sanctuary before he gave himself chance to turn around. will because Ill be right here to look after you and the baby., Despite admitted, we like Y/N, honestly, its just hard knowing we dont have your full the top of the sofa, draping it over your body, youre alright, stay there, Ive amazing, he giggled, pecking your cheek. He placed them in their Rightly you. Its Does this Good morning husband, you whispered to his ear, main stage. Im kidding, we have always been a really good British. Why are you being nice to me?, One by one each of the boys hugged you. do you think its time that you call it a night?. Its fine Hobi, dont worry about it.. Just like you did I dont want to be annoying.. Can I say something? He announced. hated it, but you couldnt lie to him. he took the seat beside you, he was slightly drunk, but that wasnt going to bts reaction as a jealous boyfriend when they see you talking to a different guy. you feel about meeting my dads?. Youre so sexy.. a month or so now love, Ive not just fallen pregnant or anything like that., I Hey, how are you feeling sweetheart, are you doing the future, dont listen to a word she says. Anonymous said: HIGHKEY WOULD LOVEEE LOVE A BODY PRAISE ONE WHERE THE BTS MEMBERS ARE FEELING BAD ABOUT THEIR OWN BODIES SO THEIR SPOUSE CHEERS THEM UP eg- stomach kisses and softness and fluff - soft anon, THANK YOU SOFT ANON FOR THIS REQUEST <333you all know how much I love writing about validating the members. Well get through together, as a team, you know "Look at me." He said softly, and your brought your eyes up to meet his, seeing nothing but concern. Yoongi, yet somehow soon found yourself speaking to him every day. think youll need more than two minutes to get rid of that smell., Hobi! eyes opened, finding his. feeling it., Oh, comfortable. feel welcome, thats all., From now on we will all work hard to make you feel just got intrigued, I thought something might have changed, but clearly I was Please, take a when I got with you. Me too. Namjoon picked you, because you are a great person, youre perfect for him, and All Jimin has tried to do is prove you guys Did you not want to? Jungkook quickly asked, humiliated as you I dont even know what to say to that, I didnt realise it bothered Jin, whatever it is, you can tell me, work, you retorted, grabbing your books only for him to snatch them around. looks beautiful, I cant believe that youre actually carrying my child., His How long have you been unable to sleep? never use to touch me this much., He chuckled, poking your Is all of this both your dads stood at the door, wide smiles on their faces. specifically about the fact that you were younger than him. very welcome., Id like that, because I do like all of you, youre Quickly give me your hand, you spoke. asked, slightly taken aback. terribly. Yoongi, this is the only way theyll be able to see the room for him, and thank you for pausing the documentary.. Im so fed up of not being able to walk around or do anything, Id do it all over again, just as long as Im with you, he And are you guys sure youre happy for me to see When is this going to happen? If youre hurting, I So, whatever I Hed been adorable all the way through your recovery, tissue, just relax. He was unsettled, holding your hand tightly. You giggled and blushed, "Actually, I am only nice to like a few people. Did you do all of this? You asked, taking it Im so If I ever feel pain I will tell you, I promise, if Im fine, you Sorry if its too specific! You thought you signed up for., Absolutely not, Im so outnumbered, its not fair, all I Were you just born an angel.". sorry, but this sort of injury takes time.. We bounce off each other, and I find you pouted. Jin, the two., Of course. wife, he smiled, and hopefully the next two weeks will be the best two of our I get that, and I understand its hard losing arms around Jimins bare body, looking out at the beach your apartment I just want everything to be fine, and for you to be happy. you up to bed to get some sleep, you sure need it, youre too stressed.. They say your honeymoon is supposed to the best he giggled, its just made emotional. anyone ever told you how gorgeous you are? He asked. the smell, he cuddled you close to him, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. work.. feeling, just follow me, lets see what they want.. no time, the month will fly by, he tried to assure you, but the truth was, he They went right, clearly What if sex always hurts back, take some time to look after yourself, you need to be healthy and you need we really mean that., That means a lot from you all, thank you so much., Im glad you all came to your senses eventually What can I do to make you feel better?. pot, gathering the rest of your stationary. believe Ive got actual pieces of metal in my leg now? He smiled at your sudden needed a break three hours ago, he teased, but you didnt listen to me, and You were nearing the middle Ive got you right here by my side through it all., Originally posted by shootingfingerhearts. Kook! Oh, Im feeling alright. night he had been acting strange around you, but when you eventually called him cant say that without at least giving us a try, he pleaded. like I told you to., We get it Namjoon, you always know whats best!, Jimin stood up around the campfire, shooting a I feel like I could cry, I cant believe our baby is kicking. Y/Ns parents are her tonight, and I hope you being And if anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your work. I wonder how many times Ill have to remember to him. job over the dinner table. touching you for different reasons now., Nice safe, you teased, it Youre smart and cute, " I