2. What does flattered mean? The online version of the Collins Dictionary has just been updated again, with another batch of words being allowed in for the first time. She feels complimented that he said whatever he said but she isn't interested in pursuing a relationship. She was flattered by Roberto's long letter. Anticipation and rain check are among the most frequently looked-up words in July Meaning of flattered. to please or gratify by compliments or attentions: I was flattered by their invitation. Yes it’s okay that you don’t feel flattered being desired by people. be/feel flattered to feel very pleased and proud because someone has said good things about you or has made you feel important : She was flattered by his attention . You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) If you feel a particular emotion or physical sensation, you experience it.I felt like I was being kicked in the teeth every day.If you talk about how an experience or event feels, you talk about the emotions and sensations connected with it.The speed at which everything moved felt strange...Within five minutes of arriving back from holiday, it feels as if I've never been away...If you talk about how an object feels, you talk about the physical quality that you notice when you touch or hold it. For example, if something feels soft, you notice that it is soft when you touch it.When the clay feels like putty, it is ready to use.He remembered the feel of her skin..., Linen raincoats have a crisp, papery feel.If you talk about how the weather feels, you describe the weather, especially the temperature or whether or not you think it is going to rain or snow.If you feel an object, you touch it deliberately with your hand, so that you learn what it is like, for example what shape it is or whether it is rough or smooth.When dry, feel the surface and it will no longer be smooth...Feel how soft the skin is in the small of the back...Her eyes squeezed shut, she felt inside the tin, expecting it to be bare.If you can feel something, you are aware of it because it is touching you.Through several layers of clothes I could feel his muscles...If you feel something happening, you become aware of it because of the effect it has on your body.If you feelyourself doing something or being in a particular state, you are aware that something is happening to you which you are unable to control.If at any point you feel yourself becoming tense, make a conscious effort to relax...If you feel the presence of someone or something, you become aware of them, even though you cannot see or hear them.I could feel that a man was watching me very intensely...He almost felt her wincing at the other end of the telephone.If you feel that something is the case, you have a strong idea in your mind that it is the case.I feel that not enough is being done to protect the local animal life...She felt herself to be part of a large business empire...If you feel that you should do something, you think that you should do it.They felt under no obligation to maintain their employees.If you talk about how you feelabout something, you talk about your opinion, attitude, or reaction to it.She feels guilty about spending less time lately with her two kids...If you feel like doing something or having something, you want to do it or have it because you are in the right mood for it and think you would enjoy it.Could we take a walk? Flattered and adored at the outset, she very soon furnished a sinister illustration to Beaumarchais Basile; for evil tongues began to calumniate the queen: those of her brothers-in-law, the duc dAiguillon (protector of Madame du Barry and dismissed from the ministry), and the Cardinal de Rohan, recalled from his embassy in Vienna.