Pleasant because like David he shepherds us with the integrity of his heart. Heres a heads up: pain is coming with your calling! If you are a Christian today if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead this is what you are: a vessel of mercy prepared before the creation of the world for glory that is, to know the riches of the glory of God. The next time you are critical or ashamed of who you are, remember that God had a smile on His face as He created you. Our spiritual life from God's perspective is a life of fulfilment, a life of victory, a life of abundance, and a life of prosperity. God reaches into darkness, establishes vessels there, and shines, also meeting the lost wherever they are. Why couldnt the two worlds have just seamlessly joined together? Lets begin and lets end today with the wonder of being vessels of mercy prepared beforehand for glory. Click the name of the book to link to the first chapter or order. Because it is through our weaknesses and flaws that His character and strength can shine through. Some people's calling may involve saving souls while other's calling may be to motivate, teach, or coach. Keep your eyes on your Master. The point of using that word the word for wealth and riches is to awaken in us a sense that our inheritance in God is infinitely greater than the greatest riches on earth. Make the decision to separate yourself from sin. Survive the anointing by calling on God. God's Chosen One: 1- God cherished 2- Spirit inhabited 3- Heart builder 4- Hope producer INTRO.- ILL.- A Milwaukee teacher took her first-grade class to a dairy where a guide showed the children through the entire plant, explaining the whole process. They are defined by Gods call. Nothing about being a chosen vessel is in a vacuum- its all related to this one cause. God seems to have told Ananias first. The text speaks of God's chosen ones as being "vessels." Today's Verse: But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: ~Acts 9:15 What comes to your mind when you hear the word "vessel?" In the Bible, the word "vessel" implies something similar to a vase or utensil. We did not make ourselves fit to know Gods glory. Spiritual Discernment. It commonly denotes a "cup or basin," such as is used in a house. That statement alone should separate hands on pastors from even those we see and hear on T.V. Pursue Your Enemy: Be More Than a Conqueror But at the time of writing, I still can feel the strain and awkwardness of juggling relationship with birth family over here, and walking in love with someone who is still not acknowledged or honoured by them on the other side. Christ, then, is the obedient-sent servant of his Father's will. Text: Acts 10:44-48; 1 Jn. This closed the history of Israel, as of man under the dealings of God. Oh, how foolish we are to lay up treasures on earth when the glory of God is our portion. 29 But she was greatly troubled at his words, and said to herself, What may be . Thank you so much for commenting it encourages us so much to know that someone appreciates what we wrote. H. A new purpose and direction in life in line with God's sovereign will is a mark of true conversion. In other words he cannot treat us as if we were his own, because that preacher is hundreds of miles away and have a someone on his prayer line that will pray with you. You were called out of spiritual deadness and sinful darkness by mercy, through mercy, and for mercy. These cookies do not store any personal information. 1 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led about by the Spirit in the wilderness 2 for forty days, being tempted by the devil. A holy vessel is special, unlike other vessels. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 27 To a virgin who was to be married to a man named Joseph, of the family of David; and the name of the virgin was Mary. Brochure #7 Edited 4-03-2004. Lets look at (1) vessels of mercy, and then (2) prepared beforehand for glory, and then (3) knowing the riches of glory., Gods purpose in verse 23 is to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory.. . (Romans 1:18, 23). I now have a compassion and deeper sense of understanding for any ministers wife who is in my position. dog names that go with maverick Feeling lopsided? . Sheep had no sense of direction, so they needed to be led, sheep would eat grass down to the rocks then would eat the rock and parasites, that is why they need fresh graving grass. But to proceed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Psalm 57:2 says, "I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me." This is key in understanding God's purpose for your life. I may not get to meet any of them, but I can share the comfort of God with them through intercession. He was a terrifying warrior. It isnt confidence in self-righteousness. His purposes for you are not for the beautiful peoplethey are for you. Paul: God's Chosen Vessel When Paul accepted Christ, his whole life was radically changed. The vessel featured 28,000 miles (45,000 km) of electrical circuits. Everything about being a chosen vessel is wrapped up in this truth (besides the fact that we were created for Gods pleasure, Revelation 4:11). And what is more, I get to share that same comfort I get from God with others who are going through their afflictions! Remember the words of Paul, Beholding the glory of the Lord, [we] are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another (2 Corinthians 3:18), and glory-reflecting people are not fruitless. But when we face a principality in prayer, we can rejoice when we look back at the painful tests we have passed. If you are a Christian or willing to become one by faith in Jesus Christ you were prepared beforehand for glory that is to know the glory of God. Luke 