At the end of the nineteenth century, the French writer « Is there a more beautiful than this still preserved old tower, the minaret, in Islamic architecture? Devenu lArosa Sky en 1957 à la suite de son rachat par la compagnie Arosa Lines, il devient le Bianca C. pour Costa Croisières en 1959 et sombre en rade de Grenade le 23 octobre 1961 après avoir … Kairouan (Arabic: القيروان ‎ Qeirwān), also spelled Āl Qayrawān or Kairwan, is the capital of the Kairouan Governorate in Tunisia.It is a UNESCO World Heritage site.The city was founded by the Umayyads around 670. Le Maréchal Pétain est un paquebot construit en 1939 à La Ciotat pour la Compagnie des messageries maritimes. V, 1969, pp. éditions Maison Tiers-Monde, On additions and embellishments made to the building by the Aghlabid emir Abu Ibrahim, Ibn Nagi gives the following account: « He built in the mosque of Kairouan the cupola that rises over the entrance to the central nave, together with the two colonnades which flank it from both sides, and the galleries were paved by him. Kairouan (tudi Al Kairouan, arabsko القيروان, Al Qayrawan) je mesto in guvernorat v osrednji severni Tuniziji.Znano je po verskem pomenu za muslimane – med sunitskimi muslimani velja za četrto najbolj sveto mesto islama (sledeč Meki, Medini in Jeruzalemu) ter najbolj sveto mesto Magreba.Prav tako je romarsko središče.Ocenjena populacija je 110.280 (ocena 1998). The combination formed by the courtyard and the galleries that surround it covers an immense area whose dimensions are about 90 metres long and 72 metres in width.One of the courtyard's capitals surmounted by a small vertical sundial

page 404 Henri Saladin, Tunis et Kairouan, Il dépassa les 25 noeuds lors d'un voyage , mais la consommation en mazout fut gigantesque, et l'expérience ne fut pas renouvelée (Bernard Bernadac - Le paquebot Kairouan … Porch topped with a ribbed dome rising in the middle of the south portico of the courtyard Un paquebot est un navire spécialisé dans le transport de passagers en haute mer, que son but soit d'assurer une liaison (paquebots de ligne, dont les plus célèbres sont les transatlantiques) ou bien un voyage d'agrément (paquebots de croisière).Le terme est issu de la francisation de l'anglais packet-boat qui désignait les navires transportant du courrier. Wall and windows of the south facade of the minaret One may conceivably compare its role to that of the University of Paris during the Middle Ages.In addition to studies on the deepening of religious thought and Maliki jurisprudence, the mosque also hosted various courses in secular subjects such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine and botany. Portico located on the eastern side of the courtyard From the outside, the Great Mosque of Kairouan is a fortress-like building with its 1.90 metres thick massive ocher walls, a composite of well-worked stones with intervening courses of rubble stone and baked At the foundation of Kairouan in 670, the Arab general and conqueror Uqba ibn Nafi (himself the founder of the city) chose the site of his mosque in the centre of the city, near the headquarters of the governor. Editions Henri Laurens, From the eighteenth century, the French « The Great Mosque is dedicated to Uqba, where there is a famous college where we will study the remotest corners of this kingdom : are taught reading and writing of Arabic grammar, laws and religion. Detail of arches and columns of the north portico of the courtyard In the history of Art, its three-storey minaret is considered such a masterpiece and a model among the most prestigious monuments of Muslim architecture. UNESCO World Heritage Site (1988, Kairouan, masterpiece of human creative genius, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design, unique to a cultural tradition, traditional human settlement or …
Close view of the upper part of the main door of the prayer hall Interior view of the western portico of the courtyard