“She seemed like someone Slovakia needed – kind, honest and never criticized her opponents,” said Antonia Halko, a 28-year-old wholesale manager from the town of Bardejov in Slovakia who voted for Caputova.“I saw her talk in person at an event on January 30th and I knew immediately I was going to vote for her.
All Rights Reserved. If you appreciate our work and would like to support good journalism, "A patient aged 52 was confirmed today. Yet he added that there is no need for towns and cities in Slovakia to be deserted.Bratislava Mayor Matúš Vallo said that the capital is ready for the coronavirus.To eliminate the risk of transmitting the virus to seniors, who belong to the most vulnerable groups, the city issued hygienic measures and abolished visiting hours in the senior homes.Bratislava local authorities announced a few days back that they would take some more measures to counter the coronavirus.They decided to disinfect all public transport vehicles and issued an order for the respective offices to purchase hygienic and disinfection means for employees.This is the overview of news from Wednesday, August 19, 2020.The Education Ministry published rules and orders about returning to schools.There is a certain similarity to the 2018 protests in Slovakia and the Black Lives Matter protests in the US now, says Ambassador Bridget Brink.Please use Javascript for the proper functioning of our webpage.This website uses cookies to improve your user experience. It is not clear whether the infection came from the son.The patient with confirmed coronavirus had symptoms even before his son returned from Italy, though, PM Pellegrini said. The patient also suffers from pneumonia but is now feeling better.The crisis staff has met at the Interior Ministry to discuss the situation and necessary measures. In neighboring Hungary, Poland and Austria, governments are dominated by right-wing, nationalist parties. Coronavirus in Slovakia: 100 new cases confirmed (graphs) Travelling abroad? In the Czech Republic, people who return from Italy are required to stay in quarantine at home for two weeks. Last year’s murder of the investigative journalist Kuciak, who had worked to expose corruption among the political elite was shot and killed in February 2018. "Je suis solidaire avec ceux qui sont descendus dans The political newcomer soared to popularity in just a few months with a campaign that focused on a struggle for justice.The president is mostly a ceremonial role in the country of 5.4 million, as Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini is responsible for overseeing the government.
“I am happy not just for the result, but mainly that it is possible not to succumb to populism, to tell the truth, to raise interest without aggressive vocabulary,” Caputova Caputova’s victory, which came on a low turnout of 40 percent, is likely to be only the beginning of the fight for the progressive left in Slovakia. The state is not planning to take any special measures, not even in the municipality where the infected man lives.Pellegrini called on people to try and avoid risky behaviour, such as travelling to the risk areas. Her 14-year-long case against the wealthy land developer involved organizing protests, filing lawsuits and writing petitions to the European Union.
USERNAME@akjfkjhf.sk The new pandemic plan is out The Education Ministry is "ready for the new school year" He supported the protesters. He specifically mentioned planned trips to Italy and said people should reconsider them.