22:23 "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fails not . Similarly, Mary was God's chosen vessel to bring the incarnate Messiah into the world. It cant pour, move, or even come up with the idea on its own. God has chosen you to be His vessel. This is done through the act of repentancethe confession of, and turning away from, all that does not please Him. While being carried away by Roman soldiers, Paul asked to address the crowd. Now as we all know, a vessel is nothing but a receiver. June 8, 2022 god's chosen vessel for his purpose and direction THE VISIONARIES ARE IN NEED OF PRAYER. And today, in the same way, God wants to use us. Scripture: Exodus 3:1-22. . Repairs have left you lumpy and bumpyand you may find it hard to believe that God would use such an awkward-looking vessel. ~Andrea & Ken. I say that you have tasted the appetizers. Both Paul and Timothy in our reading today are fine . He had persecuted Christians and tried to stamp out the church. (Psalms 124:7-8). The issue for you this morning is not your background or race or your ethnic connections or your denomination or your parents faith. In this verse, God declares that His thoughts (plans) He has toward Jeremiah are to give him an expected end (outcome). My praying is different and my comments are different toward other servants of God. ~Andrea, Am inspired, as an Evangelist I need more of GOD pls, I want to be a missionary. Can God use your enemy for good? And these marks serve as a testimony to others of Gods love, and His faithfulness to work on a person. God bless you. A quick look through the Old Testament reveals to us how God has always used His chosen vessels to bring forth His prophetic purposes. I so needed to read this. You are washed and cleansed. God is God and He works all things, including your life, according to his purposes. This scripture was given so that we may remain anchored together by God's promise to never leave or forsake us as we continue to face rapid changes, mounting uncertainty and ever evolving challenges. 2017-2023 Rebecca L Matthews. God chose David because He knew that David would care for the sheep as if they were his own. What Does the Book of Job Teach Us About the Sovereignty Why Could Jesus Do No Miracles in Nazareth? If you see and savor the glory of God today, you didnt get to be that way on your own. Thats how powerfully real God is. Youre Gods First Choice. This is done repeatedly throughout the life of the vessel. Test yourself to see if you are in Christ: Mercy produces mercy and receives mercy again. Ananias went to meet Saul, and Saul became the man God had said he would be. You were shaped and molded and sometimes pounded into a vessel able to know the glory of God. It is therefore something to be surrendered to, rather than to be resisted. God desires that we manifest the full stature of the man or woman He has chosen us to be. God Chooses the Nation of Israel. All Rights Reserved. Some even go to the highest point by saying that man can be a child of God. (2 Corinthians 12:7). Since God's purpose according to His choice will stand, we must submit and commit ourselves to His purpose if we want His blessing. By speaking to us, He seeks to guide and lead us in making decisions that reflect His love and align with His will. God again calls Israel his chosen nation. Many other students had similar experiences in university, and most of them werent even Christians. (Jamaican Creole). But God in His great wisdom has chosen to use people to reach people. God's choosing is designed to remove our boasting. If you let sheep lead the way the sheep would wander in the wrong direction. 48:1; 48:12). Lord, Send Me. Your Life Within the Labyrinth Rather, it is bearing a limp from a wounded hip, so we can have power with God (Genesis 3:24-31). The servant now speaks, declaring his purpose and reciting what the Lord told him. But God did not want just anyone ruling over His people. We saw in the last chapter that God designed you on purpose for His purpose. God's chosen vessels are used for specific, intentional, and targeted pouring. Acknowledge daily that you are holythrough the saving and cleansing work of the Lord Jesus Christ. What kind of a holy, Supreme Being comes to unclean people seeking to draft them into His holy army with a holy cause?! I tell you some churches, not all, like their pastors supplied not chosen. Paul was a chosen vessel unto Christ (CP Ac 9:15-16; 22:21; 26:19-23). "Rebecca Osaigbovo has broken the long silence of African American women. This Psalm continues the tradition of passing on the record of Gods marvelous works from one generation to another. Only in the potter's house, will we hear God's voice. We are God's chosen vessels specially made for His Personal use, set apart for His purpose, and united together by the burden of responsibility to carry out His program for our generation and beyond. God tells us still to do what he requires, with an assurance only that his commands are just, and that there are good reasons for them. God is sovereign; what He says, He will do. You are filled and poured out. So here comes God seeking vessels to use and what does He do? But as it says in Isaiah, Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou? (Isaiah 45:9b). Confidence as a chosen vessel is in the context of provision, and also in the context of authority. Heres an example. It is a confidence in war. The Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, along with some of the vessels of the house of God; and he brought them to the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, and he brought the vessels into the treasury of his god. However, when Christ is your focus, these lesser things really arent important anymore. God's purpose in verse 