Some 36 higher ranking officers from each of the G5 countries benefitted from this training and now share a joint military culture which will strengthen cohesion and interoperability between the various armed forces in the Sahel. The Joint Force has successfully carried out several operations, with others planned for 2019.
More than 16 weeks of training are also dedicated to learning operational methods (lessons and practical exercises).The second intake will have its operational training extended to 19 weeks and will be eligible for a Master 2 qualification in Defence and International Relations.Efforts made to ensure regional security will be ineffective unless they are accompanied by To stabilize the region and prevent violent radicalization, it is crucial to create the conditions for This requires greater efforts to boost development in the region. Its strategic control is ensured by the G5 Sahel defence ministers meeting. Its operations target border areas in three zones: the West zone, which has its command post (CP) in Néma, Mauritania; the Centre zone, which has its CP in Niamey, Niger; and the East zone, which has its CP in N’Djamena, Chad. The Collège project was launched in 2018 by the 5 Sahel countries and was supported by France and other international partners from the outset.The training course is based on two key elements: operations and academics. A parachute drop of combat food rations for ground troops was also carried out.An image released by the FCG5S appeared to show an airdrop from a French C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, although Niger’s air force also operates the type. One of the structures launched by the G5 in the field of security is the G5 Sahel Joint Force, created in 2017 by the 5 States of the region.France is one of the countries that support both of these exemplary initiatives.The G5 Sahel, which is headquartered in Nouakchott, is an On 2 July 2017, G5 Sahel leaders officially launched the The Joint Force has been endorsed by the African Union Peace and Security Committee and At full operational capability, the Joint Force will have 5,000 soldiers (seven battalions spread across three zones: West, Centre and East). A parachute drop of combat food rations for ground troops was also carried out.An image released by the FCG5S appeared to show an airdrop from a French C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, although Niger’s air force also operates the type. It brings together the main multilateral and bilateral development partners of Sahel States. Launched in 2017, the G5 Sahel Joint Force is long-planned 4,500-strong joint counter-terrorism force comprises troops from Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger and Mauritania. Aircraft from both forces provided transport and reconnaissance support.

The Joint Force of the Group of Five of the Sahel (Force Conjointe du G5 Sahel or FC-G5S) is the latest initiative by African member states to reduce the threat of terrorism in the Sahel, a region that is often framed as an arc of instability. This agreement seeks to better coordinate donors’ support and the needs expressed by Sahel countries, in order to improve the effectiveness of development assistance in the region.All rights reserved - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs - 2020 La FC-G5S est dotée d’un concept d’opérations dual et évolutif To coordinate their actions, the Heads of State of the region created the G5 Sahel in 2014, an intergovernmental cooperation framework, in order to put forward a regional response to the various challenges.

To coordinate their actions, the Heads of State of the region created the G5 Sahel in 2014, an intergovernmental cooperation framework, in order to put forward a regional response to the various challenges. It is intended to be flexible in order to adapt to the changing threat environment and intervention priorities. It is a The donors in the Sahel Alliance will fund more than On 30 October 2018, the G5 Sahel signed a partnership agreement with the Sahel Alliance. La nouvelle force conjointe du G5 Sahel, dont l'opérationnalisation a été actée début juillet 2017, a suscité beaucoup d'espoir depuis sa création, dans la région du Sahel et au-delà. The Alliance’s goal is to speed up aid deployment and ensure it is not spread too thinly, especially in the most vulnerable areas. France spearheaded the G5 Sahel initiative, but it has been undermined by lack of training, poor equipment and a shortage of funds.
These sums are being used to train and equip the G5 Sahel Joint Force.As part of its mandate to support the development and continuity of regional security activities, the G5 Sahel drew up a On 6 December 2018, an international donor conference took place in Nouakchott to fund the PIP programme. It was followed by a donor conference for the G5 Sahel Joint Force, held in Brussels by the European Union, the African Union, the UN and the G5 Sahel on 23 February 2018.Following these two events, which confirmed the international community’s commitment to the Sahel, financial contributions totalling €414 million were pledged. The Collège project was launched in 2018 by the 5 Sahel countries and was supported by France and other international partners from the outset.The training course is based on two key elements: operations and academics. Its operations target border areas in three zones: the West zone, which has its command post (CP) in Néma, Mauritania; the Centre zone, which has its CP in Niamey, Niger; and the East zone, which has its CP in N’Djamena, Chad. In response, the G5 Sahel ramped up its security efforts by launching a joint security force (Force Conjointe du G5 Sahel) to combat terrorism, drug trafficking, and human trafficking in 2017. The geography, history, geopolitics and sociology classes focused on the Sahel give the officers better knowledge and understanding of the Sahel which enables them to have a comprehensive approach to resolving crises in the Sahel.