Please be aware that state ethics rules may require that some communications be reported to the Procurement Policy Board. How do solar incentives affect the cost of solar panels in Illinois? Illinois Shines: Illinois is one of few states with a Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) program to support the development of solar projects in the state. Education Webinars, Illinois Solar Energy Association c/o Shamrock Electric | 1281 E. Brummel Ave Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 |, Copyright 2009 - 2018 Illinois Solar Energy Association, FAQs - Utility, Community, and Large-Scale Solar, Consumer Protection Business Code of Conduct, Future Energy Jobs Act Workforce Development Programs, COVID-19 Resources for Solar Professionals. You can follow the steps below to ensure you get access to this outstanding benefit program. Email. Sign up for our email newsletter! Ethics Reporting Associated with Communications with the IPA. If you have more questions or would like to see a quote for your home, farm or facility, our experts will be happy to discuss further! The IPA and the Program Administrator are providing updates on these programmatic changes and the process of reopening the program as they develop. Credits dont roll over indefinitely though, and any surplus expires at the annual billing date. Our experts will be happy to discuss this exciting incentive and make sure you understand all the rewarding benefits Illinois SRECs can potentially bring to your project. Net metering ensures that you benefit from the full value of your solar panels and is a great way to balance out your electricity production and consumption, which do not always happen at the same time. For size comparison, a 1,000 kW, or 1 MegaWatt (MW) community solar plant would require around 3 to 5 acres and 2 MW potentially up to 10 acres. Copyright 2009-2023 EnergySage, Inc. capacity. While its an excellent opportunity for some Illinoisans to support the clean energy movement without laying out a ton of money, its not the most beneficial way to get solar. Its possible that, as the Prairie State approaches or surpasses its RPS goal, the net energy metering credit rate will drop or go away entirely. I want solar! With these incentives in the works, its a great time to start evaluating your solar options. advisory with regard tocarbon emissions and renewable fuels, TRANSACTION MANAGEMENTOnline - after site upgrade is complete(expected by mid May), CLIENTSResidential and Commercial Installers Residential and Commercial System Owners MunicipalitiesUtilities in a variety of settingsand market conditions around the globe, PAYMENT OPTIONSUpfront and fixed payment options with market based pricing for existing systems, www.srectrade.comToll free: (877) 466-4606Direct: (415), SPECIALTY100% SREC transaction focus500+ MW across 35,000+ assets under management, TRANSACTION MANAGEMENTOnline bid submission and system registration for installers and system owners. Additionally, the IRA provides increased credits for purchasing electric vehicles. Solar is hot in Illinois! The price drop between blocks is 4%. Like homeowners, small businesses and nonprofits can apply to the Illinois Shines program through an approved vendor. Newsletter Sign Up, News & Announcements Community Solar Subscription: An interest in a community renewable generation project expressed in kilowatts, which is sized primarily to offset part or all of the subscribers electricity usage. Net energy metering makes it far more likely for residents to offset their utility bills entirely, helping to maximize their energy savings and reduce the amount of time it takes to pay off their equipment. Note that the SREC program in Illinois is designed to incentivize ongoing decreases in the cost of going solar in the state. With the passing of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act, however, this 5% cap has been removed. With the enactment of the Public Act 102-0662, the Illinois Power Agency is tasked with numerous crucial implementation activities. On September 15, 2021 Governor Pritzker signed the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (Public Act 102-0662). Dont be. Smart Inverters not only convert the direct current (DC) produced by your solar array into usable alternating current (AC), they can also communicate with the electrical grid and can even be operated remotely by a third-party. Its important to note that this is not a cashback incentive, so you wont get the average credit value of $6,143 back. It guarantees that you are credited for all excess power your system produces that isnt used in your home and is instead sent to the grid. The EnergySage Solar Calculator estimates the net 20-year savings of a 5 kW system installed in McLean County, IL to be anywhere from $21,564 to $29,175. Browse approved vendors here. In our opinion, the federal credit is the best and most valuable incentive available in Illinois. Still, we think this is an outstanding solar perk and well worth the time it takes to apply. You can answer some questions yourself, while others can be answered by your installer or sales agent. FEJA established the incentive structure known as the Adjustable Block Program (ABP), also known as the Illinois Shines program. Visit to learn more. Previously, the incentive transitioned to a new block with a lower price once it reached its set amount of installed solar this resulted in fewer available incentive funds as more people installed solar. The ILSFA program is an outstanding option for aspiring solar customers who cannot