This free resource is here to help you find an independent Baptist church in your area or while traveling. The church is Independent Baptist, preaches and teaches out of the KJV, has conservative music and dress, and averages 100 in attendance. Applicant must believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God, meet all the qualifications of 1Timothy and Titus; preach and teach only from the King James Bible. We also meet on Wednesday Evenings at 6:30 PM for Bible study and prayer. Dale. Please put"Cornerstone Beulah"in the subject line so weknowwhich listing you are responding to. They are the only Baptist church in town. we are located in a rural town about 40 minutes east of Evansville, called Dale. The church only uses the KJV, has traditional music, averages 20 in attendance, is debt-free, and has a good facility. Please send resumes (including your testimony), doctrinal statement, and references to. The church uses the KJV, has traditional music, and has an average attendance in the 20s. If so, we are an Old-Fashioned, Independent Baptist Church in Cookeville, TN that offers expository Bible preaching. MBC ( is located in a small, rural community about 30 miles north of Appleton and 30 miles west of Green Bay. Willow Branch Baptist Church uses only the King James Bible. The New Testament is the authority in all matters of faith and practice. Baldwin has a population of about 4,000 and is about 40 miles east of Minneapolis/Saint Paul. The first meeting was on Sunday, the 1st of March 2015. . Door-to-Door Soul-Winning In an Independent Baptist church, believers choose to be baptized, usually in front of the whole congregation, as a sign of obedience to Christ. 03:00 PM Start Soul-Winning At our church, we prefera cappella congregational singing and believe this emphasises the voices of the people and words of each song. Take a moment to explore our website and learn more about how God is using the churches of the AIBCI to advance His kingdom. Damascus Road Baptist Church in Farmville, North Carolina is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. Jackson Ave. ___ (c)2023 the Corsicana Daily Sun (Corsicana, Texas) Visit the Corsicana . Independent Fundamentalist Baptists (IFB) are taught to be anti-cultural to hate the world. It is the final authority of our church in all doctrine and practice. This position includes a 3-bedroom parsonage (recently remodeled) and salary which may be full-time depending on the needs of the incoming pastor. We are a Bible believing church started just over 4 years ago. Carleton Community Baptist Church (CCBC) is looking for a bi-vocational Assistant Pastor (AP) to direct and help grow our various Church programs. First Baptist Church in Hallstead, Pennsylvania is seeking a full-time assistant pastor to quickly transition into the role of senior pastor. Independent Fundamental Baptist or Bible-Believing Baptist) are a particularly cranky fundamentalist branch of unaffiliated Baptists.[1] The origins of the Independent Baptist movement are sketchy. Interested candidates should send a resume (including Statement of Faith and references) to You can read more about the church on their website, Congregational Singing In 2005, I was finally convinced that the bible was the word of God and called upon the Lord. Applicant must believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God, meet all the qualifications of 1Timothy and Titus; preach and teach only from the King James Bible. Walkerton Bible Baptist Church of Walkerton, Indiana (population 2,200) is seeking a bi-vocational pastor as their current pastor is retiring. The church is Independent Fundamental Baptist, uses the KJV, is traditional in music, missions minded, and averages 25-35 in attendance (including every age group with a healthy group of young people). The parsonage has had many improvements done and the final touches will be made according to the incoming pastors preferences. 2 Corinthians 5 gives us the motive for our commission ("for the love of Christ constraineth us"), the means for preaching the commission ("the ministry of reconciliation"), and Please direct all inquiries and resumes (including doctrinal statement & references) to Mike Gross with Open Door Ministries. The church is Independent Baptist, only uses the KJV, and has traditional music in their services, and does not embrace Calvinism. The Baptist Church governs the individual churches, whereas the Southern Baptist Church does not govern the individual churches. This position will include preaching as well as several other aspects of ministry (youth group, visitation, van routes, VBS, childrens ministry, music, website/Facebook management, and assisting the pastor with various projects and jobs around the church). The church is independent Baptist, only uses the KJV, has traditional music, and averages 20-30 in attendance (variety of ages). Burbank is heavily populated and is located on the southwest side of Chicago. The package would be full-time but we are not opposed to some outside work if necessary. Must be able to pass background and financial checks. 