of all the The last time we see Lu in “Polo,” she is heading to New York with Nadia to start their lives at Columbia. When Lu begins stammering that she “didn’t mean to” and is “sorry,” Polo earnestly responds, “I know.” Because, unlike almost anyone else they know, Polo intimately understands the remorse and confusion Lu is experiencing in that moment.

The Netflix drama, maybe best described as what you’d get ifWhen Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor ended, no one knew what direction his heart would go in — he’d spent the entire journey going back and fortNot even a global pandemic can keep the Kardashians from Kardashian-ing. Polo tells Ander that it was an accident, however Ander remarks that it was anything but.Ander is angry at the situation and the fact that an Polo returns to school following the announcement that Polo has been released on bail given there is no murder weapon in sight; only he and Cayetana are aware that the trophy is hidden at her address. Polo exprime son intérêt à regarder Carla avoir des relations sexuelles avec d'autres garçons que lui et elle accepte. Il rêve d'une vie non conventionnelle dans laquelle tout n'est pas prédéterminé. C'est l'un des lycéens issus de la classe populaire transférés à l'institut Las Encinas. Polo and Cayetana, his girlfriend, begin a relationship with Lu's brother, Polo's relationship with Valerio eventually grows, and the three eventually become a three-way couple.

It is later revealed that the note Cayetana gave Polo read Despite trying to redeem himself previously, Polo eventually realises that the best course of action is to turn himself in. Entre le départ de deux comédiens et une volonté de changement, Elite va prendre un nouveau virage pour sa saison 4 sur Netflix. Tout semblait bien aller entre Omar et Ander dans cette nouvelleAinsi, Ander semble avoir un cancer et celui-ci progresse très rapidement.

Christian est un garçon toujours de bonne humeur, on le voit rarement triste ou déprimé, il aime beaucoup les filles, boire et faire la fête. He is pushed off-course, however when he bumps into two people dancing.

All Rights Reserved. Polo cuts off the relationship with both Cayetana and Valerio, telling the two to return home.Polo calls of his relationship with both Valerio and Cayetana. Polo warns her not to mess with him, causing her to slap him and walk away. De ce fait, il semble bien queNéanmoins, d’autres fans désespèrent à l’idée de voir Ander mourir dans cette nouvelle saison. Polo can’t believe he is going to die, and Lu can’t believe she killed another person, particularly someone she considered a longtime friend before the events of the series. Guzmán witnesses the incident and calls out for Polo, rushing to the dancefloor below. Polo sauvé dans la saison 4 de la série Neflix Elite?C’est vraisemblablement peu probable.

“Mark my words, Polo, I’ll always protect the people I love,” Lu adds, holding the jagged neck of a champagne bottle to Polo's neck (the bottle broke amid Lu's boozy antics a few minutes earlier).

Polo began experimenting with his sexuality when still in a relationship with Carla, and eventually discovered that he was bisexual. Elle compte à ce jour trois saisons et vingt quatre épisodes.

The relationship between Polo, Cayetana and Valerio comes to an end, however, when it is revealed that Valerio was involved in drug dealing; an act that almost got Carla killed. His family drew attention from others given he had two mothers. Polo is grateful for this. She dies moments later. Polo remarks that he is finally happy. Accidentellement, elle lui plante le bout tranchant d'une bouteille de champagne dans le torse. She is immediately remorseful and tells Polo that she didn't mean to hurt him; he remarks that he understands it was an accident. Polo cannot stand to ask Guzmán for help, given his guilt, and suffers in silence with studying — he begins experiencing hallucinations of blood, a sign of guilt over his actions.

Au détour d'une soirée, il y aura des plans à trois. His chance at this, however, is foiled when Cayetana forwards the tweet to all of the British schools; in turn, they refuse to admit him. Eventually, he falls from the lifeguard chair into the pool and begins to drown. Il est interprété par Álvaro Rico. Christian est l'un des personnages principaux des saison 1 et 2 d'Élite.