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site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under Anybody can answer CRS used by Google Earth NAD83 (EPSG:4269) ##Most commonly used by U.S. federal agencies. Detailed answers to any questions you might have ( any case: No difference, just like everyone else is saying, except in the very nitty gritty details of how they are used.TLDR: No one says "the EPSG 4326 ellipsoid" as part of a coordinate system definition.As far as I can see the two are the same thing. Start here for a quick overview of the site If you're really going to pick a nit: EPSG 4326 defines a full coordinate reference system, providing spatial meaning to otherwise meaningless pairs of numbers.

I happen to come across a slight confusion while querying planet_osm_lines when I dump (St_DumpPoints) LineString into point and trying to get long/lat from that point.

For example, you can have "meters northing and easting as measured upon the cylinder formed by projecting the WGS84 ellipsoid using a transverse mercator projection with a central meridian of -123 degrees". This standard includes the definition of the coordinate system's fundamental and derived constants, the ellipsoidal Earth Gravitational Model, a description of the associated World Magnetic Model, and a current list of local datum transformations. Even for (conformal) Mercator and Transverse Mercator, distances and areas are only preserved near the chosen latitude and longitude of true scale. SPHEROID["World Geodetic System of 1984, GEM 10C",6378137,298.257223563, The Overflow Blog

The Overflow Blog Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled NAD27 (EPSG: 4267) ##Old version of NAD83 Projected (Easting/Northing) UTM, Zone 10 (EPSG: 32610) ## Zone 10 is used in the Pacific Northwest Mercator (EPSG…

It means "latitude and longitude coordinates on the WGS84 reference ellipsoid.

It only takes a minute to sign up.I'm trying to work out the details of using pyproj to translate the lat lon coordinates from the with some width and height dimensions. Anybody can ask a question The best projection code is the 1) The coordinates in (EPSG) 4326 are long/lat, and they are in decimal degrees. Geographic Information Systems It only takes a minute to sign up.What is the difference between WGS84 and EPSG 4326? AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including The confusion arise because Google Map shows (SRID) 900913 coordinates as long/lat degrees when they are actually easting/northing meters. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us If I then think that my data is in EPSG:4326 (or any other geographic coordinate system), the border will NOT be following the 49th latitude, but go along a great circle that cuts into Canada. August 2020 um 19:58 Uhr bearbeitet. Powered by EPSG database 9.8 It only takes a minute to sign up.I want to know that what is the type of projection (900913, 4326 or so on..) of long/lat co-ordinates. Ask Question Asked today. The World Geodetic System is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and satellite navigation including GPS. This … Featured on Meta Start here for a quick overview of the site Find a coordinate system and get position on a map. such as: I would be very helpful to have a clear understanding on these confusion from you guys.There are hundreds of pre-defined geographic coordinate system (GCS) EPSG codes, and an infinite number of potential GCS strings. This …