10:30 AM Bible Reading Compensation may be considered full-time depending on the needs of the incoming pastor. Each Baptist church is an independent congregation. The facilities (2 buildings-a sanctuary and an education building/fellowship hall) and property are in well kept condition. Bring one, two, five, ten, twenty, or more! Youre invited to attend the Servants Conference at First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. Please Send Updates/Additions (Use Update Listing Button) Any Church Listing does NOT indicate an endorsement of that ministry! The company's filing status is listed as Not Current and its File Number is 100026565. Each church is autonomous, there is no higher authority, except the Lord. A Place to Belong. The Independent Baptist Church Placement List is a ministry of Triumph Baptist Church, Great Falls, Montana and Hope Biblical Counseling Center Ministries. Posted 9:26:42 AM. Tracking down the origins of the Baptist Church in general is an exercise in ancient church history. Calvary Baptist only uses the King James Version, is traditional in worship, conservative in music, and averages 45 in attendance. Bethel Baptist Church. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Corporation Service Company and is located at 2711 Centerville Rd Ste 400, Wilmington, DE 19808. The church was established in the 1950s and is debt free. Farson and its neighboring town of Eden are farm and ranch communities with a combined population of 600. The church only uses the KJV, has traditional music, and averages 25 in attendance. Popular church music styles include traditional hymns, praise and worship, and contemporary. Sunday School attendance runs around 50 and service runs around 80. You may send your resume to Current Pastor, Randy Kuhn, will be retiring due to health reasons, but is assisting the church through the transition. Approximately 120,000 people are with-in a 30-minute drive of the church, the majority of whom do not know Christ as savior and rarely enter a church or encounter someone who will tell them about Jesus. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Sammy L. Reynolds and is located at 2209 Tyler St., Conway, AR 72033. Pastor opportunities in many denominations including Southern Baptist (SBC), Independent Baptist, Non-Denomination, Methodist, Presbyterian and others. loud crying or screaming), its best to take your child out to settle or discipline them and then bring them back into the congregation when they have calmed down. Cornerstone Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Mineral, Virginia. These figures predate the candidacy and election of President Donald Trump. We believe Gods Word is inerrant,infallible, alive and powerful, and is the purest and final authority over all ministers and ministries in the churches and is sufficientfor life and godliness. Theres only one way to heaven, and thats through Jesus Christ. Grace Baptist Church in Dubuque, Iowa is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. Contact Pastor Randy Kuhn,, for more information or to submit your resume for consideration. Farmington is right off I-90 in upstate NY, has a population around 14,000, and is 20 minutes from downtown Rochester. They are conservative churches which allow only men to be ordained to the ministry and follow a rather fundamentalist view of Scripture. Cornerstone Baptist Church uses only the King James Bible. Maranatha Baptist Church of Navarino in Shiocton, Wisconsin is seeking a full-time pastor. Welcome to Independent Baptist Church of Bolingbrook, IL. Shiretown BC is a healthy, IFB church that is focused on evangelism, discipleship, and expository preaching using only the KJV. In public school I was taught evolution and raised in the ways of atheism by my teachers. Grace Baptist Church in Dubuque, Iowa is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. 10:00 AM CHURCH Lakeview is debt-free, has a well kept facility, 3 total lots, and a parsonage. The church is Independent Baptist, uses the KJV, and average 45-50 in attendance. Phone: 330-679-5505 Pastor's Name: Jay Baughman KJV Position: KJV Worship Style: Traditional New Hope Baptist Church - Goode, VA No Reviews Favorite Address: 8270 E Lynchburg Salem Turnpike Goode Virginia 24556 United States Service Times: Sunday School 10, Sunday Morning 11, Sunday Evening 6, Wednesday 7 Phone: 540-587-9219 Pastor's Name: Don Rice Please include Damascus Road in your subject line as we are assisting several churches at this time. SEARCH DIRECTIONS: The facility is paid for and the church has no debt. Willow Branch Baptist Church uses only the King James Bible. Temple Baptist Church, located just a few miles away, is providing pulpit supply during their search. Wolfdale Bible Church in Washington, Pennsylvania