Aegon helped end the attempt by Aegon began planning the invasion of Westeros long before launching the attack, spending time incognito visiting Westerosi cities and castles and gaining intelligence on the different houses, their lords and their vassals. Rhaegar would eventually return to fight in the war, but not before leaving Lyanna behind at the Tower of Joy, guarded by Lord Commander Gerold Hightower and Ser Arthur Dayne of the Kingsguard. Aegon's fury and grief at the loss of his wife was such that he headed for Dorne himself. The last one before Jon was his half brother, Prince Aegon (presumably VI), who was killed by The Mountain as an infant. The boy was pasty faced and skinny. Aegon spent his early life as Young Griff, learning the ways of ruling a kingdom he had neither seen nor known. Having been unable to count all that well at the time, Daenerys imagined a mountain of swords too tall to climb past. Thinking his opponent to be fully incapacitated, Oberyn again demands the Mountain confess his crime and reveal who gave him the order, pointing accusingly at the Mountain's liege lord, Aegon, his mother and sister are finally avenged by In the fifth novel, Daenerys muses about Aegon, who would have been the sixth of his name to sit on the Iron Throne. Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros astride his dragon, Having defeated Cersei's forces and burned down a good portion of King's Landing, Daenerys quietly examines the Iron Throne as it now rains with ash, the Great Hall now broken open by the dragonfire she had recently unleashed upon the city. Seu irmão bastardo e sua Mão, Orys Baratheon, foi capturado pelos dorneses e mutilado, tendo sua mão da espada decepada.Aegon retaliou lançando seus dragões contra …

Jon, still agonizing over the aftermath of his decision, is thus left as the last known living heir of House Targaryen.After the Conquest, Aegon ruled for thirty more years, apparently wisely and well. As he mourns over his decision, Drogon enters the throne room, making loud screeching sounds, seemingly aware that something is amiss. Se declara heredero legítimo de los Siete Reinos y pretendiente al Trono de Hierro. At the night he was conceived a comet fell above King's Landing. King Aegon I Targaryen, known as Aegon the Conqueror and Aegon the Dragon, was the founder and first king of the Targaryen dynasty when he conquered all of Westeros and united the realm (with the exception of Dorne and the lands beyond the Wall) with three great dragons, Balerion, Vhagar and Meraxes. Queen Alicent Hightower, the second wife of his grandfather King Viserys I Targaryen, took offense to Aegon's name, since she had given birth to a son named Aegon herself years before, and felt that Rhaenyra's choice of the name was a slight against her own son. Instead, he introduces himself simply as "The Young Griff". To ensure that his dream would not die, Aegon spent most of his time traveling the various Kingdoms on royal progresses to remind lords and smallfolk who ruled them and to make his presence familiar to them. He also refrained from trying to unite the Kingdoms under the same laws, instead allowing them to retain their old laws and he would judge crimes committed in these Kingdoms according to their customs.

In 4 AC, the Targaryens decided that the time had come to finish the Conquest and they returned to conquer Dorne. He visited The remaining twenty-four years of Aegon's reign were peaceful, so much that the last two decades of his reign were later called the King's Landing initially lacked walls, and the likely reason is that the Targaryens likely believed no one would attack a city which housed dragons.