It seemed like it appeared out of nowhere. Treat cultural sites with respect. California Recreation Activities. Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, On Sunday, the 37-year-old Corona man was out dirt bike riding with his daughter off Hodge Road just outside of Barstow. Going to take a new shooter there; while I'm really good with keeping a very close hand on them I always feel like they do better in a lower stress environment with a lot less people in close proximity. Public lands in California are open to fishing under California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fishing Regulations. Yep, I remember telling the little lady that Hodge Rd would be history as soon as I seen the building on the hill. An X-ray revealed the bullet had lodged in his upper shoulder. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock Also east of the 247 near Daggett Ridge.Its north east of the stoddard Valley Off Highway area,. California Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Public Lands in California offer a wide variety of recreational opportunities, including hunting, fishing and recreational target shooting. Hodge Rd, outdoor shooting still open? People are pigs who dont care. Report crimes to resources including vandalism, dumping and suspicious activity at 1-800-637-9152. Hodge Road Recap For the third year in a row Clean-Dezert took on the challenge of cleaning up the Hodge Road Shooting area. LockA locked padlock Dont enter private lands without contacting the landowner and getting permission first. Please bring trash bags with you and clean up your area. All entrances are dirt roads. Some areas may not have cell reception.Have a spare tire, tools and know how to change it. Set up and organize shoots and meets and share your shooting range stories. You should also ensure that he or she is permitted by the BLM to conduct business on public lands. Official websites use .gov (see SD County Code of Regulatory Ordinances, Title 3,Division 3, Chapter 1 for additional details). Go past the signs. Im waiting on them to mail the map to me from BLM it is more detailed and shows private land plus access routes. Dozens of signs scattered around the Hodge Road site greeted Dan Harley, a recreational shooter from Apple Valley, when he ventured there last month to do some shooting. I have family that is BLM LEO that patrols the high desert, per him and BLM website solid projectiles are only allowed north, northeast or northwest of Barstow. Forest Headquarters Anyway the point is, Californians never appreciate what they got until it has been taken from them. Monument lands within the monument boundary, Dos Palmas Preserve lands within the developed recreational area boundary, Big Morongo Canyon Preserve lands within the developed recreational area boundary, McCain Valley lands north of Boulevard, covering the large recreational area, Table Mountain lands north of Old 80, east of Jacumba, covering old shooting sites, Airport Mesa lands south of Old 80, east of Jacumba, covering the old shooting area, Otay Mountain lands within 300 feet of the Otay Mountain Truck Trail & structures. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Make sure your equipment is in proper working condition. I have shot there several times this year and seen BLM officers drive by and waive. Treat every gun as if it is loaded. land search. PL #2 - Hodge Rd Outdoor Shooting Area. Oh Barb! Crossing private lands to access public land is not permitted, unless you obtain and carry written, date-specific permission from the private landowner. Website. I got my map from Blm and its huge. (part1). The LInk above is the one that has the number to call. Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Hunting Regulations, California hunting license is required to hunt within the State of California, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, nonlead ammunition to be used when taking any wildlife with a firearm anywhere in the state, BLM Field Office having jurisdiction over the area, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fishing Regulations, BLM sells Surface Management Status maps (in the desert regions these maps are also called Desert Access Guides), BLM office havingjurisdiction over that area, CALIFORNIA HUNTING INFORMATION (DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE), HUNTING GAME, BIG AND SMALL (U.S. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Safe and prudent actions should be followed at all times. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm planning a trip down to hodge road (I know its going to be hot) in the next few coming weeks and I was trying to find some map or resource online to see if it is still open or if it is closed to due some fire restriction. I mentioned we should go out to clean up and I got laughed at. I love it there. "There was nobody around me. Also off of the 40 east of Fort Cady road above the talc mine.Ill try to copy the sections for shooting,So maybe some one else can make a little more sence of it. Read the signs - they say something like 1000 feet from the tower and a half mile from the road, I think. Gun owners said the area, just off the Hodge Road exit, had been open for years as an informal, public shooting range. ACalifornia hunting license is required to hunt within the State of California. It is illegal to bring, dispose of, or possess any glass container, empty or not, within the open area. Although I dont believe in it, trash, spent casings and left targets are going to continue until the BLM shuts this place down. Shell casings were EVERYWHERE! Vehicles are prohibited in all wilderness areas. Take steps to make sure trailer chains arent dragging, and stay on roads and trails. (909) 382-2682 (Voice) We finally found a place not too close to others but quickly found out why a tire was burning/smoldering. J always make it a point to scavenge the trash left behind and gather as much wood as I can carry to use for bonfires at night. Dress appropriately for the season and changing weather. Went here today around 7:30am. CORONA, Calif. (KABC) -- Corona man Reid Stadelman is counting his blessings five days after he was shot with a .308 bullet. Theres really nothing to burn out there, other than trash left behind. In the San Bernardino National Forest, visitors can only target shoot in designated and signed areas and only at certain timesdue to fire danger rating. He also shared because of a family friend who lost her father after he was shot and killed while dirt bike riding more than a decade ago. ), ISO Replacement Forearm Pads for a Beretta Extrema. 70 reviews of Hodge Road shooting area "Great place to shoot, open area with very few people out. Anyone have any info? Hodge Road is a unique place. Im hosting a cleanup next Saturday if anybody would like to join us. An official website of the United States government. Just to make sure everyone knows.There is no shooting of or near hodge at all. I would sure like to know who American Wildlife Services are, but I'm to lazy to do the research. BLM website says it doesnt have any designated shooting sites. Camping is allowed anywhere within the riding area that does not block travel on a road. Hey guys ordered a map! Barstow Field Office My normal shooting spot is Steele Peak, but it's been closed due to fire restrictions. State Office Public RoomBureau of Land Management2800 Cottage Way W1623Sacramento, CA 95825. An official website of the (LogOut/ I thought something fell from the sky. In California, there are no designated target shooting sites managed by the BLM, but recreational shooting opportunities are available on undeveloped lands, and at several public shooting ranges. So all these years of letting us shoot on his land was ruined. Recent Instagram posts @declutteringthestuff links below, Adventures with Winnie (and other travels), Follow Decluttering the Stuff on, Oh, the memories (not necessarily a goodone), Yellowstone National Park in winter (part2), Yellowstone National Park in the winter! Not here! Important - Shooters must call ahead to the Activity/PAL Level number 1-909-382-2997 (pre-recorded message) to find out the status of this shooting area for that day. I would like to thank the sheriffs Dept Apple valley and BLM they were both more than helpful. Thanks for cleaning up after our fellow trashy humans. Map Information, Interactive Visitor Map: San Bernardino National Forest. "The only thing I can think is somebody wasn't paying attention and was shooting up into the air instead at something. LockA locked padlock How do you replace your targets if people near you keep shooting? Safety is your responsibility. Does the fire closure not apply to Hodge Road? Christanne C. 10/02/21. DEEP MINE SHAFTS EXIST IN THE RIDING AREA! When the kid turned towards us, he had it pointing directly at us! We arent talking just a little, we are talking about so much that is was disgusting. Maps do not display specific hunting and shooting sites. PM "SB71".he was there shooting today but claimed the CHP plane kept flying in circles watching him. Stop by your local BLM field office to pick up hard-copy maps, and make sure your course is on public lands. There are designated spots near Calico. This state is so jacked up, they want us to be stuck in small shooting areas and confined so they can controll us. People on the other side of them kept on shooting. Claim this business Website. Get of at Hodge Rd. How far in do you go and are campfires allowed? "To be honest, I was just very thankful that my daughter wasn't hit. Learn how your comment data is processed. California Fish and Game Code Section 3004: It is