I could’ve been a professional boxer. You’ve seen the rallies. As a matter of fact, to this day I’ve not found anything which is that effective for building biceps.”Were the burns the key to this routine? Manufacturers also make the face of the preacher bench too long, so the dumbbells hit the face of the bench at the bottom.

So the normal preacher benches that you see won’t give you the kind of results that you want. And he said, ‘Your arms look pretty good; let me see them’ So I flexed my triceps.

Just the intensity changed.“I was doing a set of dumbbell curls on the preacher bench. At the beginning of the episode, Larry is being bullied by Roger and his gang on the bus. It was exhausting, and it was a terrible workout! That series I just mentioned is very, very painful, but it just blows up the arms like nothing I’ve ever seen – if the preacher bench is designed correctly. And, of course, I’d follow a split routine rather than training the whole body in each workout as I was doing.”Today Larry Scott is 52 and lives with his wife, Rachel, and their five children in Bountiful, Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake City, where he is a fitness consultant, equipment manufacturer and distributor, and trains hundreds of people across the country with his Bio-Phase System of Personal Training. I can’t eat. Honestly, I’m nauseous. I’ll tell you one thing — I’d like to get my hands on some of those crooks! You know, after doing curls on that thing for 20 years or more as I’ve done, you’ve got to be pretty dumb not to figure out some ways to make it better.”Looking back over the evolution of his biceps training, Larry said he wouldn’t change a thing about his advanced routine. I kept training harder and harder, but my biceps routine stayed pretty much the same.

I was going to give them so much aid, they’d be thanking me for the next 20 years. When you’re doing biceps curls and you’re way down on the bench, you can’t get the bar up unless you get your wrists curled, and you can’t get your wrists curled unless you have the forearm strength. In other words, the face should bulge out in the middle. I would do probably no more than nine sets per bodypart, increasing the intensity. The whole thing sickens me. Imagine him hearing the Babe say, “All right, kid, I’m gonna tell ya exactly how I hit 60 homers in ’27.” As a bodybuilder you’ve got a comparable opportunity here, because ‘60s superstar Larry Scott was to biceps what Babe Ruth was to home runs – The Master!Scott, who won the first two Mr. Olympia contest in 1965 and ’66, started bodybuilding about 10 years earlier as a high school student in Pocatello, Idaho. I’m doing something great for that country. So I got really involved in that, and my arms started to really grow.“For one thing, my training was much better. That Zlochevsky — I don’t know what I’d do to him. But how can I if there’s rampant corruption? I didn’t really have a lot of faith that I would grow and that my body would change.”When he returned to school in the fall, Scott started working out at the YMCA and began training his biceps as well, using the following routine:*This workout was part of a whole-body routine in which Larry would do one set of each exercise, then go through the entire sequence two more times.“I didn’t know what I was doing,” Larry admitted. We had always trained the whole body in one day, and it was exhausting!”After about a year-and-a-half on this intermediate routine, during which time Scott still emphasized triceps training much more than biceps work (“I’d go through the biceps training, but I’d really put my everything into triceps), he won the Mr. Idaho title. Up to that point I had never even liked biceps work. You do the exercise totally strict, your body over the bench; you don’t help the arms at all with even a little bit of lean-back; and that’s what really gives you the tremendous growth.“Then you finish off, when your arms are just about to die, with reverse-grip EZ-bar curls, and that works the brachioradialis and hits the low biceps.

The biceps is exhausted at that point, but the brachioradialis isn’t. .’During this intermediate phase of his training Scott was doing nine sets for biceps and nine for triceps at each workout. Remember, however, that this was the late ‘50s, and the split system of training we take for granted now hadn’t really been introduced yet.“We didn’t know anything about a split routine,” Larry said. That protein must have been exactly what my body needed.“I put on eight pounds of muscle! He told us we should go through the whole body three times, so we did. Patrick Swayze and Larry Gatlin start singing this hit song, their rendition is mind blowing. )TRUMP: I just need a second. The following is the arm routine that enabled Larry Scott to go from 15¼ to almost 21-inch arms – and earned him an honored spot among the all-time greats of the sport Advanced Routine Dumbbell Curls on preacher bench – 6 reps, 4 burns. Larry still has 18½” arms, and he maintains this impressive development by training his biceps about 30 minutes per workout three times a week. I started to make good progress.” “Good progress” is the understatement of the century. Share this on facebook ; Patrick Swayze has had a huge influence in the entertainment business. Although the gym is long gone, Larry remembers getting some invaluable training tips from Lou Degni, a bodybuilder who, he said, “had an incredible physique and was way ahead of his time.” It was while he was training in Hollywood, after he had been using the beginner routine about a year-and-a-half, that Scott formulated the following intermediate regimen:By this time Larry had switched to doing three sets of each exercise, gradually increasing the weight with each set, before moving on to the next bodypart.