23 is "to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory." As a Christian, you are a vessel of mercy. The text speaks of God's chosen ones as being "vessels." You will be sustained! It was easily purchased and located in the city square and lined the streets. When we stand before principalities and powers or even the Devil himself, we have all authority to say, Back up!. He calls that oblique.. A chosen vessel - The usual meaning of the word "vessel" is well known. You're a chosen vessel, hand-picked by God." 2023Released to FlyAll rights reserved, Powered byWPDesigned with the Customizr theme, "Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. Are we people who fail to believe that we are a chosen Vessel for a specific purpose. What an awesome blessing! Staying conscious of the fact that you are a carrier of the Life-giving, Living Water is essential for the fulfillment of your purposeHis purposefor you. Here are seven lessons from Samson's life that can help along the way. It seemed like madness at the time. I think the focus here is on being prepared for Gods glory, not our glory (though that too is part of our hope Romans 8:30). Deuteronomy 7:6-8 ESV / 25 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. And he did it out of the same lump of clay that others came from who do not see or love the glory of God (Romans 9:21). Instead of quickly and harshly criticizing another of Gods chosen vessels, I find myself groaning when I hear of their fall to sin or of their struggle with various afflictions. Scripture: In other words, to you who say, you have never tasted the glory of God, I say, you have tasted many of its appetizers. Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee.(Jeremiah 1:5a). When Belshazzar tasted the wine, he gave orders to bring the gold and silver vessels which Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the temple which was in Jerusalem, so that the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines might drink from them. He led him out of his comfort zone to experiences he could hardly have imagined. If you are born again by receiving Christ Jesus as your Savior, then you are one of Gods chosen vessels. It is only God who can power you for His gospel. God planned out the prophet Jeremiah, and knew himhis strengths and weaknesses, qualities and imperfectionseven before he was formed in the womb. . Your life holds promise and purpose beyond what you could ever imagine. god's chosen vessel for his purpose and direction. A vessel filled to overflowing isnt the best use of its potential, either. Another level to being confident is in facing the dragon and his angels mentioned in Revelation 12:17. Look what He chose a lowly shepherd boy. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we stay in the Word of God study it, and hold on to it fiercely. Because in the end you will not be glorious, and everyone will see that and turn their face away. For your own souls, dont make that mistake. Many of you never asked for ministry. 1. . That's the point. As we go forward in ministry, we must know that we did not choose ourselves. Moreover, God immediately blessed Saul with a heart to fulfill his calling: "God gave (Saul) another heart.and the Spirit of God came upon (Saul), and he prophesied" (verses 9-10). A vessel is not a fountain-it is not a creator of the water-but a container and holder of that which is poured intoit. Only the Lord Himself knows which vessels are holyset apart for Himas He is the one who purchased them. Through the Holy Spirit's guidance, the apostle Paul proclaimed . 3:18) !!! Reading : Luke 1: 26-38. You are His creation and he is . Many are called . 4:4-11; 2 Thess. . Most of them knew Peter and his past. "God's Chosen Vessel for His Purpose and Direction" John 15:16 May 5, 2019 COLOSSIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Members, please utilize your tithing envelopes for all monetary transactions and be sure all blocks are properly filled out to include your full name, member ID number and where you desire your offerings to be applied. But in Romans 9 we are told that man is a vessel of God. Humanly speaking, Saul was not a likely candidate for salvation. Have you ever tasted sexual desire? If you are using our Services via a browser you can restrict, block or remove cookies through your web browser settings. 21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. Is Yoga Dangerous? I struggled between choosing to go where I knew God was leading me, versus wanting to please my parents and trying not to feel rejected by them. If you are not in the potter's house, within GOD's Control and influence, then you cannot hear . People choosing themselves or being chosen by humans to be God's servants is what has brought false teachers, prophets, apostles, etc You can neither power yourself or be powered by humanity for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Though this was legally the age of consent, the idea of getting married was incredulous to me. Enjoyed this enlightening reading of a broken vessel. We know that because Christ is said to be the Savior . Have you ever been hugged? Try, One Small Change Will Energize Tomorrow's Sermon, Slow Down, Big Fellawhat A Motorcyclist Taught Me About Preaching, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. But some kind of discomfort is part of Gods purpose for His servants. He desires to communicate with us and provide us with direction, inspiration, and encouragement. Well, without meaning to sound disrespectful to God, I have to say it: God actually doesnt have any choice! Finally, He prompted Saul to step out, shining through him and reaching many who wouldnt have otherwise been saved.
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