Chez Inimex Inc., notre priorit é est de vous fournir la meilleure stratégie afin que vous obteniez la résidence permanente, ainsi que de vous guider à travers chaque étape du processus. We continuously evaluate our services and our immigration … A US citizen does not need a visa to visit the Schengen area countries as long as the stay does not extend beyond 90 days and the US passport is valid three months beyond the date of return in the USA. Adresse postale: B.P. Soilliez assur é que notre équipe d’avocats d’immigration, de traducteurs, d’agents immobiliés et d’experts financiers prendrons soin de tous vos besoins. We will be pleased to answer you by phone or Skype any questions you may have on the immigration process to Luxembourg. Since 2008, the work permit and the residence permit (for third-country national workers) have been merged into a single permit, the Autorisation de séjour. Our experienced immigration team use their local knowledge and expertise to facilitate smooth … Direction de l'Immigration. : (+352) 247-84565 du lundi au vendredi 8h-12h Guichets prolongation: fermés Adresse: 26, route d'Arlon L - 1140 Luxembourg . This immigration program is of interest to individuals who have sufficient funds allowing them to immigrate to Luxembourg as independent financial applicants and make it their main place of residence.. The Directorate of Immigration comprises various services, notably the Department for foreigners, the Department for refugees and the Department for returns. Service des étrangers Tél. A guide to Luxembourg’s visas, permits, and citizenship to help those who are planning on living, studying, or simply immigrating to Luxembourg. 752 L - 2017 Luxembourg Tél: 247 + extension Fax: 22 16 08 Adresse électronique: Immigration… IMMIGRATION AU LUXEMBOURG. In addition to our other destination services and relocation management assistance in Luxembourg, Management Mobility Consulting can also take care of your immigration formalities, such as work permit and residence permit for Luxembourg, social security registration, tax card and vehicle formalities. L UXEMBOURG: IMMIGRATION FOR WEALTHY INDIVIDUALS. Recent Immigration Policy. Reception desks: from Monday to Friday 08:30 - 12:00; Service for new arrivals: from Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 12:00; Postal address: Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Directorate of Immigration - Department for refugees PO 752 L-2017 Luxembourg. MAP RELOCATIONS LUXEMBOURG opened our office in Luxembourg in March 2015. * An EU or EEA citizenship or you’re married to an EU/ EEA citizen * You work in finance or related sectors. Our expertise in immigration formalities for employees and their families arriving in Luxembourg, whatever their nationality; Our high end, personalised and efficient service delivered by a team of pro-active, client-minded individuals who all have experienced expatriation themselves and are committed to ensuring our clients utmost satisfaction

For staying more than 90 days, an application for a residence permit will be necessary and depend upon the final … : (+352) 247-84040 du lundi au vendredi 9h - 12h et 14h-16h Guichets information: fermés Guichets enrôlement: fermés. It also has a European affairs Department and a legal Department.Moreover, the Directorate of Immigration is the delegated authority of the It should also be noted that the Directorate of Immigration is a partner of the Luxembourg NCP (The Department for foreigners handles requests concerning the free movement of persons (European Union citizens and their family members) and concerning third country nationals’ entry and residence.The Department for refugees is responsible for registering and handling international protection requests.The returns service carries out the decisions to return illegal residents. ... work mainly in the civil service, leaving most of the the production and innovation sector work to immigrants and commuters from border areas. Service des réfugiés Tél. In addition to our standard services, we practice and offer private support and, if necessary, a specially chosen employee can be assigned to meet you in the city where you live or work for … Luxembourg's present labor immigration policy is based on legislation passed in March 1972 that has changed little in the last 35 years. 26, route d'Arlon L-1140 Luxembourg Luxembourg . How to apply for a short stay Schengen visa to Luxembourg? L-1140 Luxembourg. It is not the easiest place to get a job, however, it really helps if you have the following with you. A tax card is required for every employee working in Luxembourg to carry out the tax deduction and the transfer of the employee's tax credit.Our support includes registration of the expatriate and all dependant family members with the Social Security Common Centre, « Centre commun de la Sécurité Sociale » in Luxembourg.Management Mobility Consulting deals with the Luxembourg National Child Benefits Fund, “Caisse Nationale des Prestations Familiales “to request child benefits for families relocating to Luxembourg.Our services cover the exchange of foreign driving licenses, the registration of foreign vehicles in Luxembourg, the required customs clearance, technical inspections as well as the exchange of foreign license plates. Work and Residence Permits for Luxembourg, Social Security Registration, Tax Cards, Driving Licenses and Vehicle FormalitiesIn addition to our other destination services and relocation management assistance in Luxembourg, Management Mobility Consulting can also take care of your immigration formalities, such as work permit and residence permit for Luxembourg, social security registration, tax card and vehicle formalities.Our services may be part of a comprehensive relocation package or can be booked individually. We have a reputation within the migration profession for providing efficient, accurate and ethical immigration advice and have an outstanding track record for obtaining Work Permits.

Saad Rahman thanks for the A2A!