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"partNumber": "1543255", Whats nice about this process is that its so versatile as it can be used on any surface including painted furniture, stained furniture, metal etc. "comparable": true, "Attributes": { }, "Base_Honey": 102, Create a Beautiful Driftwood Finish on Bare or Unfinished Wood, Simple to Use Mix with water and apply results in minutes. "values": [{ "AttributeValues": { Before you do anythingtake a before pic. "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", (0 items) "sequence": "10.00000", "unitID": "", "unitOfMeasure": "", PaintPerks Terms & Conditions, generated on: Sat Mar 04 02:33:54 UTC 2023. Before you get started its good to have a goal or look in mind. "unitOfMeasure": "", "name": "Container Size", }, So you understand the layers of paint you will be applying: First, prep the area by creating a space to work and laying a protective layer on the floor. 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"product_number": "70007444", "19211": "1550896", "searchable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000000364513" Varathane 269394 Premium Fast Dry Wood Stain, Quart, Weathered Gray, Varathane 374189 Wood Stain Repair Marker Kit, Assorted Cool Tone, Rust-Oleum 225244 One Step Stain & Polyurethane, Golden Oak; Quart, SamaN Interior Water Based Wood Stain - Natural Stain for Furniture, Moldings, Wood Paneling , Cabinets (Antique Walnut TEW-212-12, 12 oz), Varathane 333660 Premium Fast Dry Wood Stain, Quart, Aged Wheat, Varathane 331305 Aged Wood Accelerator, Quart, Brown, Varathane 347261 Premium Fast Dry Wood Stain, Quart, Rose, Rust-Oleum 260358 Ultimate Wood Stain, Half Pint, Golden Oak, 8 Fl Oz, Driftwood 5 Pak Wood Stain - Create a Driftwood Weathered Wood Finish on Unfinished Wood in Minutes; Mix with Water and Apply on Furniture, Floors, Feature Walls, Wood Frames. I am not familiar with using glaze, so I wondered why the difference in the quantity of glaze on the 2 different steps. }], Exterior Semi-Transparent Wood Stain Colors, PPG Architectural Coatings Privacy Policy, CA Transparency in Supply Chain Disclosure, Clean and stain your deck or wood on the same day, even after rain, Stain wood in temperatures from 35F to 120F. ] {{storeData.zip}} "product_number": "71008000", "name": "Base", "sequence": "30.00000", "isTintable": "false", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" }], "values": [{ "comparable": true, "unitOfMeasure": "", "19209": "Satisfaction Guaranteed", "unitID": "", "sequence": "1395.00000", "268081": "650856081", "values": [{ "sequence": "30.00000", "searchable": false, "searchable": true, After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. 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