This is often ECO4CO – Earth Cognitive System for CoViD-19 – a platform created by Telespazio and e-GEOS (a company owned by ASI, 20%, and Telespazio, 80%), and winner within the Health Emergency category of the worldwide involve “Innovative Ideas and Technologies vs. COVID-19 and beyond”, launched by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) in response …

como potencia mundial espacial, siendo España el...Telespazio Ibérica, junto a GAF (Alemania), Airbus Defence and Space, (Alemania, Francia y España), GMV (España), GMV Skysoft (Portugal), IABG (Alemania) y SIRS (Francia), en un consorcio liderado por e-GEOS, ha resultado adjudicatario de la prestación de servicios al...La UTE formada por EDEF (líder), COTESA y Telespazio Ibérica ha finalizado la ejecución del proyecto “Actualización de la cartografía urbana de Madrid a escalas 1:1.000, 1:5.000 y 1.20.000”, con el que el Ayuntamiento de Madrid renueva la cartografía de todo el...Este sitio web utiliza cookies para que usted tenga la mejor experiencia de usuario. Through Telespazio Ibérica in Spain,e-GEOS in Italy and GAF in Germany – Telespazio is active in all areas relating to the Earth observation market: from acquiring and processing satellite data to developing and selling software and involved in the E-GNSS programs, both EGNOS and GALILEO performing User Services activities to support GSA, integrated in the ESSP Team for EGNOS Service Centre and in GSC – GNSS Service Centre, both in Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid. Actualmente Europa se sitúa en segundo lugar tras EE.UU. Si continúa navegando está dando su consentimiento para la aceptación de las mencionadas cookies y la aceptación de nuestra A partir del 1 de Agosto pasado, se ha hecho efectiva la incorporación del Sr. Miguel Bermudo Piñero como nuevo Consejero Delegado de Telespazio...  Con apenas 50 años de vida, un sector tan joven como el espacial ha demostrado su transversalidad y extraordinaria capacidad para transformar... Telespazio Ibérica, as member of the consortium integrated by Planetek Italia (leader), Geoville and Planetek Hellas, participates in...Telespazio Group is one of the major global suppliers of geospatial application solutions and services. La EEA pretende enriquecer la componente Local de la familia...  Con apenas 50 años de vida, un sector tan joven como el espacial ha demostrado su transversalidad y extraordinaria capacidad para transformar la sociedad. Through Telespazio Ibérica in Spain,e-GEOS in Italy and GAF in Germany – Telespazio is active in all areas relating to the Earth observation market: from acquiring and processing satellite data to developing and selling software and products. como potencia mundial espacial, siendo España el... Telespazio Ibérica, together with GAF (Germany), Airbus Defense and Space, (Germany, France and Spain), GMV (Spain), GMV Skysoft (Portugal), IABG (Germany) and SIRS (France), in a consortium led by e -GEOS, has been awarded the provision of services to the... Telespazio Ibérica, as part of the consortium led by e-Geos (Telespazio / Italian Space Agency), will participate in the provision of the Emergency Management Service within the Copernicus Program. Thus EEA intends to enrich the Local...  Con apenas 50 años de vida, un sector tan joven como el espacial ha demostrado su transversalidad y extraordinaria capacidad para transformar la sociedad.
Telespazio Group is one of the major global suppliers of geospatial application solutions and services.

Telespazio Ibérica, as member of the consortium integrated by Planetek Italia (leader), Geoville and Planetek Hellas, participates in the first Very High Resolution Copernicus product on European Coastal Zones.