Alright. His SA can also stun which is nice.Shugesh: Wowie, ATK & DEF +90%, can raise defense with SA, guarantees a stun if the enemy has their SA sealed, and guarantees a crit if the enemy is stunned. LR Bardock Optimal Team?
I wonder if it's casue I have Turles in the last slot on the team? No, they got 10.Yeah I just looked up the Grand Priest missions. No, they got 10.Yeah I happened to check the mission last night randomly, and all the missions were was to use a team bardock team a certain number of times...yet I have used a team bardock team dozens of times doing the kid vegeta/raditz/broly event, and the missions have 0 progress made on them. TEAM Bardock(LR): Passive: Super Class Allies ATK & DEF +30% plus an additional 30% for Team Bardock category allies. I'd love to use them over the ginyu force when prime-battle farming
God damn.Bardock: His SA guarantees a SA sealing, wow. No, they got 10.Oh.
I've had Borgos wipe out entire squads of enemies HIMSELF. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. So I just pulled LR Bardock off the Top LR banner and I’m looking for the optimal team to put him on? 5 months ago. ATK +18% per ki sphere obtained! Don't even get me started on the damage of adding another Team Bardock friend leader, woooo.That's not even getting into each character's unique contributions to the team or type effectiveness.Tora: Increases all allies Ki by 2 and ATK & DEF by 30%, really helps. DBS (TV series) is inconsistent because there's 4 producers and 6 different writers. potentially 3 ki and 77% to all stats, yeah I hope so. Giant Ape Assault; Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises Super Class allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn: Ki Cost: 18: Max Lv Bonus; Increase Rate: 220 1 Team Guides 2 Super LR Tier List 3 Tier Lists 4 Super UR Tier List 5 Top Tier Goku's Family Team Guide 6 Extreme UR Tier List 7 Top Tier Fusion Team Guide 8 Event Guides 9 Top Tier Pure Saiyans Team Guide 10 F2P Androids Team Guide Imagine these guys trying to order 1 kind of pizza. I've maxed out crits on Bardock for good reason, I have screenshots of this man nearly critting for THREE MILLION DAMAGE with a decent amount of red ki, he also reduces his own damage taken by 10% per Team Bardock character up to 50%, but that's kinda eh, he's mostly best for sealing and big dick UR damage, even if it's not impressive to others.TEAM Bardock(LR): Passive: Super Class Allies ATK & DEF +30% plus an additional 30% for Team Bardock category allies. You get the LR Bardock dupe as a mission reward for clearing the stage 50 times (I think it was 50, might've been less). That's crazy in-game considering his leader skill is already ""Team Bardock" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%" His Ultra SA also raises Super Class allies ATK by 30%.This all might not be impressive to most or some of you but hot damn not having an LR and always running with UR TEQ Bardock for that sick 50000 damage, having this ability to suddenly TRASH Boss Rush is wild, I cleared the first TWO stages at BOTH Super and Super2 without getting TOUCHED, it was crazy.The only difference between that team and a normal really good team is there isn’t any crazy damage on that team, but it’s till cool How many events they can beatYeah the defense and versatility of them all is really nice, I appreciate having at least SOMETHING, most of the time all my units hit at LEAST half a mil, like I said the Bardock crit for about 2.7 mil I think?Now just waiting on the Cooler Squadron to be added in 2 years......Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! User Info: UraRenge2005. That's crazy in-game considering his leader skill is already ""Team Bardock" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%" His Ultra SA also raises Super Class allies ATK by 30%. DBS (TV series) is inconsistent because there's 4 producers and 6 different writers. not sure who else you would add to the team that isn't already on there Maybe it's just because it's my first LR, and my first perfectly synergized team, AND my favorite character, but the WHOLE new Team Bardock squad just radiates big dick energy. Team Bardock - Ki +1 Saiyan Warrior Race - ATK +700 Saiyan Pride - ATK +15% The Saiyan Lineage - Ki +1 Saiyan Roar - ATK +25% Prepared for Battle - Ki +2 Legendary Power - ATK +5000 when Super Attack is launched: Max. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related.Press J to jump to the feed. He can also heal 10% under 70% which isn't much but still great to have though you need 5 low class warrior category allies.Borgos: Hooly fuck, ATK & DEF +90%, plus an additional 30% if facing only one enemy or instead guaranteed additionals if facing 2 or more. Imagine these guys trying to order 1 kind of pizza. Like holy shit, stuns, crits, seals, reductions all kinds of shit and using the Team Bardock LR as the leader plus the link skills they always hit for at LEAST half a mil damage always, not counting crits or additionals. Imagine these guys trying to order 1 kind of pizza. So it's not just me.. right? LR Ginyu Force also started at 2 copies (1st copy, same as bardock, 2nd copy for Rainbowing LR Frieza), and where later added to Battlefield Shop Pretty sure Team bardock will get the same treatment. You can run it to get special skill orbs for certain characters, which is just the F2P Team Bardock units (minus the LR) so far. If anyone can recommend a team with him I’d appreciate it cuz he is such a cool card and I really wanna use him. Well, again... as long as I know there's nothing I can do about it right now on global, I'm straight. Koolguy17 11 months ago #1. User Info: Koolguy17. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Imagine these guys trying to order 1 kind of pizza. DBS (TV series) is inconsistent because there's 4 producers and 6 different writers. Seems that's super new.... like... today on JP new. Got to save my battle field memory then for the expected 400k a unit.