Vous nous interrogez à la suite de la diffusion sur Twitter d’un extrait vidéo montrant une violente agression. Ils Socialistes-écolos : la déflagration Girard au-delà de la mairie de Paris Totalitaires, anti-progrès, décroissants... Ses rivaux accusent EE-LV de tous les mots

Les données sur le Covid en Mayenne ont-elles été gravement minorées par les autorités, comme l'affirme «France Soir» ?

“I am not proud of myself (…) I gave in to violence and hatred like a fool because, after a while, I could no longer bear the threats with weapons, the words (…) This that I did is big shit. Agression de Bassem Braïki : une enquête ouverte pour «violences avec arme et en réunion»

Il menace alors directement le dénommé Bassem en proférant : «C’est précisément à cette heure qu’une équipe de pompiers du Rhône intervient à Vénissieux.

According to the latest news, Bassem seems to be in a coma. The video of the attack, which rapper Sadek boasted on the networks

The video of the beating, of extreme violence, is looped on Tuesday on social networks. Auprès de La tension était montée ces derniers jours entre le rappeur Sadek et le blogueur de Vénissieux Bassem Braïki, connu pour ses propos provocants, à coups de tweets et de snap interposés. Bassem Braiki, né le 20 août 1980 à Lyon, est un blogueur et polémiste français. Lyon: Mixing “Efferalgan and cyanide”, LGBT associations file a complaint against blogger Bassem Braiki Metz: After receiving a spit, rapper Sadek leaves the scene Surrounded by a dozen individuals, a police officer ends up in the emergency room Passers-by beaten with belts to Lyon, suspect arrested She stabs her companion because he refuses a second sexual encounter Four men, including a gendarme, in police custody after the assault of a teenager Favorite tweeter Henny Harjusola's shopping trip ended in a gruesome way - unknown men besieged: a shocking video burst online A body drafted in Lyon, the privileged thesis of the bet gone wrong What the watch and ring of Blas Antón hide, a Francoist in the extermination camp In Mali, Colonel Assimi Goita is put in charge of the rebels The icon of Basra protests ... unknown gunmen assassinate Dr. Reham Yaqoub Argen tweets'photo of Kim Jong-un' saying thanks for supporting Korean masks A body found in Italy, probably that of little Gioele Bloomberg: Turkey has found new gas reserves in the Black Sea Disappearance of a 4-year-old child in Sicily: discovery of human remains In Mali, Colonel Assimi Goita declares to be at the head of the junta Veterans do not forget their fighting qualities: Jilin veterans start their entrepreneurial "big competition" Head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry said about pressure on his family Shot the girlfriend in the head but was acquitted of murder - now the Court of Appeal is taking up the case Their range exceeds a thousand kilometers ... Iran unveils two missiles named "Qassem Soleimani" and "Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis"

Known tensions between the two men who seem to have gone up a notch last weekend when the concert of the Parisian rapper, planned in Saint-Priest, in the Lyon suburbs, had to be canceled for fear of overflows.

Pourquoi une femme handicapée s'est-elle vu refuser l'accès à un café à Castres ? An investigation for "aggravated voluntary violence" was opened in Lyon and entrusted to the departmental security of the Rhône this Tuesday after the assault of blogger Vénissieux Bassem Braiki, learned The man, known for numerous controversial videos and already convicted by the justice system, was seriously injured overnight from Monday to Tuesday at the bottom of his home in Vénissieux by several individuals.

Blogger Bassem Braiki.

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Covid-19 : qu'est-il prévu pour la rentrée scolaire alors que l'épidémie semble repartir ? Covid-19 : des enfants soupçonnés d'être porteurs du virus sont-ils séparés de leurs familles en Allemagne ? Dans une vidéo d'environ 3 minutes, Bassem Braiki a souhaité s'exprimer suite aux récents évènements qui découlent des attentats du 13 novembre 2015 à Paris.