pay for their systems in cash or qualify for a loan or lease. All credits are automatic, provided you have the right electric meter, and a new one will be provided for free even if you dont have a bidirectional meter. When you compare quotes for solar panels on EnergySage's competitive solar marketplace, you can expect to see prices up to 20% lower than working with a single solar company. More information about these programs can be found in the Administrative Code document above. Well outline the steps you need to take below. It was discontinued in 2021, but then reinstated by the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act that same year. Call us at (773) 812-3447 for more information on SRECs. The program lasts for 15 years after you install your photovoltaic (PV) equipment. TheIllinois Solar for Allprogram helps low-income households install solar panels with no upfront costs. represents the carbon or pollution avoided from the grid. 30% credit for systems installed between 2005 and 2022, 0% credit for systems installed in 2024 or later, 30% credit for systems installed between 2022 and 2032, 0% credit for systems installed after 2035, Put toward your solar loan as additional principal to reduce the payoff timeline, Use to recoup your cash investment in solar to expedite your. This credit is also available to all Illinois property owners, and its guaranteed to be offered until 2034. One of the best ways to understand costs and incentives is to use a tool to help you calculate your solar potential. This is a massive amount of money to put toward your system costs for minimal effort on your part. In addition to the federal and statewide solar perks mentioned above, there are two other local incentives that might be available to you, depending on where you live. Utilities must offer retail rate net metering in Illinois, with the exception of cooperatives or municipalities. The rate will drop in 2033, but solar customers were given an additional decade to take advantage of the credit. SRECs are a great way for businesses and nonprofits to generate savings in Illinois. Below is the states definition of a qualified person:A person who performs installations on behalf of the certificate holder and who has either satisfactorily completed at least five installations of a specific distributed generation technology or has completed at least one of five listed programs requiring lab or field work and received a certification of satisfactory completion. The Illinois Shines program is the state's equivalent of the Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) programs and adjustable block programs in other states. NEW Illinois SREC Prices for 2022-2023 Program Year. Illinois also offers a special exemption for residents of counties with fewer than three million inhabitants. If you buy electricity from your utility (e.g., basic service or hourly pricing), you must contact the utility to enroll in net metering. Residential Solar Incentives (Small/14-unit buildings) ($/REC) To encourage Energy Sovereignty, an additional $10 per REC would be added for projects that result in ownership by the customer, such as through an early buyout of a lease or PPA. Spots Are Already Being Taken By Illinois Homeowners. A renewable energy certificate (REC) is a market-based instrument that represents the property rights to the environmental, social, and other non-power attributes of renewable electricity generation. The Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) took effect on June 1, 2017 and is designed to stimulate job creation in clean energy, assist the state in meeting its ambitious RPS goal by 2025, and promote energy efficiency. The Illinois SREC plus Federal Tax Credit makes solar very appealing. Energy Solutions has been designated the Program Administrator. These Incentives Are Limited! solar calculator. Is my home or property a good fit for a solar system? Although this is around 10% lower than the national average of $23,940, its still a massive price tag to convert to renewable energy and one that many Illinois property owners cannot afford. System Purchase >25 kW Sample Disclosure Form, Well discuss the steps you need to take below to ensure you get full credit for your SRECs. This credit has been available since 2005, and it has gone through some changes since it was initially offered. However, CEJA altered the program from this cascading approach to an annual block approach. (Same as System), Renewable Energy Credit (REC) or Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC): The environmental attributes represented by 1 MWh of electricity generated by a renewable generator. Given the tax rate in IL of 2.16% and the typical system value of $20,475, this exemption should save you approximately $8,845 in taxes over the life of your equipment.2. This means that any value added to your home by installing solar is not factored into property assessments and associated property taxes. Illinois' SREC incentive: the Adjustable Block Program Under the Adjustable Block Program, also known as Illinois Shines, you can earn one solar renewable energy certificate (SREC) for each megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity your solar system produces over 15 years. You dont need to apply for anything or file any paperwork, and the savings are massive. The state has a local SREC market where your credits can be sold. In the chart below, well include a breakdown of all of the incentives and rebates you can take advantage of as a solar customer in Illinois. It provides an average potential