You were fantastic. Depuis mars 2017, Sigrid Blehle fait partie de l’équipe médicale de la BCA-clinic et occupe le poste d’Adjoint du Directeur, le Dr. Nicolaus.Sigrid Blehle est membre de la Deutsche Borreliose Gesellschaft (Association Allemande de Borreliose) ainsi que de ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, USA).

Vielen Dank für alles!Nach 14 Jahren Kranksein fand ich hier endlich die eine Antwort auf meine wichtigste Frage: "Was habe ich?" Die Behandlung verlief mit Höhen und Tiefen, in der 7. I had headaches and fainting every day.

An alle Patienten: Sie sind am richtigen Ort mit den richtigen Leuten! From Western Blot Tests indicating no positive bands to patients that arrive in wheelchairs and later walk out our front door, we can say that our research and dedication have made a difference in the lives of our patients. E-Mail: Seit Jahren reise ich durch die ganze Welt und suche die besten Ärzte auf, die es gibt. Betriebs GmbH & Co. KG Morellstraße 33 86159 Augsburg Germany.

I can't thank you all enough.I'm so glad I was in the BCA clinic. Our patient care representatives are waiting to help you.Feel free to email any questions you may have to and our team of patient care representatives will be available to respond within 24-48 business hours.As you embark on your journey to healing, it can be easy for the “next step” to seem more like a daunting leap.By taking a personalized approach, our medical staff are attentive to every detail of each patient’s specific needs.We offer a wide variety of alternative and conventional treatment options aimed at getting you in the best health possible.Sign up for a free treatment consultation to receive more information about the BCA-Clinic and learn if you qualify.Located in Augsburg Germany, the BCA-Clinic is a premier medical facility providing advanced, research-based alternative and conventional medical treatments to patients needing to improve their health and overcome tickborne ilLocated in Augsburg Germany, the BCA-Clinic is a premier medical facility providing advanced, research-based alternative and conventional medical treatments to patients needing to improve their health and overcome tickborne diseases, particularly Lyme Disease, Bartonella, Babesia, Morgellons, and associated tickborne coinfections. You can bid in 9 countries, both online and at physical auctions on a huge range of vehicles ranging from cars to LCVs and Plant. Carsten Nicolaus. The disease is spread through tick bites. BCA is different. Sigrid Blehle, MD, MBA. Les tests sérodiagnostiques de la Borréliose de Lyme sont insuffisamment précis, constate le Dr Armin Schwarztbach, du BCA ( centre de Borréliose d’Augsburg en Allemagne ) lire la suite → Previous Question écrite au sénat le 06 juin 2013 Je tenais à faire un petit compte rendu de mes séjours à la clinique BCA de Augsbourg en Allemagne. Ihr wart fantastisch. The organs that make up the body all need to be fed andDear patients, dear business partners,  We inform you that the Dr. med. I Conférenciers de la BCA-clinic Augsburg. Soit on reste 3 semaines sur place, ils mettent le traitement en place en clinique de jour, et on prend les médecines alternatives en fonction des désirs de chacun. BCA is different. Der Preis zeichnet herausragende Leistungen im Bereich Gesundheit und Pflege aus und soll innovative Ideen fördernUnser Labor ist bereits seit 2013 akkreditiert. Ich kann Ihnen allen nicht genug danken.Ich bin so froh, dass ich in der BCA-clinic war. From Western Blot Tests indicating no positive bands to patients that arrive in wheelchairs and later walk out our front door, … BCA Clinic Testimonials Read More »