After reading dialogs, I will also type them into my Another great advantage is the course being suitable for all kind of operating systems. "I really really like the vocabulary training method. By purchasing your software I've made a good decision since it's fun learning and gives me a sense of achievement most of the time. Mais si vous téléphonez régulièrement à ce garçon ou passez beaucoup de temps en sa compagnie lors de moments de détente, vous ne ferez qu’augmenter son chagrin.Yango wana, atako ezali malamu ete moko te kati na bino mbala bozali kosolola na telefone to ozali kokutana na ye mingi mpe kolekisa ntango esika moko, ozali nde kobakisela ye mpasi na motema.Il ne doutait pas que Jéhovah soit disposé à témoigner de la miséricorde à ceux qui se repentent ; aussi a- t- il (Nzembo 32:5; 103:3) Lokola azalaki na kondima mpenza kati na bolingi ya Nzambe ya komonisa ngɔlu epai na baoyo babongoli motema, Davidi alobaki ete: “Ɛ, [Yehova] yo ozali Moko kati na balakisi na ngai —ye oyo azalaki moto —batambwisaki ye bipai na bipai lokola nde azalaki mosáli mabe.La Bible ne précise pas s’il s’agissait là d’un soutien angélique, de pluies de météorites qui, aux yeux des sages de Sisera, n’auguraient rien de , ou peut-être de prédictions astrologiques qui se révélèrent fausses pour Sisera.Biblia elobi te soki ezali baanzelu nde babundelaki ye, to mbula ya mabanga oyo, mpo na bato ya mayele ya Sisela bamonaki ete ezali lisuma mpo na bango, to mpe minzoto oyo Sisela azalaki kotalela mpo na koyeba makambo oyo ekoya nde ekosaki ye. When you complete the beginner's course in Lingala, you will "I am very content with your language course and I really enjoy learning with it. I find the displaying of the last seven wrong inputs in the long-term memory learning method very supportive." I'm able to connect proper spelling as well as the right pronunciation by the audio output. "I find the logical and neat outline very appealing. Putting it in a nutshell, it's a well-made language course." — Proverbes 31:28.Soko moke te; na bongo salá milende ya kondima makambo quelle activité la Bible associe à maintes reprises à un cœur beau et mosala oyo Biblia emonisi mbala na mbala ete motema ya kitoko mpe ya Jésus conclut l’illustration en disant : “ De même, vous aussi, quand vous aurez fait toutes les choses qui vous ont été assignées, dites : ‘ Nous sommes des esclaves Nsima ya kopesa ndakisa wana, Yesu asukisaki na maloba oyo: “Bongo bino, mpe, ntango bosilisi kosala makambo nyonso oyo batindaki bino bósala, bóloba ete, ‘Tozali Certes, il est évident que le mieux est de rester en termes.

since they give me the feeling that I'm taken seriously when I hand in some suggestions for improvement and changes." Having the possibility to exchange information with others and also motivate each other online helps me staying motivated. In any case I would love to thank the experts who developed the course very much! In general the program is designed logical and very comprehensible.

For this I'm sure the clear and logical structure of the language course is crucial and also the opportunity to operate within the program in so many different ways. The daily exercises are giving me the pressure necessary I need to do them. This program also provides the possibility to print out cards which I think is very crucial. I like the reward system, when it is possible to get other courses in other languages, I like the meditation mysic." Thereby, I can learn both the vocabulary training and text exercises quickly and continuing.

Vous vous demandez alors, mais comment font-ils pour désigner leurs biens?

This way it's possible to learn vocabularies which you consider to be essential. Since we're getting ready to move these lessons are great to get prepared. It gives you a well-structures schedule that guides you trough the program. When you have completed your daily tasks you have the possibility to transfer your score online. "The daily are exercises learning method seem very effective. Fast and highly efficient learning method: "I would like to thank you for the excellent price/performance ratio. As far as I'm concerned this course enhanced my linguistic knowledge because it's design is varying.