value of $6,143 for Illinois residents, and it takes just a few minutes to file for. The tax exemption for solar equipment in IL prevents your taxes from going up as a result of installing solar equipment. The highly popular and successful solar renewable energy credit incentive, or SREC program, will continue after a recent hiatus. Carmel, Rural Electric Cooperatives, and Municipal Utilities located in MISO belong in Group A; Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), and Rural Electric Cooperatives and Municipal Utilities located in PJM belong in Group B. NT. This is because the utility uses either April or October as the annual billing period end. Her work on solar policy has been published in Canada's National Observer. To understand how much power your system will generate, please work with your Approved Vendor, as each system is different. What new incentives are there in Illinois following the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act? In fact, Illinois has better incentives than most other states. Phone. Learn more below. Lastly, we believe the SREC program in IL is a staple of the incentive spread available to you and one that you should definitely take part in. That incentive is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the income tax liability that a person or company claiming the credit would otherwise pay the federal government. However, if your system is larger than that, you receive the payments over the course of five years. Office. Aegis Construction Group is an Illinois state-approved solar energy system vendor. Concerned about climate change? Illinois separates SREC price amounts into blocks, as each block fills up the price of the SRECs goes down in the next block. The first step towards earning SRECs is to shop for a solar panel system. As of right now, there are no near-term changes to incentives in Illinois planned, which is good news for solar customers. This Act included significant changes to the Adjustable Block/Illinois Shines program, including the reopening of the program within 90 days (December 14, 2021). Alternatively, if you want to start out your process with an estimate of costs and savings associated with solar, try out our Solar Calculator. Speaking of Solar Blog, Homeowner Resources ISEA recommends system owners work We can educate you on all the current state rebates and credits around the red hot SREC program, exclusively available in Illinois. In Illinois you as a solar owner contract with an Approved Vendor (through your installer) to sell all the SRECs your system is expected to generate over the first 15 years. Individualized client accountsto report production and track SREC transactions, Residential and Commercial System Owners CorporateResidential & Small Commercial Developers, PAYMENT OPTIONSSREC Small Subscriber: A residential or small commercial customer with a subscription below 25 kW. See why here. The tax exemption prevents the value of your solar panel system from contributing to your tax-assessed value. Whats The Near-Term Outlook For More Incentives In Illinois? A lover of music and the outdoors, Karsten might be found rock climbing, canoeing or writing songs when away from the workplace. In the sections below, well provide responses to some of the most common questions we get asked about solar perks and benefit programs in Illinois. The good news is that Illinois is home to quite a few incentive programs that make PV equipment more affordable and maximize your long-term solar savings. Recent Posts. The kind of credits you get each month for surplus energy depends on the price you pay for energy from ComEd and whether you received the utilitys commercial distributed generation rebate (not currently available for residential arrays). Leigh Matthews is a sustainability expert and long time Vegan. Illinoiss net metering rules used to allow utilities to stop offering net metering once they reached 5% of total peak demand in the previous year. listed below: Carbon Solutions Group or SRECTrade. This Act included significant changes to the Adjustable Block/Illinois Shines program. Designee: Third-party (i.e., non-Approved Vendor) entities that have direct interaction with end-use customers. In this guide to solar benefits and incentive programs available in Illinois, youll learn: Our solar experts have sifted through hundreds of local governments and utility companies websites to find accurate information about current solar incentives in each state. The best of EcoWatch right in your inbox. The new guidelines are as follows: Claiming the federal tax credit in Illinois couldnt be much easier. Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) Residential: REC's are a state incentive, whose value is equal to the solar energy you produce over 15 years times the price set by the Illinois Power Agency for REC's. The Illinois Shines or ABP Program uses a block structure to determine the value of an SREC. Are energy-efficient appliances worth it? Illinois has a very favorable net metering program that helps bring down effective energy costs. Illinois Solar Legislation The IPA website is regularly updated with new information about the ABP. Leigh Matthews, BA Hons, H.Dip. The Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) Program is an excellent option for low-income households to convert to solar power. Failure to enroll or re-enroll may significantly impact the value you receive from your PV system. Homeowners sell these SRECs through a market set up by the Illinois Power Agency (IPA). If your project is on the waitlist