is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. This is not always the case, and many of the churches listed within this category may not take the same stance, but this is typically what you can expect when you visit one of these churches. The various local churches preached repentance and confession of sins, along with baptism by immersion as an outward sign . The AP would be responsible for directing youth/teen programs and assisting the Pastor with various other ministries/duties. Just recently, the church voted unanimously to leave the GARBC. Ebenezer Independent Missionary Baptist Church, located in the Old 15th District of Del Rio, takes its name from the Hebrew word which means "Stone of Help.". Elizabeth and I have been happily married for 9 years (since the 7th of August 2010) and currently have 5 beautiful children. Please include "Needmore Baptist Church" inthesubject line. Website. When replying to an ad, please use the church name in the subject line of your email so we know which church(es) you are interested in. All the missionaries support goes to the missionary, not to support a mision board. Amen. The Church meets on Sundays, at 10:15 AM for Bible school and at 11:00 AM for worship. We covet your prayers and desire your presence. Please submit a resume (including statement of faith and references) to Feb. 28Pastor Gerald Weatherall II of First Independent Baptist Church invites the community to come and worship at its 76th Usher's Annual. Trusting the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only requirement for salvation. Interested candidates should send a resume (including testimony of salvation, statement of faith, and references) to Paul Warnke, Winifred Baptist Church in Winifred, Kansas is seeking a pastor. Interested candidates should send a resume (including Statement of Faith and references) to, Calvary Baptist Church of Benson, Arizona, is currently seeking a young couple that is looking for the role of Assistant Pastor. Evansville Baptist Church in Niles, Ohio is seeking a pastor. The church only uses the KJV, has traditional music, averages 20 in attendance, is debt-free, and has a good facility. A parsonage is also on the property, but will remain in use by the retiring pastor, who will be stepping down due to age and health complications. The ads are listed from newest to oldest and once a church has called their pastor, we will remove the ad. 712 S Wilmot Rd. To Learn More About Pilgrim Baptist Church, it is recommended you read the following articles: First Baptist is located in Prince Frederick, MD, and has around 200 in regular attendance. Resumes (including testimony, doctrinal statement, references, and cover letter) should be directed to Mike Gross with Open Door Ministries, Faith Baptist Church of Baldwin, Wisconsin is seeking a pastor. The church has seen tremendous growth over the last several years and currently averages around 95 in attendance. The Road to Emmaus Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Monaca, Pennsylvania. Please direct all resumes (experience, education, basic family bio, statement of faith, and references) to Pastor Jim Reeves, 27. We are kept saved by Jesus and not by our good works. Below is a list of some of our favourite sermons. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us, Grace Baptist Church of Washington, Utah (, Lakeview Baptist Church of Portage, Indiana is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. Chinese Independent Baptist Church is a Baptist church located at 981 Washington St, Chinatown, San Francisco, California 94108, US. Interested candidates should send a resume (including Statement of Faith and references) to We can offer a house to live in, paid utilities, and a salary. 10:15 AM Pray for Member Requests As this is a bi-vocational pastorship, the Church will pay for housing up to an agreed-upon amount. If you would like to commit to praying for one or more of these churches below please send us a message to let us know. Today we are excited to announce Independent Baptist Churches. Online registration will begin on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., recently ousted five churches across the U.S. because they allow women to serve as pastors . The church is Independent Baptist, only uses the KJV, has traditional music, and averages 15 adults in attendance on Sunday. The church is Independent Baptist, uses the KJV, and average 45-50 in attendance. Our 2023 Bible Conference Theme: 1 Corinthians 13 -A Heart Cry for Christian Charity. The church is IFB in doctrine, is strong on the KJV, has traditional hymns in their services, and averages 12 in attendance (older congregation). The church is Independent Baptist, only uses the KJV, has traditional music, and averages 15-20 in attendance for all services. Please adjust your search criteria and try again. The next step on your journey is simple join us in-person or online and experience one of our services. Grace BC is 45 years old and has a beautiful, well-kept facility, including an auditorium that will seat 200. Showing 1-20 of 633 church listings. We always order extra food just in case, so you are still welcome to join us for lunch even if you were not able to RSVP beforehand. Oakview Independent Baptist Church Hosted By Jerry Moore Ministries. Friendship Independent Missionary Baptist Church of Perry, Florida, is currently seeking a full time Pastor. The church is independent Baptist, only uses the KJV, has traditional music, and averages 30-35 in attendance. All rights and glory belong exclusively to the LORD Jesus Christ, both now and for eternity. The pastor is Matthew Tester. 