He is so tired of Abidjan…”Another Compaoré, Pascal Compaoré is a member of the CDP, heads the village where the former Burkinabe leader was born. He takes it without saying anything. Blaise Compaore An estimate of 3 million citizens headed to the polls on 21 November 2010 to re‐elect the incumbent, President Blaise Compaore, who appears confident that he will win an outright majority in the first round. Two other judicial sources who wished to remain anonymous confirmed the warrant. He was a top associate of President Thomas Sankara during the 1980s, and in October 1987, he led a coup d'état during which Sankara was killed. Même si personne ne le souhaite, l’ambiance actuelle en prélude des élections présidentielles d’octobre 2020 ne rassure pas.Au cas où les protagonistes ne se comprennent pas, l’ancien président du Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaoré pourrait poser ses valises au Togo. He even changed from its colonial name of Upper Volta to its current name of Burkina Faso, which translates roughly as "Land of Upright Man" or "Nation of Incorruptibles". Born Terrasson de Fougères, his Franco-Ivorian wife is at home in Abidjan, near her sisters, whom she often sees. It has long been understood that he was killed by an armed group during the coup, but Mr Compaore's exact role in the affair has always been in dispute. But Blaise, on the other hand, has trouble getting used to it.For more than four years now, since his escape from the presidential palace on 31 October 2014, the former Burkinabe president has been moping around. Subsequently, he introduced a policy of "rectification", overturning the leftist and Third Worldist policies pursued by Sankara. Silent, secretive and cautious, he was nevertheless unable to hide his distress when his brother, François Compaoré was arrested at Roissy airport in October 2017.At the end of June 2019, the French courts authorized François’ extradition to Burkina Faso. Bien avant cette date, le 12 mai de la même année, une rencontre sur les mêmes questions bilatérales et sur le renforcement de l’intégration sous-régionale avait déjà eu lieu.Saisissez votre adresse e-mail pour vous abonner à Doingbuzz et recevoir une notification de chaque nouvel article par e-mail.Au cas où les prochaines élections en Côte d’ivoire se passaient mal, Blaise Compaoré pourrait venir au Togo. france – rwanda: des parlementaires français en visite au rwanda; gusaba ubufatanye mu nkundura y’ukuri n’ubutabera : ibaruwa ya fondation ibukabose-rengerabose ku bahoze mu buyobozi bwa gisivili n’ubwa gisilikare mu rwanda nyuma y’aho fpr-inkotanyi ifatiye ubutegetsi ku ngufu muri 1994. Yet many of us warned him that this constitutional amendment was too risky,” he continues.

He was merely confirming what military spokesmen had already told a rapturous crowd gathered in front of the army headquarters in Ouagadougou. Car, le capitaine Blaise Compaoré qui était en voyage au moment de l’arrestation de Sankara, a appris la nouvelle dès son retour au pays. In Ziniaré, a small town about 30km from Ouaga, the former president still owns a large residence, and the park surrounding it. We were talking to him but he was not there,” said one of his advisors. But the break between Ouattara and Guillaume Soro, who considers Blaise Compaoré as his father, has put some distance between them.

So when he smiles or is in a teasing mood, you say to yourself that you’re fine,” says another.But in Blaise Compaoré’s living room, we meet the same men as before in Kosyam’s corridors: his adviser, Moustapha Ould Limam Chafi, former ministers Boureima Badini and Salif Kaboré, and former chief of staff, Assimi Kouanda. Politicians, entrepreneurs, friends… it’s one of the most popular places in the area to celebrate the New Year.He’s having fun, alongside his wife, Chantal. Faure Gnassingbé avait même eu une séance de travail avec son homologue burkinabè, Blaise Compaoré en juillet 2014. He is sometimes seen on the beach of Assinie. While the current president, Alassane Ouattara, is widely considered a democrat, handing his guest over to face trial could lead to consequences from allies of Mr Compaore, who is still considered a powerful figure in the region.
He also refused foreign aid, banned expensive cars for government officials, and introduced progressive social policies such as outlawing female genital mutilation. Dans le contexte actuel, le président Alassane Ouattara est poussé vers un troisième mandat. The exiled former dictator of the west African state of Blaise Compaore, who was overthrown last year after 27 years in power, was charged by Burkina Faso’s new government with the "assassination" of his predecessor, Thomas Sankara, a charismatic revolutionary often dubbed "The African Che Guevara". At first, he was stunned, almost disoriented.
He said the charges were murder and complicity in the assassination, among others.