first seeking confirmation of funding, now is the time to move forward. Solar Ambassadors Register for free to start comparing quotes. Give us a call at 309-316-3540 for more information and a free consultation on residential, commercial, or agricultural solar. The Illinois SREC plus Federal Tax Credit makes solar very appealing. Its important to note that while the net energy metering program in IL is currently outstanding, these policies change all the time across the country. The best way to compare your solar options and save money at the same time is by registering on the EnergySage Marketplace. Approved Vendor: An entity approved by the Program Administrator to submit project applications to the Adjustable Block Program and act as counterparty to the ABP contracts with the utilities. Community Solar are typically large systems from a minimum size of 500 kW up to 2 MW (AC) that feed into the grid and generating power for subscribers. What You Need to Know About the Illinois Shines Program, What You Need to Know About the Illinois Solar for All Program, What You Need to Know About the Solar Property Tax Exemption in Illinois. That would mean less credit for each kWh you pass to the grid, which translates to fewer long-term savings. Net Metering: A provision in an electric utilitys tariff that allows for crediting a customers bill for all or some of the production of a distributed generation or community solar facility which has been exported to the distribution grid. Is IL proposing increasing incentives for rooftop solar in the next 24 months? The state set a specific amount of installed solar (in megawatts, MW) and an associated SREC price for each block. As of right now, there are no plans or pieces of legislation in the works to increase incentives in Illinois. Learn more about the technology of photovoltaics from the US Department of Energy here: Consulting with an Approved Vendor is the best way to figure out if your home (either your roof or your property for ground mounted systems) would be a good fit for a solar system. Small Distributed Generation (Small DG): A distributed generation system less than or equal to 10 kW in size. Large Distributed Generation Large DG): A distributed generation system larger than 10 kW, up to 2 MW. That system value is calculated using the cost of your panels, batteries and inverters, plus installation costs. Policy Webinars, Solar Tour The quotes would include current incentives available in your area. This gives you a chance to use up any remaining credits for the year. Give us a call today to learn more from our experts and how this may potentially be a great opportunity for your solar power system. Solar is hot in Illinois! You may participate in Illinois Shines in one of two ways: Whether you are planning to install solar on your property or subscribe to a community solar project, you must work with an Approved Vendor who will either submit your solar system to the Program or register your community solar subscription with an already established Community Solar project in the Program. Find out how affordable solar is for your home with our Solar Calculator, or simply register your property today to get quotes. Best of all, the program takes no time to enroll in, as your installer will set up automatic credit sales for you. Your local tax assessor will simply not include the value of your solar power system when determining your tax-assessed value. REC prices are determined through the Adjustable Block Program. RECs are a way to track and monetize these environmental benefits and compensate owners for the countless benefits to Illinois. in the Illinois Shines program. solar calculator. Illinois Shines is part of the state's plan to hit its ambitious Renewable Portfolio Standard goal of producing 50% of its energy from renewable sources by the year 2040. Shouldnt solar be the same? Lastly, net energy metering doesnt cost you anything to apply for, and it takes virtually no time investment either. Well also include the average savings afforded by each perk to help you prioritize which to take. In its place, Illinois state has set a threshold date of December 31st, 2024, or when new utility tariffs are set and approved (whichever is later). Renewable Energy Credit (REC) is a tradable, environmental asset that Illinois Power Agency Energy Workforce Equity Portal The portal is an online source designed to help connect clean energy companies with Equity Eligible Persons looking to work in the clean energy sector in Illinois. Carbon Solutions Group (CSG) is serving as a Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) Aggregator for the Illinois Adjustable Block Program. sales @ Solar Ambassador Program For the average residential system, this comes out to more than $10,000 in additional savings. Otherwise, youre paying to produce energy for which the utility wont compensate you. As such, you stand to make the most from SRECs in Illinois by going solar now instead of waiting. This program is undergoing some changes in the summer of 2022, but the basic premise remains the same: home solar producers can earn 1 SREC for every MWh of electricity produced by their systems and can sell these to earn additional income. Yes, SRECs are considered taxable income, so you will need to pay taxes on these. The value of an SREC is determined by the market subject to supply and . System: A solar photovoltaic array and all associated equipment necessary for its generation of electricity and connection to the distribution grid.
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