Mirage IV 01 was now considered as a small scale prototype for the development of the navigation and bombardment system. In 1952, the French government issued its specification, calling for a lightweight, all-weather interceptor. Renommé escadron de Reconnaissance Stratégique ERS 1/91, le Gascogne reste la dernière unité à utiliser ce fabuleux appareil.

With the Mirage IVB considered to be too expensive, the medium-sized Mirage IVA, slightly larger than the first prototype, was chosen for three more prototypes to be produced. [13] La dissuasion nucléaire française commença à émerger au début des années 1950 et, le 20 mai 1955, le gouvernement autorisa le financement de la bombe A sur la période 1955-1957. It was delivered to the Air Force in February 1964, By October of the same year, the first bomber squadron, at the Mont-de-Marsan airbase, was declared operational. This was the end of the Mirage IV B program.On June 17, 1959, Roland Glavany took off for the first time at 10:20 am.
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The strict deadline had been met ; France had become a genuine nuclear power. With aerial refueling], the plane was able to attack In order to refuel the Mirage IVA fleet, France purchased 14 (12 plus 2 spares) U.S. Boeing Both flight and grounds crews received training principally by Initially, the basic attack flight profile was "high-high-high" at a speed of Mach 1.85, engaging targets up to a maximum radius of 3,500 km (2,175 mi). The term is used interchangeably with the (more specific) term RATO, for Rocket-Assisted Take Off (or, in RAF parlance, RATOG for Rocket-Assisted Take Off Gear). Pilots who have flown it have described its handling as extraordinary. In September 1959, the desire to avoid constructing a foreign aeroengine under license for the propulsion of the Strategic Nuclear Force led to the adoption of a smaller, less expensive aircraft, the Mirage IV A. Dassault’s work proper accounted for 17 % of this aircraft’s total flyaway cost.The contract for 50 aircraft was confirmed on May 29, 1962 and another on November 4, for a further 12 aircraft of the same definition, but capable of carrying a reconnaissance pod.Production aircraft n°1 made its maiden flight at Mérignac on December 7, 1963, with René Bigand at the controls. A second aircraft for electronic reconnaissance and offensive jamming was to prepare the way for the bombers and accompany the bombing raid. The precision requirements involved making all the weapon system components operate interdependently.Serial production required using every one of France’s 300 or so aeronautical firms. The Mirage IV was the first French aircraft to incorporate one-way electronic flight controls for pitch and roll.The bomb carrier was to be a bomber aircraft. Flight 138, on September 23, corroborated the initial performance and pushed the record on a 500-km closed circuit to an average of 1 972 km/h, flying between Mach 2.08 and Mach 2.14.A new definition of the aircraft, with Snecma Atar 9 D engines was approved in October 1959 under the name Mirage IV A. Lescadron est doté en permanence dun effectif de 5 avions puisés à tour de rôle dan… The Strategic Air Forces were equipped at the rate of two aircraft a month up until March of 1968.When it entered into service back in 1964, the Mirage IV A was the first European military aircraft capable of sustained flight at Mach 2; it is still the only one in Western Europe.The last Mirage IV (P) were retired from operational service in 2005.Every aspect of the Mirage IV program unfurled commendably. The precision requirements involved making all the weapon system components operate interdependently.Serial production required using every one of France’s 300 or so aeronautical firms. Dassault Aviation - Droits Réservés By using this website, I consent to the use of cookies and accept that information collected during my browsing session may be used by Dassault Aviation in order to improve the services offered on this device. Flight 138, on September 23, corroborated the initial performance and pushed the record on a 500-km closed circuit to an average of 1 972 km/h, flying between Mach 2.08 and Mach 2.14.A new definition of the aircraft, with Snecma Atar 9 D engines was approved in October 1959 under the name Mirage IV A.
The Snecma Atar 9 B jet engines – 13,200 lb of thrust with reheat – were identical to those of the Mirage III A which first flew in May of 1958, a full year before the Mirage IV. Dassault Mirage IV aircraft pictures. It nevertheless carried three times more internal fuel. To modify or access your data, you may write to contact-rgpd@dassault-aviation.com. Mirage IV 01 was now considered as a small scale prototype for the development of the navigation and bombardment system.

This was the end of the Mirage IV B program.On June 17, 1959, Roland Glavany took off for the first time at 10:20 am. For its third flight, on June 20, 1959, Mirage IV 01 was authorized to make a flight pass over the Paris Air Show with General de Gaulle among the onlookers.

Dassault Aviation - All Rights Reserved A second aircraft for electronic reconnaissance and offensive jamming was to prepare the way for the bombers and accompany the bombing raid. And it was finished within the tight schedule disclosed in 1958.René Bigand, Serge Dassault and Roland Glavany in front of the Mirage IV It nevertheless carried three times more internal fuel. It was, in fact, France’s first attempt at creating a globally integrated weapon system. The scheme involved an aircraft first, and a ballistic missile later. The navigation and bombing system met all the required stipulations. A second aircraft for electronic reconnaissance and offensive jamming was to prepare the way … Quality pictures certified ! The Dassault Mirage IV was a French supersonic strategic bomber and deep-reconnaissance aircraft.Developed by Dassault Aviation, the aircraft entered service with the French Air Force in October 1964. It is a system for helping overloaded aircraft into the air by providing additional thrust in the form of small rockets. These 36 active aircraft would be rotated with 26 reserve aircraft; the latter were kept in an airworthy condition or were otherwise subject to maintenance activities. Designers overcame every technical challenge.