In my opinion a pH meter is important, especially if you’re an all-grain brewer.

Greg Noonan at Vermont Pub & Brewery in Burlington, Vermont is one brewer getting in on sour mashing currently with four beers in his line-up, a wheat beer, a Flanders red, a wit beer, and a framboise.

Sour mashing can be both a fun and frustrating side project to brewing. 80 Beers. The final gravity is 1.000 (no residual sugar, very dry) which classifies is as Beer brut, a style original from Belgium I … Soured beers are quickly gaining popularity among beer lovers and brewers alike.

Search Sort & Filter. Utilizing 5% of the total grist for the sour mash is generally the lowest end of spectrum. This will also help regulate the temperature of the mash over the course of several days. (0.45 kg) of grain in the mash, up to a temperature of about 162 °F (72 °C). Mash 2 lb of 2 row malt using 50-60-70 schedule Mashout @ 175=B0F for 5 minutes Cool to 90=B0F and stir in yogurt culture Sour for two days Mash remaining malts using 50-60-70 schedule Mashout at 175=B0F for 5 minutes Combine mashes Sparge at 170=B0F Boil for 90 min Cool and pitch yeast A couple of weeks ago, I tried brewing a minor spinoff of a sour mash beer In many respects, it’s more predictable to sour in the kettle: the mash is already complete, it’s easier to take a sample while minimizing exposure to the air and other bacteria, and you can taste the degree of sourness directly.

The percentage of mash which is soured will play the biggest role.

They will start at $30 for a simple digital meter plus you will want to buy a calibration kit, which you can get for under $10.

If your goal is to make a sour beer, then you can add more of the sour mash just after the saccharification rest but before lautering in order to raise the sour intensity.So now that you have some general guidelines it’s time to turn brainstorming into reality. Simply toss in the grains when the temperature of the mash falls below 120 °F (49 °C).

Sour mash brut A very strong and ultra-dry sour ale.

While a sour mash is not traditional with these beer styles, it is one technique you can utilize to create the sour characteristics in these beers. You 0 (3.76) 6,047 Ratings . Other key pieces include a thermometer and a small mash container that you can seal up tight. New Orleans, LA United States .

You are not logged in.. You may still vote but you must be logged in to write a review. Really the sky is the limit, but a short list of good examples would include, but not limited to Berliner Weisse, lambic-styled beers, Flemish reds and browns, stouts, porters, summer ales, weizens, wits, saisons and the more obscure style Kentucky Common. help Some homebrewers will sour mash upwards of 50% or more of their total grain bill.

Enroll in the BYO Digital Membership plus subscribe to Brew Your Own magazine. Begin the sour mashing process two to four days prior to brewing the entire batch. This would work well for moderately souring experimental beers. A brewer could also make a sour beer by stirring a large sour mash into the main mash after conversion has taken place. guides We deliver the best in beer recipes at no cost to you. Official. The sour mash will add a nice twang to the beer if a moderate percentage of the total grain bill is added and a full pucker face if a large percentage of soured grains are added.

Zony Mash Beer Project .

After the 40 minutes, heat the mash up to 170 °F (77 °C) and hold for 10 minutes.

That means that if your recipe calls for 10 lbs. Begin by mashing the grains as normal in your mash tun.