The Venus in Cancer person on their own may be so focused on emotional security that they would tolerate financial insecurity or difficult physical surroundings in order to hold on to a relationship. 1. Fashion trends mean little to them. However, the position of Venus by sign in a mans chart does tend to offer some clues as to what he will find attractive in a woman. Some enjoy the thought that can go behind making purchases, weighing various options. He often is attracted to more traditionally feminine looks, simply dressed (not gaudy or flashy). Rendering services to others can fill a need, and can be an expression of love. Im funny, and experienced. Venus in Pisces is tender and affectionate, although hard to reach nevertheless, as there is a longing for something that is hard to define and hard to satisfy. They can be possessive in love and with objects. As a couple, Venus in Cancer and Venus in Capricorn will be very traditional. Foreplay for them can be mental they love to communicate with you about the relationship. Their gifts are less showy, but perhaps far more generous gifts of devotion and attention to details about you. What does a Cancer woman like in a Cancer man? Venus in Scorpio people attract others with their intensity and willingness to commit. However, while it may hold true with Venus to some extent today, we prefer not to attach gender bias to Venus and Mars. Others image of their relationship matters to them. People born under this sign are strongly influenced by water and have a fast 'flow' of feelings and sensitivity and rapid attachment to people. Venus in Taurus people are very physical lovers, with a great appreciation for scents, sounds, feels, and pleasing form. Fire sign Aries begins spring, water sign Cancer begins summer, air sign Libra begins fall, and earth sign Capricorn begins winter. My Personal Ad Bio: I am fun and funny. Gemini Let them have their secrets and their silences. They are sociable, communicative, and interested. Venus in Taurus With Venus in Cancer Venus in Cancer creates a match that is happy at home, with cozy comforts and languid intimacy. The bottom line, however, is usually a rather bold, confident manner. They prefer things be done the right way, and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior. Give him time and space to make decisions. People who have both the Sun and Venus in Cancer are, at their best, nurturing presences focused on building emotional security for themselves and their loved ones. Look beyond Sun Signs. The Venus in Pisces man is a highly emotional individual, sensitive, and affectionate with his partner. Since Cancer is a water sign, people whose Venus is also a water sign (like Pisces, Scorpio, or another Cancer) can perfectly understand a Venus in Cancer man's needs and desires. The shadow side of this position is dependency, inconsistency, and superficiality. Before we delve into Venus in Cancer compatibility I recommend that you pull out your natal chart, or you can use this free tool to generate it! Ill be very loyal too, forever. This person might therefore struggle to find a balance between the two extremes. Second Best Match: Venus in Cancer with partner's Venus in water signs These are sensual partners who require lots of hands-on expressions of love. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. This can include the domestic stay-at-home parent, but it can also include the sort of person who looks for a job that is stable and guaranteed. Venus in Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces complement a Taurus Venus well. Heaven and earth? Aries and Leo connect through a very . This is because Venus reveals what we love, find pleasing, and what turns us on to some degree. Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Him Report. Sincerity and the desire to build something solid that's enduring. They are very obliging with othersquite willing to negotiate and compromise. Taurus is dirty, pungent to Venus' clean and orderly. When in Cancer, Venus becomes more emotional and sentimental. They are indulgent, especially with their favorite foods, but also with physical pleasure. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. These people plan ahead in love, and, unlike Venus in Pisces, they will let you know exactly where they (and the relationship) are headed. Sweetness, and a simple voluptuousness in a woman is ideal. If a mans Venus is in Virgo, an appealing woman to him is usually an understated, rather simple appearance without too much glamour or ostentatiousness. A man who has his Mars in Aries may be most compatible with a woman who has her Venus in Leo. Venus in Virgo people often spend their money with care, and usually on practical items instead of frivolous ones. Love needs to make sense and have a purpose with Venus in Virgo. They can appear quite standoffish at times, and are threatened by restrictions of any kind. Indulge them their many whims, and understand that they thrive on competition, even when theyre competing with you! If you have Venus in Cancer, your best compatibility matches are partners who have Venus in Taurus or Venus in Virgo. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. I care. Venus in Virgo people are not the flirtatious sort. Sun in the Signs | Moon in the Signs | Mercury in the Signs | Venus in the Signs | Mars in the Signs | Jupiter in the Signs | Rising Signs (Ascendants). Venus in Virgo has a more parsimonious reputation, but Venus in Cancer would feel cared for by Venus in Virgo's attention to detail. Pleasing Venus in Taurus involves emphasizing your loyalty, and their worth to you. And here, we'll find out what the Venus in Cancer man would be like. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. He is not as inclined to go for women who are model-thin, tomboy-ish, or for the high-profile career type. The secret sensualityof Virgo emerges in the Taurus (Venus) lovers skilled hands and patient timing. For women, Venus determines how she will approach love relationships and what she is looking for. Avoid getting stuck in a rut, and understand their need to move on. Taurus in love is a nudie with fewer inhibitions than other Zodiac signs when it comes to carnal desires. Controlling. Sharing turns them on, and tactless or uncouth behavior is a turn-off. Their appeal lies in their focus on you, and their dedication. They are not known to be especially frugal, although some of them equate money with freedom, and will gladly put money aside for travel. Romantic adventures, as well as a straightforwardeven bluntapproach to love, are themes with Venus in Sagittarius. A Venus in Cancer person is loyal but easily crosses the line into being clingy and needy. Organic love. beyond Sun Signs. Venus rules two signs, Taurus and Libra, and when it is placed in one of them, it can operate well. Venus in Scorpio seems fearless when it comes to intimacy. They can be a confusing mix of the lighthearted and serious. Sometimes we see men with very different Venus and Moon signs who have distinctly different types of women when it comes to pure attraction and those he would consider as long-term or relationship material. See the Venus Sign Lookup page. You dont need to be refined, polished, or graceful to win their favor. Who is Venus in Sagittarius compatible with? More traditional feminine types are often preferred, as opposed to aggressive or in-your-face personas. The cancer man may be shy and tight-lipped. They are attractive when they are acting a little aloof. They can be good with their money, spending lavishly only on objects of beauty, long-lasting objects, and food. They are affectionate and cuddly, and are at their best when they feel safe and secure. This is a highly emotional position for Venus. Dream along with them, and dont fence them in. The in-your-face love style of Aries-Venus has the Taurus lover putting up earthwork-obstacles. He is a good match for anyone with their sun or Venus in a water sign, like Scorpio or Pisces, because of the strong emotional bonds and loyalty between these signs. They are likely to stay in a relationship, even one that is unfulfilling, for a long time because they dont want to go through a breakup. Avoid pushing them in love give them plenty of time. Turn-offs include a relationship that is considered stuffy or too mature, vagueness, and beating around the bush. The theory of Yin and Yang, as described by the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, works well for understanding the difference between the fire and air signs and the earth and water signs. Who is Venus in Capricorn compatible with? My Personal Ad Bio: Im just a regular guy/gal. Venus in Taurus, Mars in Cancer Your Venus is in an Earth sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. Have you ever wanted the sound of the ocean splashing in the background as you work at your desk, or cook dinner in the kitchen? With a creative outlet, however, Venus in Cancer can add a layer of sensitivity and intuition to Leos artistic flair. Many people know their Sun sign but have been told that romantic compatibility in astrology is more complex than Sun signs. How having Venus in Cancer turns out for a man really depends on what he does with its intense energy. At best, the Venus in Cancer man can be nurturing and empathic. Respect and appreciate them, always. The placement of Venus in your astrological chart speaks to what you value in life. I will help you.. Most of their true character lies beneath the surface, and what they choose to put on display may even be deceptive. Although they want to explore all of your nooks and crannies, they wont always be forthcoming with their own. They can, however, be insular in their perspective and manipulative in the way they use emotions in their communication. romantic compatibility reports, including On the flip side, they may last longer in a love-only relationship in the absence of satisfying sex, but they are unlikely to feel very satisfied. Deeply passionate relations are desired with Venus in Scorpio. With her romantic gestures to show her loyalty and his nurturing and sensitive . They need space and will happily return the favor, giving you lots of room to breathe and to be yourself. In men, Venus shows how he deals with his feminine side and can also indicate the type of women he seeks in a relationship. Dont know the sign position of your Venus? They feed on attention, acknowledgement, validation, and adoration. Dating a Venus in Cancer woman requires taking the focus off the circumstances and putting it into the date. Venus in Taurus women will often prefer friendships with other women who look like themselves. I will win you over. These people project themselves as solid and comfortable. They appreciate lightheartedness in love. If each can respect the rhythm of the other in love, it's a mix of vigor and sensuality for long unforgettable nights. Id love to hear about your experience. A lover in the sign of the Twins (Gemini) finds pleasure in the running commentary, and quick witty back and forth wordplay. Let them feel they own you, without taking it to