This summer's Olympics in … I would think voters would be wary of electing someone with no demonstrated capacity to govern, again. You know what Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) if In the Senate, which is controlled by Republicans and in which action on anything has slowed to a crawl, newer members have to point to tough questioning in hearings or “standing up to” and “fighting for” something or other. One of the principle concerns about Washington, is dysfunction; one of the principle concerns about President Trump is an utter lack of attention to detail, competence (not only by him but from a slew of third-rate staffers and Cabinet officials he hired) and, yes, negotiating skill.

The store was closed and the owner was housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration of the war.Aislinn Pulley, an executive director of the Chicago Torture Justice Center and a founder of Black Lives Matter Chicago.Descendants of enslaved people sold by Georgetown University in 1838 spoke at a 2016 event about the university’s steps to atone for its past. A separate agreement, struck with Congress in 1971, led to the biggest award — $962 million worth of land in Alaska, some 44 million acres — in return for Indians, Eskimos and Aleuts relinquishing their aboriginal claims to the rest of the state.Once again, the compensation was not awarded directly; instead, the land was put in the control of corporations, and the beneficiaries were given shares of stock in them. Thomas said the amount of the fee, $27.20, was chosen to evoke the number of people sold, while not being too onerous for students. The past participle of have is had (auxiliary) . The men who survived brutal treatment by a Chicago police commander and his “midnight crew” of detectives wanted more than money.But the city also agreed to finance a Torture Justice Center to provide counseling to scores of victims of the commander, Jon Burge, and to other survivors of police brutality. … The group’s mission was complicated by a paucity of written records, difficulties in putting a value on the land for its agricultural productivity or religious significance, and problems with determining boundaries and ownership from decades, or more than a century, earlier.The results were disappointing for Native Americans. But they didn’t lose their dignity.”In April, students at Georgetown University voted to increase their tuition to benefit descendants of the 272 enslaved Africans whom the Jesuits who ran the school sold nearly two centuries ago to secure its financial future.“The school wouldn’t be here without them,” said Shepard Thomas, a junior from New Orleans who is part of the campus group, Students for the GU272, that pushed for reparations to be paid. (A semester’s tuition and fees for a full-time student come to $27,720.00.) Olympic events have changed dramatically over time [Learn How & Why].Here's the full history: Sports at the Games. “They lost everything — their personal items, their property, their hometown. “Congress listened to the claims of tribal leaders.”But, Ms. McCoy said, the government took a paternalistic view, and kept Native Americans from having direct control of the funds, in the belief they were not “competent to receive such large amounts of money.”“They did not make those awards, whether it was $200 million, $20 million or $20,000 — they held that money in trust accounts,” she said. Mr. Thomas, a psychology major, is descended from enslaved people who were part of the 1838 sale.Mr. The American political parties, now called Democrats and Republicans, switched platform planks, ideologies, and members many times in American history. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) gets partial credit for the First Step criminal justice reform bill (along with many other lawmakers) and certainly has a record on public safety and school reform from his days as a mayor.Beyond that? A few contenders can claim membership on a national security-related committee; Klobuchar had plenty of overseas trips with the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). “We have to consider all the harm people have endured.”More than 70 years after a racist mob massacred black residents in Rosewood, Fla., and burned the hamlet to the ground, Lizzie Jenkins’s mother received exactly $3,333.33 as recompense.The law set aside $2 million for those who survived the 1923 massacre, which began with an allegation that a black man had assaulted a white woman. “You’ve got to draw your reparations law broadly enough that you don’t leave out the people you’re trying to help.”On separate occasions 40 years apart, Congress awarded payments to Japanese-Americans who were taken from their homes during World War II and sent to internment camps.The Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act of 1948 offered compensation for real and personal property they had lost. (past tense) The verb "have" is also used as an auxiliary verb (or you can call it a "helping verb") when making the present perfect tense. We were made whole again as American citizens.”The injustice began and ended on known dates, most victims could be readily identified through official records, and more than half were still alive when the compensation was awarded. Jay Inslee can point to concrete, impressive achievements on guns, …