unlawful for a person, other than the owner, person in possession of the premises, or a person having the express permission of the owner or person in possession of the premises, while within 150 yards of an occupied dwelling house, residence, or other building, or within 150 yards of a barn or other outbuilding used in connection with an occupied dwelling house, residence, or other building, to either hunt or discharge a firearm or other deadly weapon while hunting. There are many opportunities for hiking, rock scrambling, rock hounding, plant viewing, bird and wildlife watching. I have seen the BLM lawmen out there a few times, they were good guys when I had to interact with them. The BLM map linked above shows a legal area to shoot solid projectiles west of the 15 at Hodge Rd. It was a very spur of the moment outing a discussion that there was an outdoor shooting area near Barstow at breakfast with friends, deciding we had nothing else to do, gathering all our stuff, and driving out. I see; many thanks! According to the old "shotguns only" map it appears that if you go a significant distance from the interstate behind the hill (high clearance required) you would be in a legal area for rifle shooting. (LogOut/ The Desert Dispatch is a daily newspaper serving the communities of Barstow, Dagget, Fort Irwin, Hinkley, Lenwood, Newberry Springs and Yermo. ALWAYS Keep The firearm Pointed In A Safe Direction2. Official websites use .gov A .gov I smoke cigarettes, but I DO NOT throw my butts on the ground and I always clean up after myself. John went to Raahauges recently but that is so expensive! Camping is limited to a maximum of 14 consecutive days. BLM temporary and permanent closure orders prohibit target shooting in the following areas: Do you want to visitpublic lands but don't know where they are located? north of the 58, east of 247, north of gas lin rd, you are G2G, stop in at slash X if you will be going the 247 area the will point you in the right area. Location: The People's Socialist Republic of Los Angeles. It's amazing how many times I have heard this same thing from various people and for various location. Of all the hills out there the BLM had to do a land exchange with Hodge. "If it was a couple inches higher or a couple inches to the left or right. They flagged down another rider to help load up their bikes, and they drove to the hospital where he tried to explain what might have happened. 210yd outdoor range with plenty of shade. 29980 Hodge Rd Apple Valley Apple Valley, California, 92307, As enthusiasts and frequent visitors ofHodge Road we launched this websiteTo help other visitors. Shotguns. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Lets keep it that way. You have to drive further in. In my world that means stop shooting and even putting your weapon down. Bureau of Land Management What does it mean If I have a California Campfire Permit? JavaScript is disabled. This has always been a unique event for us as we schedule it during the summer in an attempt to "spread out" our events.,,,,,, An older thread about hodge rd. Public lands in the Golden State offer a sense of adventure for the outdoor enthusiast, offering rivers, trails, campgrounds, off-road open areas, and more. San Diego County:shooting is restrictedin any developed recreational area; within 150 yards ofany occupied residence or associated outbuildings; within 500 yards of any properly signed,established stock watering hole or place. We ventured to our second Public Land recently. Yep, I remember telling the little lady that Hodge Rd would be history as soon as I seen the building on the hill. If you call the apple valley sherrifs station and hit o. Change). I always clean up after myself also. I guess that's illigeal. Tell someone where you are going and when you plan on returning. I'm calling out everyone who goes out there to PLEASE clean up a little extra with your own trash. Reason because someone shot the repeater tower. The map below is under construction and does not necessarily reflect the current OHV open area boundaries. Once you have selected a possible location, and priorto your trip, check with theBLM office havingjurisdiction over that areafor current conditions,regulations, fire hazard closures and otherinformation. Please shoot safely. I just wish people were more environmentally aware. If you travel further in its really nice. is lytle creek open to the publis still. Stadelman believes he was shot by accident with a bullet that traveled from across the freeway where a shooting range is located. What days are Hodge Road Shooting Area open? Come prepared. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. They publish hunting regulations that listall the season dates. He has been placed into custody, according to DeSoto County Sheriff's Office. Be safe and follow all the basic smart shooter rules like shoot at a backdrop that will stop any bullets especially rifle rounds. in 4 reviews, This is truly a hidden gem for shooting outdoors, this place is awesome open space lots of room to set up and shoot. in 12 reviews, We pick up our own trash but some fools think it's ok to leave empty boxes of amo and trash.. in 15 reviews, Most of the bikers, quaders go on the other side of the freeway, same area as riding up at the gun side is a bad idea due to all the bullets flying around at every corner. heres the page so you can call and order your map through BLM.. Until then do your part as far as cleanup and enjoy the shooting range as long as we can. We had no problems at all. It really PISSES me off to see how ignorant people can be. The 150-yard area is a safety zone.. He said the two had wrapped up around noon and were getting ready to head . HODGE ROAD SHOOTING AREA - 105 Photos & 78 Reviews - 29980 Hodge Rd, Apple Valley, CA, United States - Yelp Restaurants Home Services Auto Services More Hodge Road Shooting Area 78 reviews Unclaimed Gun/Rifle Ranges Edit Open Open 24 hours See hours See all 114 photos Write a review Add photo Share Save Review Highlights You may have to hike from your vehicle to a suitable and safe shooting location; be prepared to hike safely with your firearms and equipment. The experiences are as varied as the landscapes. BLM permanent closure order and other regulations prohibit target shooting in the following areas: San Bernardino County:it is unlawful to shoot or discharge any firearms between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise of the following day in all areas of San Bernardino County described in 22.0101 through 22.0105 (22.0108 Prohibition of Night Shooting). All persons, regardless of age, who operate an ATV on Public Lands must wear an approved safety helmet. Photos. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. All the irresponsible assholes shoot at the first hill. 514.10 for closed areas, exceptions, and additional details). I've certainly been called that more than once - I've even seen Kes get called that. so true! Is hodge rd easy to access by car or is a truck required? Motorized vehicles should yield to non-motorized craft and aircraft. Map showing recreational areas. I look at it as my way of cleaning up the environment. Not all public land parcels have public access. Target Shooting areas may be closed completely due to fire restrictions, road conditions, and/or other safety issues. Other visitors may be using the same areas for recreational uses such as camping, hiking, biking, and rock-hounding. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS The Stoddard Valley Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreation Area encompasses approximately 50,000 acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Barstow Field Office. Oh wow! Stadelman said he came forward with his story to caution dirt bike riders and shooting range visitors to be aware of each other. BLM Surface Management Mapsshow land ownershipand includepublic and private land, roads, and more. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. J just wish others respected the land. I have to wait until all the info is in before I make a statement. It is illegal to bring, dispose of, or possess any firewood containing nails, screws or other metal hardware within the open area. We ventured to our second Public Land recently. OHVs owned by California residents must be registered with the California DMV and display a valid Green Sticker or Red Sticker.. Share sensitive information only Why are you OC guys driving so far? Dozens of signs scattered around the Hodge Road site greeted Dan Harley, a recreational shooter from Apple Valley, when he ventured there last month to do some shooting. I drive 2 hours to shoot at Hodge Rd, but I have driven as far as Arizona to shoot at their ranges. Drive past Hodge the drive time is well worth avoiding the morons that shoot there. Have several spots that I go to and heres not a single piece of trash at any of them. Not anymore. Hodge Road California. Dude i have gone there a few times with friends. Possible by car, truck strongly recommended. As we approached, one of the men waved us through while a kid about 10 was holding a rifle. The further you drive down Hodge the more open space you can find More. If you do get off at Hodge road do as MJather said and go a few miles in well past the other shooters. Website:; Address: Apple Valley, CA 92307; Hours: Open 24 Hours; . Carrying passengers is prohibited on ATVs; rememberSafety First, Every Ride, Every Time. We left and went to Cracker Barrel for a late lunch/early dinner! a buddy was shooting at hodge road today . still open. People can be such pigs! Hours. You can call the BLM office for that area. safe and follow