"[4], The first episode explores Gates's interest in improving sanitation in developing countries and the development of the "Omni Processor". This time span, nearly three hours long, enables the award winning director Davis Guggenheim to get his teeth into this fascinating subject. WELL, JENNIFER GRANHOLM: Nuclear oversight board reported concerns months before Y-12 uranium fire. Currently 63 years old, Gates is worth over $100 billion. This includes the development of a novel travelling-wave nuclear power reactor, under development by TerraPower, a nuclear reactor design company founded by Gates. It is mentioned by an expert in the 2019 documentary series that almost all nuclear power plants currently in existence were not designed with computers at all. Bill Gates read a lot of books on energy, including "Energy and Civilization" by Vaclav Smil. Inside Bills Brain risks losing its audience with its first episode, which keeps the Gates biography to a minimum, and instead dedicates a lot of its run time to various designs for better public toilets that are meant to improve the water supply in poorer villages and neighborhoods. Looking at the name of the documentary and my expectations I would love a more personal story about himself and not the foundation. Much of this documentary is about his charity work with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, not about his life, personality, or beliefs. We highly recommend for you to watch Inside Bills Brain and get to know the man behind the genius mind! But we can't build enough batteries to store power for the entire world. That's less than 7% short of the 90% purity needed to create nuclear weapons. A programmer's brain (i.e., Bill's) knows that if you get the code right . Yet, hes never been the kind of celebrity whose personal life and political opinions are splashed across the tabloids and social media. From that point forward, as Netflixs documentary reveals, Mary would create social opportunities for Bill, whether it was inviting him to dinner parties or public events. In 2017, Gates gave a speech at Peking University saying he was developing nuclear energy that was "dramatically safer and substantially cheaper" than what the world has previously known. 60 EV chargers + 1 garage = massive installation, 17. A portrait emerges of a visionary who gnaws on his eyeglasses' arms, downs Cokes and is relentlessly optimistic that technology can solve social ills. The third episode couldve used some of that emotion. WhileMicrosofts co-founders did indeed reunite over the phone, they didnt see each other in person during Allens last days. Teletubbies We need to take this into account. All without emitting any CO2. Bill Gates Inside Bills Brain. From Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth, He Named Me Malala).Watch Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates, Only On Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/80184771SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7About Netflix:Netflix is the world's leading internet entertainment service with over 151 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. They are deep and focused on something very niche and to be able to read 14 books in the span of two weeks is just amazing. It doesnt help that the director puts so much of himself into the doc, making his conversations with Gates seem like two amiable acquaintances shooting the breeze, rather than like a journalist pushing hard for meaningful answers. The final episode discusses climate change and the Energy Crisis we currently face. Episode 3 of Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates carries the same weight as the previous chapter. Both seem to have a solid grasp of the others needs, whether its Bills walks through Washington's Hood Canal to distill and slow down or Melindas desire to have a smaller home, if only to feel safer. Netflix and third parties use cookies and similar technologies on this website to collect information about your browsing activities, which we use to analyse your use of the website, to personalise our services and to customise our online advertisements. While diarrheal disease is preventable and treatable, the lack of accessibility to safe . All Rights Reserved. at TerraPower spent five years testing and refining their design, they came up The director of "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates" says that "Bill and his team believed they had finally developed the ideal energy source. Guggenheim eschews traditional transitions, and instead jumps from subject to subject, even when theres no clear connection between them. Melinda describes Billas the data expert,whereas shes responsible for pinpointing the human aspect. Signature Electric - Commercial Solar Installation, 21. For example, he could instantaneously multiply numbers while his peers needed more time. Joel Keller ( @joelkeller . If youre solely led by your heart, you may not see the great solution standing in front of you, and I think thats what Bills superpower is. The third episode explores Gates' search for climate change solutions. Washington, DC - Today, U.S. Relationship with Spouse/Wife (Melinda Gates) Topics Bill Gates reads Start-ups for innovation against CO2 Nuclear Energy Nathan Myhrvold 800,000 people killed by coal every year Drunken By David Grossman Published: Jan 2, 2019. Gates also reveals that he takes a lot of notes while reading Smils work, which informs his approach while seeking a safe and economic way to potentially use nuclear energy for global electricity. Think week since 1990's Teenagers friendship with Kent Evans Friendship with Paul Allen Losing friend Kent Bill Gates & Warren Buffet 31 billion dollars Optimization Programming Microsoft. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 6. But whenever one of those stories starts to build some narrative momentum, the doc skips to another, and then to another, and then back again. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. This three-part documentary tells Bill Gates life story, in-depth and unfiltered, as he pursues unique solutions to some of the worlds most complex problems. .css-v1xtj3{display:block;font-family:FreightSansW01,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:100;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-v1xtj3:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.1387rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1rem;margin-top:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-v1xtj3{line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.18581rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-top:0rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.2;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}Defying Physics By Pulling Energy Out a Vacuum, The 2,600-Year-Long History of Electricity, The Reason Why Lithium-Metal Batteries Fail, Turning Abandoned Mines Into Gravity Batteries, Scientists Solve Major Nuclear Reactor Mystery, Iron-Air Batteries May Alter the Future of Energy, Bill Gates Wants to Build All the Nuclear Reactors, Ohio Gov. His two sisters share their childhood memories. (A veteran of those days recalls the running joke that Microsoft jobs were part-time because employees could choose which 12 hours of the day they wanted to work.) Each episode provides some general information about Gates as a person. How did he come to dominate a fiercely competitive industry so thoroughly that the US government sued Microsoft under antitrust statutes? The director states, "We usually blame cars and coal for climate change, and it's true. NuScale, mostly owned by Fluor Corp.,. 'Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates' is a Netflix docuseries that brings out the life of Bill Gates (I hope he needs no introduction). All this talk about reading and Gates says almost nothing about it during the documentary. Shop Premieres Newsletters Lists Search Premieres Newsletters Lists Search. Volvo's EV Trucks VNR Electric at Truck World, 13. [5], The second episode focuses on Gates' work to eradicate polio in Nigeria and advance polio vaccination, also exploring his youth and friendships, for example with Kent Evans and with Paul Allen, later the Microsoft co-founder.[5]. Along with electricity and transportation, there's also manufacturing, buildings, and agriculture. This movie was directed byDavis Guggenheim, the director of An Inconvenient Truth. EV Keycard Access at Backlot Film Studios (Signature Electric), 18. I actually like the way it was portrayed in this TV show. With that said, we are able to see his genius mind at work in the the new hit Netflix series: Inside Bills Brain. And there's only water to cool it if there's power.". For weeks, the world watched as radioactive material was spreading throughout the region. The series explores the mind and motivations of Bill Gates, co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft and founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, together with his then-wife.[1][2]. In a new documentary series, Director Davis Guggenheim shows not a biography of Bill Gatess life, but a revelation about Gates relentless optimism and his push to do more great things. Eager to bring the future of electricity to today? energy to combat climate change. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It divulges into Bill's personal life while reverting to the present day, analyzing one of his pet world-saving projects, TerraPower. John Gilleland is the Chief Technical Officer of TerraPower LLC, a company founded by Bill Gates (Chairman), Nathan Myhrvold (Vice Chairman) and Dr. Gilleland in 2008 to focus on achievement of improved nuclear safety, proliferation resistance, energy security and economic power for all countries. need to invest in many forms ofalternative Ive recently got a new OLED TV and wanted to see something in 4K, so I started with Netflix and the first thing that popped out was this three part documentary about Bill Gates. A Netflix Documentary on Bill Gates: Inside Bill's Brain Gary North - September 28, 2019. According to company CEO Chris Levesque, speaking to the Wall Street Journal, the price of a demonstration reactor is around $1 billion. Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates is a 2019 three-part documentary streaming television series created and directed by Davis Guggenheim. In mid-19th-century southern Italy, a woman forced to go on the run transforms from dutiful wife to the ruthless leader of a group of bandits. Iran's 2015 nuclear deal with world powers limited Tehran's uranium stockpile and capped enrichment at 3.67 per cent - enough to fuel a nuclear power plant. Determined to provide a ray of light for those under her care, a young nurse navigates the world of mental health and the diverse stories surrounding it. Bill has stated that his greatest fear is his mind no longer working. I think it is vital that we do not dismiss nuclear power out of fear. Gate's brain is like a supercomputer on Red Bull . The series explores the mind and motivations of Bill Gates, co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft and founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, together with his then-wife. Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates explores the mind of an American business mogul, the founder of Microsoft. The final part is the one which I will talk about in more depth in this article. Left alone with his thoughts, who is Bill Gates? In his letter, Gates notes that the company "may be able to build in the United States" under certain funding and regulatory conditions. Gates dropped out of Harvard in 1975, worried that if he waited until after he graduated to launch Microsoft, hed arrive too late. Gates reveals that he first realized his intelligence while listening to mathematics records in school for educational purposes. The title of Davis Guggenheims three-part Netflix documentary Inside Bills Brain: Decoding Bill Gates (which debuts on Friday, September 20th) speaks to its subjects opacity. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates," a new three-part documentary on Netflix from Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim, premieres Sept. 20. Scientists would agree that nuclear power has caused less than a few thousand deaths total. After co-founding Microsoft with Paul Allen and forever changing the computer software industry, Gates was ultimately antagonized during the late 90s for allegedlyputting competitors out of business. Nathan Myhrvold,vice chairman of TerraPower, says, "After you take fuel out of a nuclear reactor, it's called spent fuel. However, I believe that with technological advancements, these forms of alternative energy will become more efficient, cheaper, and safer. Netflix series 'Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates' avoids probing too much providing little insight as to who the Microsoft founder really is 06 October 2019 - 00:00 By tymon smith Does the World Have Enough Lithium for Batteries? In fact, Gates is wary of even acknowledging the politics of the climate issue. Viewers see that he is very passionate and emotional about what he does. In October 2018, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry said that the United States "cannot ignore the national security implications of Chinas efforts to obtain nuclear technology outside of established processes of U.S.China civil nuclear cooperation.. [6] The same review said the second episode is the best one as it comes closest "decoding" Gates. Its not a secret that Windows 8 was one of the most hated operating systems in recent time, with all those tiles and all-screen interfaces. [6], According to The Nation, "The documentarys blind spots are all the more striking in light of the timing of its release, just as news was trickling out that Bill Gates met multiple times with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein." NEXT:What's My Name: The Biggest Reveals From HBO's Muhammad Ali Documentary. The more biographical moments in part three deal with how Bill and Melinda met and married and how Gates handled accusations that hed turned Microsoft into a monopoly. After Bill's team Bill Gates says reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050 "will be the hardest thing humanity's ever done", but could potentially be achieved with the use of nuclear power. I think that Most new players, however, aren't funded by Bill Gatesstill valued by Forbes to have a fortune north of $93 billion. However, Evans was killedduringa mountain climbing accident before the project was completed. US and NATO are 'risking a catastrophic clash of nuclear powers' with their involvement in the Ukraine war, Russia claims. Peak Synergy: Turning buildings into batteries (Signature Electric), 2. Over the course of nearly three hours, Inside Bill's Brain covers the basics of Gates' life: his childhood, education, Microsoft stewardship, marriage to his wife Melinda, and the. RELATED: Leaving Neverland: The Biggest Reveals From HBO's Michael Jackson Documentary. He alsotravels with a bag of 14 books at all times. Put off by her gloomy demeanor, Sawako has a hard time fitting in but when an outgoing classmate approaches her, life takes a turn for the better. Netflix supports the Digital Advertising Alliance Principles. Part 3: With Bill Gates. How To Keep The Power Flowing (Signature Electric), 22. attempting to eradicate polio throughout the world and developing nuclear power that results in a very . Gates and Allen may have ultimately worked on other high school projects, but Evans tragic death led to the immediateintensification of their relationship, which in turn led to Microsoft's foundation soon thereafter. ", The director says, "And that heating is changing the world before our eyes.". . [1] [2] Also, his sisters share their childhood memories. It's still hot, and it continues to be hot for quite some period of time, so you have to put it in what's called a cooling pond. well all of what was covered here, especially the nuclear power episode. Really would like to learn more about. In October, the Department of Energy awarded TerraPower $80 million to build one of the first advanced nuclear reactors in the U.S. Bill Gates: Nuclear power can be done in a way that none of . David Grossman is a staff writer for PopularMechanics.com. It's still hot, and it continues to be hot for quite some period of time, so you have to put it in what's called a cooling pond. Unfortunately, the trade war between China and the United States caused by Donald Trump would halt Bill Gates' plan to work with China.
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