Thankfully, with the strengthened faith that has come from spiritual growth, I feel more ready for what The Universe has in store. The easing influence of Venus softens the drama of Mars-Saturn introducing a certain element of flow. I have no idea what it all meansor how it will manifest. I was just wondering if you had a view on what a kite combined with a T-square could be interpreted as? Gaze for some time at the charts geometry without trying to make any early or even worse, logical, assumptions. M.March and J.McEvers reckon that when the Grand Cross is present in the radix the person is capable of surprising efforts and vigorous activity. Readable copy. Such oscillations produce distinctly different VenusMars and VenusSaturn sub personalities. Both methods are valid. Thank you for replying. In the example below, the MarsSaturn axis is being activated by Venus that is square to both planets. This book gives a systematic introduction to the . Seeing Chiron at the Apex of my Yod seems to have made the healing part of my life a whole life long process. Dont know the positions of your planets? The persons emotional state is likely to alternate depending on how Venus manifests itself on a given day. google_ad_width = 300; Indicates a special gift or talent which should be used by the person, but the talent may not be utilized. The example below shows how the SunSaturn opposition brings much needed polarity and tension that turns otherwise indecisive trine into a powerhouse fuelled by the energy of the Sun and supported by both Mars and Venus that counteract inherent indecisive attitudes of Saturn that often tends to over-think things. This is the only way for you to develop. The visual web of astrological aspects produces many different geometrical formations, some simple others intricate and mysterious. When the opposition which is in the Trapeze is also included in a T-square, a seemingly strong basis can collapse with a crash. At the base of the irregular pentagram are, two planets that square the top two side points and sextile each other, Saturn at 4 Cancer 11th house and Mars at 3 Taurus 9th house. My natal Uranus is square the transit Uranus which is now right on my moon/Mars conjunction at the MC. Hello Time Nomad. as long as life contains no disorder, restriction, or active engagement, he cannot forge something new. Minor aspects are dormant until one actively moves towards their destiny. 14 degrees Aqua - my moon, his Uranus Such people are very confident in their correctness and do not turn aside, but concede only under great pressure, and then only for a while. In such configurations the most important point of the Grand Trine is the point which has the opposition aspect; and the point opposing it reveals unrealized aspirations, the fateful area of a horoscope. When one is easy with letting go, a lot of otherwise aggravating situations wont even happen. This dilemma is perfectly expressed by Jupiters investment expansiveness that is opposed by the counteracting force of Plutos wealth accumulation. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-0490830819581707"; If i can't read the book, it does me little good. It all depends on the overall chart configuration. The natal charts of Carl Jung, J. K. Rowling, Paula Abdul, Celine Dion, and other cultural icons provide colorful examples of how aspect patterns reveal the true "story" of any individual 's natal chart. This karmic spike points at NeptunePluto conjunction. In charts of great people the Grand Trine is extremely seldom a leading configuration. Geometry is the visible side of mathematics notable for its expressive and symbolical power that is able to evoke rich visual associations in the observers mind. Its certainly a great position, Jupiter brings a good degree of popularity, luck, protection from the powerful people, etc. In general, it is not necessary to consider the Grand Square as a destructive configuration; on the contrary, it is a very stable pattern producing results through effort. Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. A highly magnetic and charismatic personality is likely. The kite is a wonderful aspect pattern that naturally invites the native to focus on its dominant polarity and use its dynamic qualities while being helped by beneficial trines and sextiles. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. The term spike is more down to earth, covers a wide range of angular formations and doesnt scream of divine powers. Square is the symbol of manifestation and the material world we live in. Supports both the tropical and sidereal zodiac models. Since it has many supporting aspects (trines and sextiles), it can identify someone who is very progressive and productive. Please use a different way to share. A satellitium is several magnitudes weaker than a cluster since there is no direct connection between the planets apart from them being colocated in the same sign or house. These aspect patterns are filled with black or red and are special in different ways. With. The nodes tend to makes us refer back to what weve been doing. A configuration of intense aspects, formed by four squares. This book is another must-have for every astrologer's reference library. How the planets line up in a natal chart reveals an overall snapshot of one's personality, while specific aspect patterns offer details on how these traits unfold in character development, and in decisions concerning relationships, career, and life path. A configuration of aspects formed when two Grand Trines are present in a horoscope, connected with each other by sextiles. The big trick with the grand trine is its excessive mediation. Some patterns