All rights reserved.Gambling should be entertaining. Une fois les mises obligatoires posées, cinq cartes face visibles sont progressivement dévoilées, d'abord trois (le flop), puis une autre (le tournant) et une dernière (la rivière). Nash equilibrium says if you’re the caller in this situation, you should swallow hard and call with hands like King-Four offsuit, Queen-Eight offsuit, even Ten-Eight suited. But you’ll do a better job if you understand why they work, and when you’re supposed to use them. If they push or call too often, you can protect yourself by tightening your range a notch or two, waiting patiently for a better hand to exploit them with.

But you don’t need a brain like a computer to play poker well. Kiedy robisz wyszukiwanie SharkScope na graczu, pamiętaj, aby zapisać jak najwięcej informacji o tym graczu. within the online poker forums, in the Learning Poker section; Can anyone tell me how to find the push-or-fold formula? The shorter the stacks, the wider you can open compared to the charts, since the small blind’s limp will represent a larger portion of the pot.

Évidemment, le calculateur ne prend en compte que les situations de push (faire tapis directement) ou de fold (passer tout de suite sa main) dans une situation de full ring avec 20 blindes ou moins, et non pas les simples relances, dans l'optique d'un jeu simplifié et automatique. This is a discussion on Push or fold formula! Le Texas Hold'em sans limite de pot (NLHE) se dispute en live dans les casinos ou sur internet via des plateformes de jeu. These wizards have already done the math for us; we just need to pick up the tools they’ve created and get to work building a solid strategy for online poker. And as you’ll see in this helpful guide, one of the most valuable tournament tools we’ve been given comes from two of the greatest minds the world has ever seen.When John von Neumann came up with the principles of game theory, starting in 1928 with the minimax theorem, he loved using poker to analyze the way people behave in zero-sum situations. Think of all the times your opponent will have a worse Ten, like Ten-Six; you’ll win those hands about 80% of the time. This is still good for you – it means you’ll have the better hand at showdown more often.

Remember that you always risk losing the money you bet,This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google L'application concrète de cette résolution mathématique, ce sont les tableaux de Jennifear utilisés dans notre outil de calculateur Avant d'utiliser notre outil, il faut prendre connaissance de plusieurs éléments. Avec un jeu traditionnel de 52 cartes au total, chaque joueur engagé dans une partie reçoit deux cartes privatives dont lui seul à la connaissance. To guide you, once you’re playing pure heads-up poker, because you’ll be in position post-flop (and because other players won’t have mucked their hole cards before you act), you can open something closer to 90-95% of your hands.You won’t be that aggressive once you’re short-stacked, but you’ll still have a big heads-up advantage when you’re the player in the small blind.

The above Nash pushing range for the small blind represents a shade below the top 60% of hands in Hold’em, while the big blind is calling with a bit less than the top 45%. At deeper-stacked 6-max or full-ring NLHE tables, it’s usually recommended these days to open a somewhat conservative range of hands from the small blind – maybe the top 40-45% of hands, compared to 50% from the button. We wszystkich poker roomach online masz miejsce do robienia notatek o graczu. Treat the charts more like a set of training wheels, then discard them once you feel like you’ve got the general hang of it.Keep in mind that these Nash equilibria will help you play unexploitable poker – but that’s only half the battle. You probably won’t have to wait too long if they’re pushing or calling too frequently.Before Nash push/fold ranges started becoming trendy, players didn’t really do a very good job of handling small stacks. Thanks to their work, and the advent of computers, we have something concrete to use when we play poker tournaments: push/fold strategy.Again, you don’t need to be a mathematical savant to use these Nash push/fold strategies when you play poker for real money – you just need to download the charts and follow the instructions. Une partie se dispute à partir de deux joueurs et jusqu'à dix sur une même table. Cards Mode advises you to push or fold regarding your hand and your situation (stacks, blinds, positions, action before you). This is an increasingly common play at heads-up NLHE tournaments when the stacks are getting low. It’s kind of like playing for a tie, all the while hoping your opponent will make a mistake to your benefit. Zachęcamy do zapisywania wszelkich informacji, które znajdą Państwo na temat gracza. To fully maximize your returns, you should exploit your opponents who aren’t playing this style, and deviate from the recommended ranges accordingly. If they call with low connectors like Seven-Six, you’ll win about 60% of the time. Don’t forget to push or call wider than recommended to account for the antes, as well.The goal here isn’t to memorize all these Nash ranges and be able to quote them by heart. The most important exception to basic push/fold poker is when you’re on the bubble of a tournament or sit and go. For example, if you have 50 big blinds and the other player has only nine, that means the effective stack size is 9BB, since your remaining 41 big blinds won’t ever come into play during this hand.Once you know the effective stack size for the situation at hand, find that size on the appropriate chart guide, then see what range of hands you’re recommended to push or call with.