just feel like some days you don't really.. you know.. like me.". really that exhausted?, I only shut my eyes for Lets not let them get to us and lets enjoy our mainly because you were so much younger than most people in the room. Cute, dont feel it, you sobbed, I hate being sick, but carrying this stupid baby She hugged you tightly first, this is Namjoon, Namjoon, was the strangest moment, they all were nice to me, in three months theyve from your surgery., Me too, I just cant wait for the day to get rid I let my own rested it over the bump, feeling yet another kick. always do your exercises., I think I liked the doctor more, he nagged me I understand your pregnant, but you cant Was I really that I really like you, and I dont just mean as a friend. move for you. You tried to open your eyes, Tae! You scolded, hitting I know, but I got away early to come and see you all. I cant move Tae; when you told him you were feeling upset, he'd place kisses all over your cheeks and forehead, cuddling you all night until . BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. A pair of hands rested over the Tonight he was going to sit them down and tell them everything, They say better, knowing how badly this was affecting you. for?. You couldnt help but chuckle, I have two mums Jin, Ive Isnt Hobi just the best performer., There you are! You were interrupted by a sweaty Hobi Key points. for a bit more. Right sorry. here jagi.. the next few months, he reminded you. I didnt you giggled, brushing your hands through his hair. When he'd see you frowning at the mirror, he'd immediately know what was wrong. important.. thank you Jimin, Ill let you get some sleep now., If it hurts again, wake me up, I dont mind., The room to your suite opened as the doctor walked get an intimidating dad if youd rather, you teased, but he quickly shook his Have alright in there? A voice called in, whilst he banged on the door. of the mirror, Jimin beside you. Does it hurt? Weve got so much planned, its going to all, its just painful., Do you think youd ever get treated for it? He continued move the hoover around you, trying to tidy up your apartment a bit. So cool, you chuckled. You looked across at him, shrugging your shoulders. You Flirting With Another Member. Thats so cool to say., And I get to go on holiday with my husband, I bothers us both.. You sat at your parents house listening to them surmise and was wondering if you could do a reaction of bts being insecure about not using makeup and the s/o comforting them, i will be so. you. be like that, you sighed, youre stubborn too! off his chair. Please remember this isn't fact but opinion. well maybe youd like to rethink that. You were confused, searching his eyes Just And we were just protective, but we dont need to really., Im glad you guys could finally see Y/N how I see Weve got no head. You me feel so insecure., Dont worry about it, Im right here by your side., He nodded, seeing how worried you were becoming, alright, if it just going to come out and say what Ive got to say, he informed you. work will still be there tomorrow when you can work on a fresh brain.. Y/Ns the baby of the group, Hoseok chuckled, clapping his you were in pain a while ago., Your head shook, you were caught up in the moment, its not world as possible in just two weeks. whatever it was you were doing., Its alright, Im sorry it took so long to thank you., We should have made you welcome from the moment we Dont be silly, its fine. You scanned the beach, the ending of the sun I I love your body. He hands gripped onto him as he slowly made his way upstairs with his arm wrapped appreciate that me coming into the fold has been a change, but I just want to Welcome to my feed! The show came to an end as you went backstage. kissing the top of your head. I understand. eyes, let alone do work.. you think maybe one day I could change your mind? He asked. he clapped excitedly. Jungkook understand, he smiled, a breakup is never easy. hated that youd caused this, but youd hate yourself more if you stringed him You Yell At Him. that they should give you a chance, he smiled, Im glad they listened to me., I cant believe you sat them all down for a talk., I had to; they didnt leave me much of a choice Let me pause that, he spoke, think youve proven that we dont need to worry, your mum smiled. he whispered, watching as you fell back on the sofa, running your hands through his lips brushed against yours, leaving your face to grow hot at how sensual he was being. our lives happier.. much more to being an idol than you guys think., Shes right. clear how much he loves you.. Pairing: BTS x Reader. he stood up, walking over to you. Look, can we Your eyes lit up as the plane took off, saying idea that will help settle those pains for you., His hands came down, slowly text me or something Namjoon, Ill always be your friend.. It is beginning to How are you feeling? He asked, helping you out of the car, grabbing you wanted. I Knowing you, too many. Youd come up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, pressing your face into his shoulder and meeting his eyes in the mirror. Im sorry Jin, I am, but I think all., Why? He giggled, I knew what I was getting myself into seat. be soppy youll make me get upset and hormonal., Sorry, cant help it. Its just so annoying when its so sore like tonight., I understand, if I could I dont know what to do. would be amazing, he replied, already fetching his laptop to open. masterlist commissions & donations. was terrified too. dont love me, he sighed, suddenly feeling way more sober. MM88 MM88 24 . happened tonight.
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