may become insignificant because of the planets that make them up. A simplified answer is that the energies related to Jupiter (the axis planet) need to be worked on because that relates to the past-future timeline that is governed by the nodes. Reading the libretto gives a good sense of destiny in action. It also contains two Grand Trines and three Oppositions. Yod on my Mars in 7H inconjunct my NN and Moon and mars as part of the grand cross is kind of a mess. It may be helpful if the opposition tends to get stuck (like Mars-Saturn, for example). Geometric nature of aspect patterns is expressive and symbolic, it reveals an underlying framework behind complex interactions between astral energies of planets. Whats more, this spike has a square aspect at its base, a sheer smashing strength of this pattern earned it an evocative name of Thors hammer in modern astrological parlance. While this website doesnt provide readings, Id focus your attention on the Mars-Moon Pluto Sun (T-square). Aspect patterns can be identified when distinct geometrical shapes are formed by a combination of aspects. In a loose cluster the extremities are being mediated by an intermediary. Often these planets form patterns when there are several aspects between them such as trines, sextiles, squares or oppositions. But by all means, dont go blind/fanatical either, apply your judgement at each step. Astrology: Aspect Patterns Within Natal Charts. A biquintile spike, recently popularised as a golden yod wasnt so golden in Hitlers case. Such time periods bring significant changes and also allow for rearrangements to take place. Haha. This section covers the major aspect patterns. A professional astrologer for over twenty-five years, Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D., was a board member of the American Federation of Astrologers and a faculty member of Kepler College and NORWAC. The sense of contentment bestowed by the Grand Trine may also limit self-development and the ability to cope with the adversities of life. Could even be your past lives, if you like that concept. It was also termed a Righteousness Rectangle by the Hubers. I did live in NYC for awhile. But I do Have Jupiter near conjunct but opposite MC which is in Sagittarius - seems an opposition..? The ways of Saturn can be better understood by exploring its relationship to Time and the process of continuous growth and betterment. Its was my decision not to try to talk about everything but focus on fundamentals instead. We may need to repeat the cycle or may pass the test and move on to the next evolutional challenge. Nature can alleviate the symptoms and even heal. The Eye's flexibility, inquisitiveness and alertness produce a state of concentrated attention. This configuration occupies a semicircle of the horoscope, and the native feels an emptiness in other hemisphere, and intuitively tries to fill the void in order to counterbalance the figure. A practical approach can be regularly spending a good amount of time walking in nature and feeling the surrounding energies: forests with big trees supply good emotional grounding to the Moon and also feed Mars with the dynamic energy of life. But there is help in this opposition. Jupiter is a nice planet to work with. When I am with family, I get 9verstimulated by the noise and parties they have. When analyzing a Grand Trine in a specific horoscope it is necessary to pay special attention to what signs contain the given configuration (usually they are signs of one element) this will indicate the likely manifestation of the Grand Trine. Identifying aspect formations is the first step towards unlocking the mysteries of an astrological chart. Using the tried-and-true techniques in Aspect Patterns, you will: "To get in on the classic basic patterns, forget digging up the old books. Introduction to Aspect Pattern Configurations (Part 1) If you know your time of birth, the chart maker (opens a new tab) can cast the chart for you with the aspects. Enhancements you chose aren't available for this seller. The overall pattern of the aspects reveals the structure and basic motivations of an individual's consciousness. Lots of drive that can introduce volatility and major shifts. The difficulty lies in the intensity of those swings. . At least 30% of the chart is invested somehow in experiencing and handling these concerns. Although my exact time of birth isnt known, a chart showing all aspects reveals a stunning and undeniable diamond traced over and over again. The overall effect indicates creativity and ability to stay positive in the face of conflict. T-square A configuration of aspects formed when two points of a horoscope are in opposition to each other and in quadrature to a third planet. Sakoian and Acker remark that the T-square indicates immediate crisis situations, and this quality is strongly accented in cardinal signs or angular houses. More often than notJupiterSaturn conjunctions coincidewith unfoldment of a new phase of economical reality, remember 2000, 1980 1961, 1940, 1920? To begin the process, the natal birth charts of two people are laid on top of each other and the aspect patterns, or angles between the planets are examined to deduce compatible and incompatible facets in the relationship. When the T-square is in fixed signs the native operates slowly, but is resolute; as a preliminary, he will always find out all the possible problems before starting to act. Generally speaking, Chiron alone isnt enough to account for spiritual/healing impulse. Dont worry, your mind will be processing the charts image in the background, it is perfectly capable of that. I would like to ask you some aspects in my natal chart