02:30 PM Meet at the Building The pastor is Don Rice. There are a number of Maranatha Baptist University students that are members and serve faithfully in the ministries at FBC. Georgia Independent Baptist churches describe themselves with words like friendly, conservative, and down to earth. There are a number of Maranatha Baptist University students that are members and serve faithfully in the ministries at FBC. VIEW A PLAYLIST OF OUR HYMNS The church is debt-free, has an average attendance of 18, only uses the KJV, and has traditional music. Warren is located on the coast and has a population around 4,300 (county population is approximately 40,000). The church is debt-free, uses the KJV, has traditional music, and averages 25-30 in attendance on Sunday morning. FBC ( is looking for a servant-shepherd who has a heart for the Lord and who will love and lead the flock. New Life Baptist Church is a Soul-winning church Bible Baptist Church. Feel free to get up and move around if you need to feed, change, settle or discipline your children. This missions-minded church was planted 10 years ago by Brother Plato Shepherd, is debt-free, and the only IFB church in Larned. Please direct all inquiries and resumes (including salvation testimony, doctrinal statement, family info, and references) to, Needmore Independent Baptist Church of Charlotte, Michigan is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. We use the KJV and are pretty conservative in our music. First Baptist Church in Burbank, Illinois is seeking a full-time pastor. Those five are active in four area prisons teaching and conducting discipleship. Faith Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Justin, Texas. An Independent Baptist Church is an independent, autonomous, local body of believers, called out of the world for the purpose of glorifying God and preaching the gospel. Independent Baptist Churches believe the following "Independent Baptist Distinctives": 1. Calvary Baptist only uses the King James Version, is traditional in worship, conservative in music, and averages 45 in attendance. Evansville Baptist Church in Niles, Ohio is seeking a pastor. Send cover letter, resume, and any relevant information to, Carleton Community Baptist Church (CCBC) is looking for a bi-vocational Assistant Pastor (AP) to direct and help grow our various Church programs. Phone Number 630-520-8507 Email. DIRECTIONS AND CONTACT DETAILS The parsonage has had many improvements done and the final touches will be made according to the incoming pastors preferences. Shiretown BC is a healthy, IFB church that is focused on evangelism, discipleship, and expository preaching using only the KJV. There are 30-40 people in attendance on Sunday morning and 15-20 on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. The church is IFB in doctrine, is strong on the KJV, has traditional hymns in their services, and averages 12 in attendance (older congregation). Some Things Youll Notice About Us The Association of Independent Baptist Churches of Illinois (AIBCI) exists to encourage local churches and coordinate with local churches to see the Gospel take root all across the state of Illinois. The Church A Biblical House of Worship, is a theologically and socially conservative, Christ-centered church that preaches the whole counsel of God and the Gospel of salvation in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone. The pastor is Zachery Smith. Grace BC is 45 years old and has a beautiful, well-kept facility, including an auditorium that will seat 200. Compensation may be considered full-time depending on the needs of the incoming pastor. New Life Baptist Church is a Bible-believing church This missions-minded church was planted 10 years ago by Brother Plato Shepherd, is debt-free, and the only IFB church in Larned. Simon Li Yang (8) [1] If you are seeking a church home, looking to grow in your own personal faith, or have questions about God and the Bible, please come and join us at any one of our Sunday or Wednesday services. On the Lords Day, The Church prays, sings Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs in obedience to Ephesians5:19 and Colossians 3:16, and we sit under the expositionalpreaching of Gods Word. Being saved is a one time event that can never be lost. The Chinese Independent Baptist Church . We were previously known as The Church in Punchbowl. The church is debt free and has a nice facility. Contact Pastor Randy Kuhn. The church is debt-free, has an average attendance of 15-20 people, is traditional in worship, and uses the KJV only. Be sure to check out the Tags on their listing page on this site, or visit their Statement of Faith, to find out for sure what each independent Baptist church stands for. The River Church is a non-denominational church meeting in Reidsville, North Carolina. We wish for every saint to be a servant! 