extremes. They are attracted to new and innovative products, but would do well to wait a few days before buying because the desire can pass quite quickly. If you dont know the sign position of Venus, look it up in these tables. Whichever style they choose, a slighted Scorpio lover is not a pretty sight. Water placements are extremely sensitive. Traditionally, astrologers have interpreted the position and condition of Venus in the natal chart differently depending on the gender of the native. Venus in Taurus Natal Meaning If you have this placement natally, Venus is one of the strongest planets in your chart (depending on its aspects, but this Venus sign is considered favorable in general). Who is a Venus in Gemini compatible with? It is hard for Venus in Leo people to separate love and sex, and even their most erotic fantasies are infused with love and affection. the new Love Ties report. It`s also nice having the Himalayan salt Lamp on in the background with my Crystal Tree of Life next to it. This is when they use their extraordinary nursing abilities on themselves, instead of youand you simply dont want that! My ideal dateconsists of eating in, and snuggling up to each other.. If you can, and theyre deserving, relinquish some of the control in the relationship. If a mans Venus is in Aries, heis often attracted to a tomboyish woman, perhaps athletic in appearance, but more importantly, direct, forthright, and straightforward. A Venus in Cancer man is a master at winning the heart of hopeless romantics. Of the Venus in Cancer men who do feel comfortable enough to show their emotional side, some use this power for bad ends, like emotional manipulation. Fortunately for them, a partner with Venus in Taurus or Venus in Virgo will not let that happen. Every so often, theyll retreat into themselves (not unlike a Crab), and it can be difficult to pull them out. Depending on your personality, you may find this unnerving or entirely flattering. Venus in Leo Compatibility. Learn to look past their clumsiness with you and your feelings, and avoid cornering them or forcing them to commit. For example, a man with Venus in Aries and Moon in Taurus might be attracted to forthright, independent women in general, but as far as selecting a woman for a long-term partnership goes, he might choose a more demure woman with steady affections and a softer, more traditionally feminine personality and/or appearance. Categories Astrology, Cancer Articles, Venus Sign. Dont know your Venuss sign? He likes seeing his partner satisfied and his friends happy with the treatment that he offers. They will spend the most on their family and close friends, as well as on building their homes. Look (Mars helps to round out the picture in terms of sexual attraction and style). People with Venus in Cancer deeply value security in their relationships. Breakups are of course a huge threat to emotional security, and emotional security is so important to the water signs that they will tolerate just about anything to avoid a breakup. The Venus in Cancer woman is a romantic who, when in love, falls hard. With the goddess of love in Pisces, love is all-embracing, they are able to forgive and understand, they are seducible and seductive, and they show tremendous compassion to their partners. They value enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness in their love and social relationships. Though it can be more complex than that, people with this placement can be very nurturing toward their loved ones and in touch with their emotional sides. Heartbreaks can be completely devastating. They are warm, generous, and even grand. Of these, Gemini and Aquarius are air signs, and Leo and Sagittarius are fire signs. Here, it is under the influence of the Moon, a soft and nurturing energy. Lacking in confidence is just fine, and so is a touch of helplessness. A mans Moon sign certainly factors into the equation. Nobody can get the best of them. The Venus in Cancer woman may lean more toward traditional gender roles than some women. Variety is the spice of life is their attitude in love, in social relationships, and with personal possessions. The Venus in Cancer woman puts a high priority on nurturing herself and the people she loves as she navigates the world. Its true that they resist change in their relationships, but even when they seem stuck in a groove, you can always reassure yourself by remembering that they are constant partners. Venus in Leo makes for a very passionate, fiery personality. These people are sensitive in love, even if their Sun sign is the more playful and outgoing signs of Gemini or Leo. Highlights of Venus in Taurus Man: 1. Remember, though, that some Venus in Scorpio lovers can and will take advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to keep you all to themselves. Venus in Libra people tend to employ charm rather than aggressive behavior in order to get what they want. Vekke Sind, [] Who is Venus in Cancer Compatible with? Aquarius Be direct, open, and honest with them they wont much like game-playing or evasiveness, unless it is in the complete spirit of fun. They can be animated and fun but may also keep their distance on an emotional level. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Experimental relationships are intriguing to them. They will generally bend over backwards for someone they love, but might keep too much to themselves and eventually feel resentful if affection is not returned in a similar manner. The Sun in Leo with Venus in Cancer can emphasize the most melodramatic qualities of both signs. Quick attractions. You can expect to be treated fairly, and you may be turned on by Venus in Libras willingness to concede and adjust their lives to fully accommodate you. You flirt in a slow and steady way with a consistent magnetism. Venus in Leo people may spend a lot on entertainment or sometimes just to show off! Similarly, the fire or air sign worker in the healthcare industry might gravitate toward experimental therapies. Although their needs for physical expression through sex are generally quite strong, their need for love is perhaps even stronger. However, they fear instability, and they usually have a deep fear of rejection and of not measuring up, which can also be a motivator behind a strong drive to provide for a partner. This can spur the Ram on, as he loves a hard-to-get lover. People with Venus in any of the water signs are open to using emotional manipulation to get their way. Loves spontaneous expressions of affection and sexuality. Still, you may find their conclusions about you seem skewed and mistrustful. What they buy and the types of entertainment they enjoy are ruled by whether or not things make sense. They thrive in a set-up that implies that it's for keeps. They can be a little moody in love, and some go so far as giving silent treatments and engaging in pouting routines to get attention from their mate. They are easygoing in this manner because a partner can appeal to their sense of reason, and they always strive to be exceptionally fair and impartial. Capricorn is Cancers opposite. Aries likes to take the lead in love (even if their Sun Sign is gentle Pisces) let them, at least most of the time. They are not usually especially generous people and are typically quite practical and patient when it comes to saving and spending money. In a man's chart, the placement of Venus determines the type of woman he is attracted to. Venus in Taurus men and women can be possessive in love, and they are threatened by fast-paced, high-energy situations in the context of relationships and love. Venus in Leo loves to court and be courted, and they need to feel very special. A sticking point for these two fixed signs is that they're supremely loyal. Yang is the outwardly focused energy of fire and air signs, and Yin is the inwardly focused energy of earth and water signs. Their charm is natural and earthy. They want to learn new things, and experience everything together. They can become quietly resentful if they feel they are being taken advantage of and they make it easy for more aggressive types to bully them around. Love is a bit of a gamea game that is perpetual, as Venus in Leo is forever stuck in the romance stage of a relationship. Im comfortable and comforting. Who is Venus in Aquarius compatible with. While Venus offers clues as to what type of women and situations attract a man on a romantic level, the Moon reveals what qualities makes a man feel comfortable and warm. They take pride in love and their love relationships, and they are typically generous with their money. All four of the cardinal signs mark the beginning of seasons. . The four elements fire, earth, air, and water typically break down into two groups of two: fire and air, and earth and water. The shadow side of Venus in Gemini is fickleness. They possess you, and somehow make it seem attractive to be possessed. Both cancer dating a long to appear serene and relationships . 1. People get turned on by Venus in Aries aura of innocent charm, even when they are being childish and impatient. As nesters, they'll enjoy an abundant garden, a stocked pantry, and fridge, down comforters and overstuffed sofas. A tousled, casual appearance is just fine with these men. A relationship between a Venus in Cancer person and a Venus in Taurus or Venus in Virgo partner would therefore have the best of both worlds. They could easily feel guilty if they are too self-indulgent. Avoid pushing your friends or family on them too fast remember they are a little shy. Venus Basics: Which Sun signs can have Venus in Cancer? Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. She values keeping a comfortable and cozy home, not just in terms of the physical space, but also in the relationships between people. The shadow side of this position is allowing themselves to be victimized or deluded, as well as evasiveness. Good manners and polite interactions in public make you look good to a Venus in Taurus guy. To check Venus sign compatibility between yourself and a partner, use the synastry tool below. These lovers are playful some might even call them a tease. They take expressing their feelings seriously, and they definitely take their time to warm up to others. In todays world where people of all genders are able to express a broader variety of roles and traits, perhaps a better way to understand the difference between the two groups of signs is to look at their focus. Venus in Taurus people are very physical lovers, with a great appreciation for scents, sounds, feels, and pleasing form. Venus in Virgo people express their love through practical means and gesturesrunning errands, doing detail work, or just being there for their lovers. Truth and higher meaning are things that take priority with Sagittarius. The signs that have not been covered yet are Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Venus in Libra men and women have idealized images of their relationships, even to the point where the relationship becomes bigger than life, taking on a life of its own.
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