"What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean."

Vélos, skis, articles et matériel de sport pour la randonnée, la musculation, le fitness, le tennis, le running, les sports d'équipe. Am I right?Thanks a lot! We use DO with many other sports. "Fencing", like "boxing" or "body-building" shouldn't be used with "go" for the reasons given above: they don't imply moving along. I believe you're a wonderful teacher. 2. Though it is a Germanic language, English...All the words of the English language fall into one of these eight categories: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, co...This blog is meant for learners of English, especially secondary students. But if I have regular training, or do some sports seriously not just to spend my time, this case will imply using “do swimming”. For example: *We ...Connectors or linkers are words or groups of words that help us connect words, phrases or sentences. I've subscribed to it. Greetings from Spain!Thank you for sharing your knowledge. She does gymnastics. However, in American English you can use the verb I hope you don`t mind if I use some of your posts with my students.

The verb go here implies that we go somewhere to practice this sport: go swimming. I really like it. Selecter ; Students: Are you brave enough to let our tutors analyse your pronunciation? Another word ending in -ing that doesn't collocate with "go" is "weight-training".Very nicely done especially considering you are a non-native speaker, I'd like to use it for my Chinese students. He plays football. For example: *We ...We can form the opposite of many adjectives or give the negative meaning by adding a negative prefix. In British English, you can "do sport". We use PLAY with ball games. Thank you for your kind comment. (correct above) 4. (correct above) 3. As I can see from the examples above, if i want to spend my leisure or spare time just for enjoyment or for a change, I should say ” go swimming”. Thanks to them, we can express relation...According to the dictionary, a corner is "a point where two converging lines meet, forming an angle, either external or internal"....English is a very creative language in the sense that new words are invented every day, and one easy way to create a new term is to make com...The digraph “ch” can be pronounced in four different ways in English. Trouvez les magasins proches de chez vous !

They usually play golf. I wish I had one like you :)I hope you will find a good teacher! When you are actively doing the sport you can say:     You can ask       “What sports or free time activities do you      in this sense they see football and swimming (or any other sport/activity) as activities, so it’s OK to use “do”.Thank you for your quick response! A typical mistake Spanish speaker... One of the typical mistakes my students make is using the preposition " to" with the verb " arrive". Cheers!Thank you for such a clear explanation! Please, feel free to do so. in these cases we should use "do". We use GO with activities that end in –ing.

This site is very effective for us.Wonderful post. We like to go hiking. How can this be possible? They are also sports you can do in groups.

Do is used with recreational activities and with individual, non-team sports or sports in which a ball is not used, like martial arts, for example: do a crossword puzzle, do athletics, do karate. Jan 07 2007 13:15:13. Football - This name refers to different sports, depending on which country you are in.In the USA, (American) football is a very strategic game that is played with an oval-shaped ball. A typical mistake Spanish speaker... One of the typical mistakes my students make is using the preposition " to" with the verb " arrive".

Thanks to them, we can express relation...There are quite a few idioms and proverbs that use proper nouns, which are words that name specific persons, places or things and are always...All the words of the English language fall into one of these eight categories: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, co...FORM Most verbs form the past simple by adding the suffix -ed to the infinitive or root.

Go back to the sentences on the top. 5. Para falar sobre a prática de esportes específicos em inglês, é necessário um pouco mais de atenção, pois há três formas para falarmos sobre isso em inglês: to do, to go, e to play. It's a great Blog. Here are the correct answers.

You can also add: do weightlifting as an exception to the rule with the verb 'go'That's right, Jei, I will add it. I've been having a look at your blog and I think it's very good and helpful for English learners. A QUESTION OF SPORT PLAY - DO - GO Look at the rules of when we use PLAY / DO or GO. The measures that help our young talents pursue sports professionally go beyond the sphere education. We use either the verb to play, to do or to go to refer to sports.. E.g. GO Sport : magasins de sport. Cheers!Thank you for share your knowledge. I think this post is very effective for anyone. Jan 27 2008 13:35:14. Mary likes to go skiing. You are welcome to use the information with your students. In American English you can "play sport We go snowboarding every winter.. In this table there is a list of sports and activities that collocate with these verbs:In British English, you can "do sport". PLAY + Sport. By the way, I offer you my blog http://enjoy-learningenglish.blogspot.com.es/It's not as good as yours but it's the best I am able to do, Thanks a lot.I'm so very honoured that you have decided to use my blog posts with your students. Nb. Mike and Carol do …