The trunk is dark brown to … Ximenia americana is a semi-scandent shrub or small tree, 2-7 m high.


The plant parts are used differently for medicinal purposes.

Many other uses, most African, are detailed in the plant profile details below. An Infusion of leaves is used to treat Fever and Cold. [10] Studies of antimicrobial activity and chemical constituents of Ximenia americana. (2010). Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. It yields edible bright yellow juicy fruits, just over an inch in diameter, that I very much enjoy, usually ripening from July through November. Birds and other wild animals consume the fruits.

Found in Florida and south, locally it likes dry scrub areas. Florida State University Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium database. “Antioxidant properties of Ximenia americana.” African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. Mode d'emploi : Ecorce du tronc, prendre 10 cm x 5 cm, faire bouillir 20 minutes dans 2 litres d'eau, filtrer, boire une cuillérée à café tous les matin avant de manger. 7 (1): 7-18. Ximenia fluminensis M.Roem.

Ximenia Americana is commonly known as Tallow Wood.

The Plants Database includes the following 1 species of Ximenia . Pimecaria odorata Raf. It was named for the Spanish monk Francisco Ximenez, a native of Luna in the Kingdom of Aragon. Meliomo en Lyélé. Heymassoli inermis Aubl. Elle donne une boisson fermentée très appréciée. Heymassoli spinosa Aubl.

Majekodunmi O. Fatope, Oumar A. Adoum and Yoshio Takeda, J. Agric. In fact, I see that the World Agroforestry Center suggests they be distilled to make an orange blossom-like essential oil. americana – tallow wood Subordinate Taxa. Plants Une macération d’une semaine de la racine de… “Survey of the ethnobotanical uses of Ximenia americana L. (mumpeke) among rural communities in South Angola”. Flowers March through November and fruits January, June through August. 9(45): 7744-7746. The plant leaves and twigs are laxative. L'amande de Ximenia americana est réputée toxique.

The good ones taste like slightly gummy plums to me.

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I swear that the ones near Arcadia taste better than the ones in and around Miami. URL: Maguire, A.J., E.S.

Among many medicinal uses, natives of Florida used the bark to treat "sore muscles and gums." Green they were used to numb gums.

“Influence of fuel properties on the burning characterisitcs of sour plum ( Ximenia americana est une plante bien connue à travers la savane de l’Afrique tropicale pour ses vertus médicinales. Plante : Ximenia Americana. La décoction (boisson) de rameaux feuillées de la plante additionnée de jus de citron, soigne la blennorragie. Interpreting Wetland Status. Ximenia arborescens Tussac ex Walp. The reference book Cornucopia II lists the flowers as being eaten in soups.

Ximenia americana. Ximenia americana est une plante bien connue à travers la savane de l’Afrique tropicale pour ses vertus médicinales. Leenga en Mooré. Toutes les parties de cette plante servent dans la vie de l’homme. CAUTION: The leaves contain cyanide [hence the almond-like scent when they are crushed] and must be cooked thoroughly and consumed in moderation, if at all.

Ximenia multiflora Jacq.

Ximenia americana est une espèce végétale présentant un grand intérêt socio-économique.

Green Deane tells us that the seed oil has been used as a "skin softener."

Hog Plum [which also refers to a number of other fruiting species] [1] French (cerise de mer, macaby, citron de mer, croc, Prunier de mer)Spanish (hicaco, espino de brujo, ciruelillo, Caimito de monte, Cagalero, Albaricoque, Albaria, Tigrito, almendro de costa) This native dioecious shrub occurs here in Florida in the wild from Duval to Levy counties and south, and not in the panhandle. Ximenia inermis L. Ximenia laurina Del. Fruits are lemon-yellow or orange-red. Njue (2015). I wait until they turn dark yellow, slightly translucent, and soft to the touch... then they are ripe. Database of observations of Hymenoptera visitations to flowers of plants on Archbold Biological Station, Florida, USA. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. The large seed kernel's oil is said to be edible and is used in cooking, however it may be "strongly purgative" and should NOT BE EATEN. Kariuki, and M.R.