Nationalist hardliner Moussa ag Assarid broke away several months ago and now two other senior figures Moussa ag Acharatoumane and Assalat ag Habi have set up their own faction in apparent frustration with the MNLA's patent lack of vigour in … Moussa has 1 job listed on their profile.

Moussa Ag Acharatoumane serves as a spokesperson for the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) and was based in Paris, France as recently as 22 March 2012. Rebel and military sources both confirmed the clashes, although they differed over precisely which groups were involved.The violence highlights how pockets of fighters who escaped a four-month French-led offensive against the al-Qaida-linked militants in the north are undermining efforts to restore state authority ahead of a presidential election set for July 28. Its Paris-based spokesman, Moussa Ag Acharatoumane, said fighting continued on Saturday morning, with two of the group’s fighters and at least seven Islamists killed so far. Reporting Africa Since 1960 Having watered down independence claims, it is demanding talks with the government over a degree of autonomy.French forces are reducing their numbers and are due to hand over security responsibilities to a United Nations peacekeeping mission that will be rolled out in July.Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. He is founding leader of the MNLA. Last month reports said his main rear base had been destroyed by the Tuareg coalition which consists of a Mali-backed militia – the Groupe d'auto-défense touareg Imghad et alliés (GATIA) – and the Mouvement pour le salut de l'Azawad led by a former spokesman for the separatist Mouvement national pour la libération de l'Azawad (MNLA) Nationalist hardliner Moussa ag Assarid broke away several months ago and now two other senior figures ‘We all have the same objective of building an independent state of Azawad ’ MNLA spokesman ‘We’re in talks with him at the moment but obviously they’re not going well because we want different things ’ MNLA Spokesman Looking for a specific issue? Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Il est un des fondateurs du Mouvement national de libération de l'Azawad (MNLA) en 2011, puis du Mouvement pour le salut de l'Azawad (MSA) en 2016. moussa ag acharatoumane in a sentence - Use "moussa ag acharatoumane" in a sentence 1. Moussa Ag Acharatoumane serves as a spokesperson for the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) and was based in Paris, France as recently as 22 March 2012. He is founding … Moussa Ag Acharatoumane serves as a spokesperson for the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) and was based in Paris, France as recently as 22 March 2012. |commander2 = Mahmoud Ag Aghaly Bilal Ag Acherif Moussa Ag Acharatoumane Mohamed Ag Najem Algabass Ag Intalla ( MIA) 2. "' A Malian army officer, who asked not to be named, confirmed there had been heavy fighting, likely stemming from long-standing rivalries between Tuareg and Arab communities that make up northern Mali’s array of armed groups.However he said the clashes were between the MNLA and the MAA, a group made up of Malian Arabs based north of Timbuktu. I don’t say there are none left, I don’t say there is no risk, but there is no longer any fighting,” Hollande said.The Tuareg MNLA launched a rebellion in January last year, citing years of marginalization by the government as justification for carving out an independent desert state from Mali’s north.It initially fought alongside a mix of al Qaida-linked Islamist forces seeking to impose Islamic law on Mali’s north, and the uneasy coalition swept aside government troops in March 2012.The MNLA was later sidelined by the better armed Islamists, but has now taken advantage of the French offensive to re-occupy several northern towns it had lost to them.