411 were here. We would like God to call servants of Christ to be greater bus workers, Sunday school teachers, disciplers, and soul winners. Please include First Baptist Burbank in the subject line of your email. Meet the Members Shiretown Baptist Church in Houlton, Maine is prayerfully seeking a young man or young couple (college age) to join the ministry in the assistant pastor position. You can read more about the church and its beliefs at, Shiretown Baptist Church in Houlton, Maine is prayerfully seeking a young man or young couple (college age) to join the ministry in the assistant pastor position. This year's theme is "The servant's steadfast endurance." The program starts at 11 a.m. Sunday, March 19 with guest Minister Myron Williams of Malakoff at 701 G.W. Victor Tey is the bishop who was used by God to plant this church. Willow Branch Baptist Church is an independent Missionary Baptist church in Bristol, Virginia. Farmington is right off I-90 in upstate NY, has a population around 14,000, and is 20 minutes from downtown Rochester. Portage has a population around 37,000 with many other surrounding towns. Independent Baptist Church, Registered Agent at Independent Baptist Church. 01:30 PM Clean & Pack Up Gardner has a population of 20,000 and has several other towns nearby. Please consider coming or sending others to join us Tuesday through Thursday, March 21-23, 2023! Faith Baptist Church in Farmington, New York is seeking a pastor. We prefernot to practice a public collection to promote a spirit of cheerful and purposeful giving in our church (2 Corinthians 9:7). Shady Acres Baptist Church August Campmeeting; All purchases through OUR BOOKSTORE & RESOURCES TAB cover the cost of operating the KJV church directory thereby making the site totally FREE and never asking for donation help. We would love to see you in church! Please send resumes (including an introductory letter with your salvation testimony, family information, and call to ministry), a complete doctrinal statement, and references to, Cornerstone Baptist Church of Beulah, North Dakota is prayerfully seeking their next pastor. The pastor is Jay Baughman. Maranatha Baptist Church of Navarino in Shiocton, Wisconsin is seeking a full-time pastor. The pastor is John Barlow. Our pastor is the undershepherd under the . We have a very nice 12 acre campus with multiple buildings and beautiful weather year round. At this time the position is bi-vocational, but a house with a freshly renovated kitchen and bath will be provided. Greentown Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Uniontown (Greentown), Ohio. 10:10 AM Announcements Since then, we have moved cities and are currently meeting in Moorebank, which is located in the City of Liverpool. Resumes (including testimony, doctrinal statement, references, and cover letter) should be directed to Mike Gross with Open Door Ministries, with BBC Bethany in the subject line. INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH is an Arkansas Domestic Non Profit Corporation filed on February 2, 1978. Pastor's Name. The pastor is Don Rice. We average close to 50 people on a Sunday morning, and near 40 on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Enter keyword. Independent Baptist Churches in . Often people ask does the King James Bible say Jehovah. Faithful attendance is 15-20 for all services. First and foremost, I am a Baptist in doctrine and practice.I see no reason to divorce myself from a historic name and a doctrinal position that distinguishes me from other groups (who often take Biblical names without adopting Biblical doctrines or practices - i.e., the "churches of . The church uses the KJV, has traditional music, and averages 90 in attendance (good mix of ages). Mike Coonley. We would love to see you in church! For the most part Independent Baptists are very committed to sound Baptist doctrine. It remains the first and oldest congregation in the United States. There will be opportunities for witnessing, preaching, bus ministry, and others as needed and desired. CCBC ( is a small, fundamentalist independent Baptist church located in Carleton, MI, a rural village of approximately 2,400 people in southeastern Michigan. Calvary Bible Baptist Church of Rock Hall, Maryland is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. The church is Independent Baptist, only uses the KJV, and has