With EPSG(900913) the output is georeferenced, but shifted about 3 raster cells to the north: When I reproject the raster using ArcGIS (export in WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere) the result is nearly fine: The code above transforms coordinates from WGS84 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere to WGS84 correctly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. WGS 1984 Web Mercator and WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) use a conformal projection that preserves direction and the shape of data but distorts distance and area. When they're displayed in Google Earth, they don't line up correctly (see attached). In the case of doing this, you would add the external WKID 3857 service into a map document and then alter the data frame to be WKID 4326 before publishing the map document.The problem here is that the tiling schemes between WKID 4326 and WKID 3857 are different; that is, the cached tiles differ between them in terms of tile width/height, scale thresholds at which the tiles were generated, X and Y origin, units, and technically even the coordinate system properties. Even so, they will not deviate enough to be noticeable by eye. The only way I can really think of to "reproject" the WKID 3857 service to display correctly in Google Earth would be to reproject is intentionally by re-publishing it in your ArcGIS Server instance locally. The "Aux Sphere" version just has a parameter that says use the semimajor axis as the radius and then the sphere-based equations. EPSG's definition says the projection "uses spherical development of ellipsoidal coordinates".Web Mercator is a spherical Mercator projection, and so it has the same properties as a spherical Mercator: north is up everywhere, meridians are equally spaced vertical lines, angles are locally correct (assuming spherical coordinates), and areas inflate with distance from the equator such that the polar regions are grossly exaggerated. In other words, cascade the service... which is not only unsupported by Esri but also unpleasant in terms of visual quality and draw time performance. The NGA Geomatics Office has assessed the use of Web Mercator and other non-WGS 84 spatial reference systems may cause geo-location / geo-coordinate errors up to 40,000 meters. 我们在做开发的时候,尤其是web地图开发,两种坐标系至关重要4326 GCS_ WGS_1984 和 102100 WGS_1984_web_mercator_auxiliary_sphere 。 1)、4326 GCS_WGS_1984 是 WGS1984,属于 地理坐标系,相信大家对它都有所耳闻,他就是大名鼎鼎的gps采用的坐标系,也就是通过gps拿到的坐标信息都是按这个坐标系给我们的经度和纬度。

See Spatial Reference SR-ORG:6928 and Spatial Reference SR-ORG:7483.

I downloaded shapefiles from EIA (US Energy Information Admin), in WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere projection, apparently a common ArcGIS format. I typically only work with transverse mercator projections (UTM, 3TM, 10TM) and this one seems a bit different. In other words, cascade the service... which is not only unsupported by Esri but also unpleasant in terms of visual quality and draw time performance. Noted defects extend to erroneous calculation of ground control points, positional system data, and variance with WGS 84 GEOINT (imagery, geospatial information, and imagery intelligence).Authority: in accordance with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction, (CJCSI 3900.01C), 30 June 2007, Position (Point and Area) Reference Procedures, WGS 84 is directed for standardization by the National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG), Allied System for Geospatial Intelligence (ASG), North Atlantic Treaty members, and Intelligence Community (IC) members, to fully support geographic coordinate accuracy and interoperability requirements.Recommended course of action: in accordance with CJCSI 3900.01C, users and associated programs will continue to reference coordinates (horizontal and vertical) to DoD approved WGS 84 spatial reference system. However, from the REST endpoint of a hosted service, the spatial reference being used may appear as 102100 (3857). Using Unlike the ellipsoidal Mercator, however, the Web Mercator is not quite conformal. Users are advised that many projected, un-projected, and local spatial coordinate system definitions do not conform to WGS 84.A spherical or Web Mercator spatial reference system uses mathematical formulas and parameters that are incompatible with and non-compliant to the WGS 84. La version "Aux Sphere" a juste un paramètre qui dit d'utiliser le demi-grand axe comme rayon, puis les équations basées sur la sphère.-mkennedy. This is an expected behavior. The reason they deviate is because the Web Mercator specifies that coordinates be given as surveyed on the WGS 84 ellipsoidal model. The value 85.051129° is the latitude at which the full projected map becomes a square, and is computed as The projection is neither strictly ellipsoidal nor strictly spherical. The only way I can really think of to "reproject" the WKID 3857 service to display correctly in Google Earth would be to reproject is intentionally by re-publishing it in your ArcGIS Server instance locally.

The layer, Protecting Agencies, cannot be added to the map. Autodesk is a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. Please bookmark the new location for Services such as Google Maps cut off coverage at 85.051129° north and south.