because I found some major aspects and some aspects which are not in your chart. M.Kozyritskaja and M.Levin state that from childhood the owner of a natal chart with a Grand Cross tries to find himself in different fields of activity, but in all activities he is inflexible, inclined to impose his designs on the world, and perceives little of the worlds reaction to his actions. My yod is my Moon (2nd house) sextile my Ascendant (conjunct north node) both inconjunct to my Mars in the 7H (which is in my grand cross). Her Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology prepared her to work with clients in defining their creative potential and refining their creative process. I was curious if you had some thoughts on my kite and spike patterns in my chart. A somewhat controversial topic that is worth exploring. "Stephanie Clement. Their alluring nature is the beginners booby trap. Time Nomad is a FREE powerful astrological app for iPhone and iPad. The book was first published, with full colour illustrations . In total the configuration contains 3 sextiles (Saturn/Mars, Pluto/Neptune, Jupiter/Neptune), 2 squares (Saturn/Pluto, MarsJupiter) and 1 trine (Jupiter/Pluto). A configuration of aspects formed when four points of a horoscope are uniformly connected by three sextiles, with the first and last points in opposition. The focal planet could be referred to as the mission in life, the finger of God, the finger of fate, the ultimate destiny. The rarest of all aspect patterns, the Grand Sextile is formed when six planets Sextile each other. The 10th is professional area, doing in the world. As the illustration above shows, an inconjunction spike is a close cousin to a biquintile one with only 6 difference between the planets at the base. Hey, most likely its due to your browser disabled Javascript or some other content blocker. If you could give me any insight I would greatly appreciate it. Those two houses are opposed to each other. Destiny isnt a passive principle, it cant come to a person. In the example below, a MarsSaturn opposition, when taken on its own, is certain to introduce significant difficulties resolving action vs reason, a need to advance vs a need to retreat. So many things begin to take shape and make sense once we can see them in our minds eye. Which is grotesquely false and as easily verified as false as seeking to read the published science papers themselves. First look at the major axis, what kind of planetary forces are involved? On the downside, Mars makes Moon restless. Picture FAQs It was so difficult for me to find interpretations for them together as they form a pentagram. The person can step aside from the struggle, but this is just a delay, like being in a comfortable prison. Intense (hard) aspects can help with this difficulty. The Trapeze indicates aid from the outside which at critical moments appears in the right place at the right time. Have been thinking about your chart. The overall pattern of the aspects reveals the structure and basic motivations of an individual's consciousness. This book gives a systematic introduction to the practical use of this method, using many example . A cluster is formed by two or more planets being conjunct. We are going to look at several fundamental patterns, omitting exotic, rare and complex patterns. Ah the grand cross. The seven fundamental aspect patterns presented below constitute the framework that allows to construct other patterns. I do appreciate your article, especially your effort. This aspect pattern symbolises a perpetual flow. Sometimes groups of black aspect lines or red aspect lines form patterns in the center of a birth chart. Patterns like the grand cross not only looking impressive, they actually reflect an accumulation of significant astral energies in persons astral body. Sometimes chart interpretation is so complex, you can't see the forest for the trees. When I prepare to face my fear and anxiety, I feel like Im not afraid as much before. An easy opposition is formed when an easing planet is added to the opposition in such a way that it forms a sextile and a trine aspects with the opposing planets. There is not a lot of navigability either. Are the 12 Houses ruled by the Zodiac signs? Venus-Pluto would be an active force that impacts life events and choices while Sun and Saturn will be actively challenging that. This art of interpretation rooted in the ability to identify two major areas: main chapters and key players. This page was last edited on 26 December 2022, at 13:23. A good approach is to pay attention to transiting planets that match those found in the pattern. I can barely read the index in the back; the index does not zoom to see in a readable sized front in either my computer app, kindle fire or phone app. Yes, youre making a valid point about Adolf Hitlers chart. The grand cross passes an inconspicuous resemblance to the steering wheel. Thank you, Denis. But each of us without exception has a specific challenge in every incarnation. google_ad_height = 600; 2019 - All Rights Reserved. Tight clusters, like Venus-Moon-Jupiter on the right, result in a much more intense interactions between energies involved. Id like to hear your take on the castle , aspect, my apex point of my castle aspect is the lot of daimon in the 5th, conjunct spica, it is a tight energy, consisting of my asc, desc, pars fortuna, rahu and ketu, it is extraordinarily complex, The castle aspect was brought to my attention, when I looked at the actors birthchart last year, after the filmset accident unfortunately , he has no birth time, reported, but the castle aspect jumped out at me.
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