traditional music (currently there are no musicians). Please send your resume (including testimony/call to ministry, education, statement of faith, & references) to. Christ suffered and gave His life to save you from hell, it's time you start going to a church that actually believes that. The church was established 35 years ago, has a nice facility, and is debt-free. This means that IFB churches do not look to creeds, confessions, or church councils to determine their doctrinal positions. Mark your calendar TODAY and be sure to register EARLY! email us some information about your church and position available. Bivocational Youth and Children's Minister First Baptist Church Tavares Florida Overseeing Children's ministry and leading youth ministry. Sedro-Woolley, Gateway to the North Cascades has a population around 12,000 and is located about two hours north of Seattle and an hour south of the Canadian border. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) movement is a loose network of independent churches concentrated in the U.S. connected by their belief in certain religious doctrines and a shared brand of deeply anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic teachings. KJV Churches is the webs #1 resource for finding and filteringKJV and Baptist churches online. Faith Baptist Church of Baldwin, Wisconsin is seeking a pastor. The church only uses the KJV, has traditional music, and averages 25 in attendance. If our church has been a blessing to you, please consider supporting us financially. Farmville, with a population around 4,700, is about 10-12 miles west of Greenville, NC. First Bible Baptist Church in Gardner, Massachusetts is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. A Place to Become. Around 2.5 percent of Americans identify as independent Baptists, according to the Pew Research Center more than belong to the Assemblies of God, Churches of Christ, or Episcopal and Anglican. For more information or to submit your resume, email Lawrence Winiarski. 4. The suburbs we are focusing on are those located in the City of Liverpool. The church only uses the KJV, has traditional music, and averages 20 in attendance (older congregation). They enjoy a variety of Christ-honoring hymns and spiritual songs. For more information or to submit a resume, email Mike Gross (Open Door Ministries) at with Eden Valley in the subject line. Its a great opportunity to get to know each other and build stronger bonds within the church. Let us know if we're missing info about your favorite church. Please advise us if you have any sermons online that we may listen to. We would like to encourage you to join us! The current pastor is willing to work with and train the incoming man for up to a year. There will be opportunities for witnessing, preaching, bus ministry, and others as needed and desired. The church only uses the KJV, has conservative music, and has an average Sunday attendance of 70-80 (good blend of ages). Cornerstone is an independent, traditional in worship, conservative in music, KJV only church. Please direct all inquiries and resumes (including doctrinal statement & references) to Mike Gross with Open Door Ministries, An Urgent Message from our Pastor! Seating is LIMITED. Temple Baptist Church, located just a few miles away, is providing pulpit supply during their search. Once that church has called their next pastor, we will email you to let you know that your prayer was answered! If you have any questions or feel led to submit a resume and doctrinal statement, contact, First Bible Baptist Church in Gardner, Massachusetts is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. 09:05 AM Bible Story Besides standard Sunday Services, this churchs service schedule includes the following: Wednesday Service. This can be divided into three key goals: Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM is all about the kids. The First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, has. The church sits on 7 acres in rural southwest Wyoming, 40 miles north of I-80. Browse reviews, directions, phone numbers and more info on Grace Independent Baptist. All rights and glory belong exclusively to the LORD Jesus Christ, both now and for eternity. The pastor is James Dick. This is a healthy church that holds regular Bible studies for men, ladies, and young people and is actively spreading the Gospel in their community. This church was re-started in the summer of 2020, owns its own building and seats about 40 people. Please submit a resume (including statement of faith and references) to. Preaching the gospel to our community through door-to-door evangelism. At Greentown Baptist Church, we are committed to Jesus Christ and all the truths of God found in the Bible. Event starts on Sunday, 23 April 2023 and happening at Oakview independent baptist church, Ashland, KY. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information.
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