all the basic smart shooter rules like shoot at a backdrop that will stop any bullets especially rifle rounds. Highways into the San Bernardino Mountains are closed to drivers, CA's snowfall so far rivals state's record-setting season: Officials, Lesion removed from President Biden's chest was cancerous: doctor. February 28, 2020 declutteringthestuff 20 public lands in 2020. All rights reserved. As we drove along the hillside to find a place to set up, we encountered a group who actually had all their weapons set up on one side of the dirt road and their targets on the other side. Since the owner leased the area to a communications company he has not allowed shooting there anymore. Step 1: Search Surrounding Areas with or onXmaps. No way to copy it. I'm looking for no cost place to go shooting. Plan your route in advance. Protect yourself by wearing safety equipment. Last weekend I went out to Hodge Road for the first time (a popular BLM land shooting site in Southern California off of the That is what kept going through my mind, this could have been a lot worse," said Stadelman. When target shooting, always use appropriate targets and backstops. Vehicles are restricted to designated routes of travel as posted on BLM maps. Corona man Reid Stadelman is counting his blessings five days after he was shot with a .308 bullet. Shooting is strictly prohibited in developed recreation sites and other areas where posted. Hey guys, I've been pulling my hair out on trying to find if Hoge road off the 15 fwy is legal, Location: Formerly: Redondo Beach Currently: Sedona AZ. This one is the Hodge Road Outdoor Shooting Area near Barstow, California. Im glad there are areas that were cleaner and safer. If you venture off the main road, you can run into some real problems with ground clearance and sand. Not anymore. If you have questions on areas that may be appropriate for hunting, you are encouraged to contact theBLM Field Office having jurisdiction over the area. And Warrens Center Road sort of split. Enjoy your stay! Best. But your heart is in the right place! Me and a friend found out the hard way when 4 SBCS squad cars rolled up on us.We did not get a ticket or a fine we were told not to shoot there anymore. I was out there two weekends ago. (LogOut/ It just does'nt show all the exits on the highways. You can't miss where they do dirt bike stuff. But Hodge Road is 3. An official website of the United States government. When I get it in the next 5 days I will post it for my fellow Calguners. I suggested going there at the crack of dawn before it gets to hot or wait until the winter months. It seemed like it appeared out of nowhere. Dirt roads are not for all vehicles. it will show where it is ok to shoot rifle pistol and shotgun. The public is reminded that hot bullet fragments and exploding targets from recreational shooting can spark a wildfire. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Fire Season: some areas may beclosed to target shooting. The lady there will fax you a map for the shotgun areas. my buddy is getting his sks monday the 16 and we want to run some rounds through it. (800) 735-2922 (TDD/TTY), Offices may be closed on select federal holidays,, The 10 Essentials for Backcountry & Trail Hiking. i drove up there for the first time, i really like it but theres too much trash. That would be nice, but seeing as I drive a sport compact that is out of the picture unless I get a rental or something. Im not sure which agency has control over this area. (see RC Ord. Hodge road is a no no. Over 99 percent of BLM-managed lands are open to hunting, fishing and recreational shooting . By checking your equipment, you decrease risk of injury to yourself and others and to avoid accidentally starting a wildfire on public lands. "I said, 'Well there was nobody there, my shoulder really hurts, and a police officer happened to be there. That junk is disgusting! Anybody have a contact at the San Bernardino Sheriff's where we can get the straight story? Official websites use .gov 14 million acres available for hunting and recreational shooting 350 miles of river available for fishing 602 S. Tippecanoe Ave. California Condor Range: Since July 1, 2008, theuse of projectiles containing lead when hunting big game and nongame species in an area designated as the California condor range have been prohibited bythe California Fish and Game Commission. . According to BLM and Sherrifs Dept dut to it is all privatley owned. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. You are using an out of date browser. Let others know your plans. A known spot to locals, it can be crowded in the weekends. Every time I visit BLM land I take 4 to 5 extra trash bags cause I know I'm gonna have to clean up someone else's mess as well as my own. Look at this Indexand this Deer Hunting Zones Map. I ordered a Newberry map. Public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) are available for a variety of undeveloped recreational activities, including target shooting, except where prohibited by federal, state, and local laws. Some BLM maps can also be found on the BLM website. The triangular-shaped riding area is formed by Interstate 15 and California Highway 247 (Barstow Road), immediately south of Barstow. Summer temperatures range from 100-120 degrees Fahrenheit. Stadelman said his daughter was the first to notice blood on his shirt. It was windy and very crowded. He was arrested after wrecking at the intersection of Hodge Road and Ivan Road. Shooters are responsible for fires started by recreational activities. Target shooting is generally allowed on BLM-administered public lands, as long as it is done in a safe manner, without damaging natural resources or improvements on public lands. Anyone have any info? Dozens of signs scattered around the Hodge Road site greeted Dan Harley, a recreational shooter from Apple Valley, when he ventured there last month to do some shooting. "I was maybe 2 feet behind my trailer ready to open the doors and then my shoulder starting hurting. Hodge Road Shooting Area. Hodge Road. The BLM is a multi-use agency. You can still shoot there - you just have to go further around the hill to the right, or to the other side (left, as you enter the area and leave the pavement) of the valley. YOU are the range master. She was walking behind me when I got hit," Stadelman said. Thank you in advance, Pat. The area offers diverse landscapes for OHV recreation, including steep rocky mountains, rolling hills, open valleys, and winding sandy washes. A lock ( Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Adjacent private property owners are within their legal rights to prevent people from crossing their land to get to the public land. I see, I did some research before I posted and apparently some just say no, even though it isn't true but I'll give it a shot, thanks. Obviously the family dogs had it coming. other than that, waiting on more info. I was going to call BLM but they do not have a contact number, all contact is through email. Don't know which map you need? It becomes a dirt road about a quarter mile from freeway. Two open areas with a total of 8,500 acres of riding. State and local laws apply. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. LockA locked padlock Why you shoot responsible. Haha I know! Pictures: The hillside had a TON OF WASTE! 34 votes, 23 comments. At $120.00 a year, my West End Gun Club membership is the best investment I've made in quite a while. Check on specific hunting season dates and permit requirements with theCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. PLEASE AVOID THESE AREAS AND STAY AWAY FROM MINE SHAFTS! So I moved from Glendale to Victorville, I had to find another BLM shooting range. 79 reviews on. All Rights Reserved. Please plan ahead and keep it clean for all visitors. Predator Hunting (Coyote, Bobcat, Fox, Wolf, Cougar, etc. ) or https:// means you've safely I have shot there a bunch and couldn't believe they put that tower there and still allowed shooting. north of the 58 off meadow drive rd. See More. More. (about 10-20 minutes past Victorville) Turn left and go back over freeway. Rated 5 / 5. Winter temperatures may drop below freezing, and desert winds are frequent and strong. It is unlawful for a person to intentionally discharge a firearm or release an arrow or crossbow bolt over or across a public road or other established way open to the public in an unsafe and reckless manner. Sorry it turned out so bad! Dedicated to Off road and recreational firearm enthusiasts. She said, 'How do you not know you got shot,'" recalled Stadelman. Some areas may . Always bring a first-aid kit, extra water, food and dry clothing. Copyright 20042023 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. 10/2/2021 Christanne C. Went here today around 7:30am. A place of Camping, Off-road and recreational shooting. I'm planning a trip down to hodge road (I know its going to be hot) in the next few coming weeks and I was trying to find some map or resource online to see if it is still open or if it is closed to due some fire restriction. It was a dump out there. If you call the apple valley sherrifs station and hit o. She was very nice too. I had no idea how or what was going on.". Hodge Road is a decent shooting area, I too have taken away several bags and bundles of garbage from there. Burning tires, magnesium, wires, petroleum products or any other hazardous or explosive material is prohibited. Before leaving, make sure to touch base with someone and let them know where you will be, when you will be back and develop an emergency plan just in case.
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